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Aperture Measured in f-stops

Smaller the size of lens opening the larger the f-stop #

The lower f-stops give more exposure because they represent
larger apertures, while the higher f-stops give less exposure
because they represent small apertures
An opening that limits the amount of light that goes through
Shutter SpeedDetermines when the camera sensor will open and close to let a
controlled amount of light in.
Measured in seconds, but mostly in fractions of a second (1/60)
Freezes time to capture details of a moving object
Exposure Under exposed- not enough light- dark areas have little detail
Correctly exposed- details in all areas of the picture
Over exposed- too much light- bright areas have little detail
Things to think about when taking your photoIs there enough light? Is there too much light?
What story are you telling?
Are you close enough?
What other angles could you take the photo from?
What is the focal point of the photo?
Is there too much background? Not enough background?
Rule of Thirds- makes the photo more visually pleasing
Divided into 9 parts
The green points, representing the sweet spots, is where you
want your subject to line up with-makes your subject more
When youre not sure where to place your subject place it off

Camera ModesAuto mode Looks at the brightest most prominent photos

Sets all the variables for you
Used for quick shots if you dont know what to do
Camera is guessing to what you want your photo to look
Portrait Mode Close up of someones face
Has a clear image of the face and a blurred background
Ensures your object is the only thing in focus
Macro Mode Allows you to focus on objects that are very close to you
Used when you want to capture the smallest details on
your object
Area of focus is sharp and background is blurred
Use a tripod to keep in focus because it is easy to tell with
the slightest movement
Sports Mode Used to capture action
Camera automatically chooses the fastest shutter speed
Goal is to eliminate any blurriness in the photo so
everything is clear
Program Mode
Semi auto/manual
Automatically chooses the right settings based on what it
Lets you control the IOS, white balance, exposure
compensation, and focus
Shutter priority mode
Allows you to control the shutter speed but the camera
controls everything else
Used to capture motion
Represented by fractions of a second (1/60)
Aperture Priority Mode
You set the aperture and the camera sets the shutter speed
Used when depth of field is an important aspect of your

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