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Robert Simon Fine Art

Peruvian, Cuzco School (Eighteenth Century)

Allegorical Flotill of Salvation
Oil on canvas
49 7/8 x 99 1/2 inches (127 x 253 cm.)
larger view

Boza Vega Len Family, by descent to Guillermo Boza Vega Len, Lima (until 1986);
Francisco de Antequera y Arce, Spanish Ambassador to Ecuador (Quito and Buenos Aires,
Private Collection (2003 - present)
Per Indgena y Virreinal (Peru Indigeneous and Viceregal) Barcelona, Museu Nacional
d'Art de Catalunya (May 25 - August 15, 2004);
Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional (October 22, 2004-January 9, 2005);

Robert Simon Fine Art

Washington, D.C., National Geographic Museum at Explorers Hall (Feb. 25 - May 30,

Barbara von Barghahn, "Imaging the Cosmic Goddess: Sacred Legends and Metaphors for
Majesty", in Temples of Gold, Crowns of Silver: Reflections of Majesty in the Viceregal
Americas, edited by Barbara von Barghahn (Washington D.C.: George Washington
University, 1991), p. 103.

Christopher Chadwick Wilson, "St. Teresa of vila's Holy Patron: Teresian Sources for the
Image of St. Joseph in Spanish American Colonial Art", in Patron Saint of the New World:
Spanish American Colonial Images of St. Joseph, ed. Joseph F. Chorpenning, exh. cat.
Philadelphia: St. Joseph's University, February 21- March 27,1992, p. 12, pl. 7.
Rafael Lpez Guzmn, ed., Per Indgena y Virreinal,.exh. cat (Madrid 2004) p. 232, pl.
2012 Robert Simon Fine Art
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