Assignment 1

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Question 1:

Let A {2,4,6} , B {2,4,8,9}


Is A a subset of B ?
If not change the set B suitably so that set A becomes subset of B .

Question 2:
Suppose A B then which of the following is true: A C B C or B C A C ?
Question 3a:
Use Venn diagram to prove the following De Morgans law A B AC B C .

Question 3b:
Can you prove the same De Morgans law (as in Q 3a) using the following sets?

A {a, b, c, d , e, f }; B {c, d , e}
The universal set S is the set of all English alphabets.
Question 4:
Verify that A B C A B A C using the following sets:

A {a, b, c, d , e, f }; B {c, d , e}; C {a, e}

The universal set S is the set of all English alphabets.
Question 5:
The number of subsets that can be formed from a given set is 2 n ( n is the number of elements in the
given set). Verify this for the given set A {3,4,5,6} ! Please list out all the subsets.
Question 6:
In a survey of 940 factory workers, 680 owned cycles, 380 owned both cycles and radios, 120 workers
owned cycles and houses but not radios, 620 owned radios and 70 owned all three. Also 250 owned
houses and 110 owned houses and radios.
(a) How many workers owned cycles alone?
(b) How many workers owned houses alone?
(c) How many workers did not own any one of these three things?
Question 7:
Following data are obtained from survey of radio listening habit and cinema viewing habit in a certain
No of people who listen to radio program 1 regularly: 37055
No of people who listen to radio program 2 regularly: 29272
No of people who see cinema regularly: 52606

No of people who listen to both the radio programs regularly: 15078

No of people who listen to both the radio program 1 and cinema regularly: 27341
No of people who listen to both the radio program 2 and cinema regularly: 26272
No of people who listen to both the radio programs and cinema regularly: 9787
How many people do at least one thing?
Question 8:
Can you write down the formula for N A B C D ?

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