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“What If’s” and “If Only’s”

How many “what ifs” and “if onlys” do you say every day? If only I had that car, if only I could go to
that place. What if the world could live in peace? What if we could travel at the speed of light? What if
we could see in black and white? What if there were aliens on mars?

I bet that got you curious enough ;). Let’s take it one thing at a time. About the “what ifs”, those will
be categorized into things you can do and don’t have the guts or initiative to do. Things you really want
but think are unattainable so you give up or not try hard enough. And finally, things that you want to
happen and are not up to you, so you just leave them to chance.

An example of something you’re completely capable of doing but too lazy or procrastinating to, is
studying, or learning a new language. This could add to your life and make it richer. And let’s face it, it’s
only one lifetime that you get buddy. So, this will be my constant in this article so I wouldn’t have to say
it again “You got one life….live it!”

About the second category which holds the things you want but think you can’t really achieve, think
again. Human beings show unthought-of potential when put in certain situations. Think of it as
swimming away from a great white shark, the adrenalin pumps in and you find yourself swimming at a
speed you never thought you could reach. 1 It’s the same with real life situations. If you put your mind to
something, you will get it and your motivation will be your adrenaline. You will do wonders.

We come to the third and last category, that’s where the things that are not up to you are. For example:
whether you’ll get hit by a bus on your way to work today or not, whether you’ll get the swine flu or not.
Sure, you can’t decide these things BUT you can do your part well and hope for the best, meaning you
won’t stand in the middle of the road and hope not to get hit by a bus.

The “what ifs”……those are the most interesting and the endless. Those are what make you wonder how
things could’ve gone if you had done something else instead of what you did (that’s the fifth dimension
of the universe by the way, the fourth is time). Those are what make you wonder about things you don’t
know about, things that will be and things that could be otherwise in the present. I think that the “what
ifs” are the reason for all the scientific development we’re in now. Scientists assume things, they think in
“what ifs” and they tell us something new about our universe. “What ifs” push us forward and outside
the box that’s outside the box creative people think outside, do you get it?

So, the bottom line is: lose your “if only’s” cause there’s nothing you cannot do, and go wild with your
“what ifs” because the universe is your limit.

Great white sharks are incredibly fast, and will probably swallow you up in one mouth half-full, but the point is
the potential you don’t know you have.

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