Not A Cloud Int He Sky. It Is

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Amit gondolunk, hogy meg fog trtnni, de nem vagyunk benne biztosak, de gy
gondoljuk, hogy ez fog trtnni. A msik hasznlat az on-the-spot decision.
(helyben eldnttt dolgok)

The president
serve for four years.
The boss
be happy.
Im sure you
like her.
Im sure he
do a godd job.
I hope you
visit my home some day.
She probably have a great success.
possibly come but I may not get back in time.
I think we
get on well.
Im cold. I
turn ont he heating.

Going to
Biztosan tudjuk, hogy megtrtnik, okunk van r felttelezni, hogy meg fog
trtnni. Biztosak lehetnk benne, mert ltjuk, tudunk valamit, ami miatt nagy
valsznsggel be fog kvetkezni az esemny.

Not a cloud int he sky. It is

Look at the queu. We

to get in for hours.

The traffic is terrible. We

Be careful! You

be a warm day.

miss our flight.

spill your coffee.

Will/going to 1.

The price is too high. They

never get that much for their house.
I called Jerry, but he was busy. He
call me back.
Look at the time! We
be late.
Andrea is off today. She
be back tomorrow.
Eddie has been made a supervisor. I think, he
be good at his
6. Look at the blue sky! It
be a beautiful day.
7. He never arrives on time. He
be late today as well.
8. Freddy doesnt know yet. I
tell him.
9. Theresa doesnt know whether to accept the offer. She
think about
10.Great. Im glad you are coming. I
pick you up at seven.
6, 8, 9,

will: 4, 5, 7 , 10

Will/going to 2.

going to: 1, 2, 3,

1. Id like a cup of tea.

make some.
2. What is Jack studying?
Medicine. He
be a doctor.
3. What are you doing this summer?
spend it in Spain.
4. Can you call him back?
Of course, I
call him now.
5. What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow?
The forecast says, it is
6. Dont forget to give me your keys.
give you them now.
7. Have you decided what to do yet?
Yes, I
sell it.
8. How much have you got to do?
Too much I
never get it finished.
9. How old is Amy?
be forty next year.
10.Is Anne happy in her new job?
No, she is not. She
to resign.
2, 3, 7, 10

Will: 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9

going to:

Will/ goin to 3.

I am sorry. I cant talk now. I

call you later.
Bye. I
see you int he morning.
have a baby in June.
Good idea. We
have a barbecue.
Ive decided to repaint the living room. I
paint it green.
There is not much petrol left. We
run out.
If you dont know how to use it, I
show you.


will:1, 2,4, 7

going to:3, 5, 6

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