Government System of Turkey

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Executive BranchCurrent president:

Tayyip Erdogan
A president is elected every 5 years. The president does not

have to be a member of parliament, but they must be over 40

years old and at least hold a bachelors degree.
Prime Minister is appointed by the president and approved
through a vote of confidence by Parliament.
Council of Ministers is the Parliament of Turkey

Legislative BranchCurrent Speaker of Parliament:

Cemil Cicek

Power is vested in the 550 seat Grand National Assembly of

Turkey which represents 81 provinces.
4 year terms are elected by proportional representation.
To be represented in parliament, a party must win at least 10%
of the national vote.

Judicial BranchMinister of Justice:

Sadullah Ergin

There is no jury system, judges base decisions on the facts that

are presented to them by the lawyers and prosecutors. Very
strict court system.
The judge has jurisdiction over misdemeanors and petty crimes
The Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors is the principal
body charged with responsibility for ensuring judicial integrity,
and determines professional judges acceptance and court
Turkey accepts the European Court of Human Rights' decisions
as a higher court decision. Turkey also accepts as legally
binding any decisions on international agreements.
Yargtay acts as the Supreme Court of judiciary tribunals
Dantay is the highest of administrative courts. Anayasa Mahkemesi examines the
constitutionality of laws, decrees having the force of law (decret-loi), changes of parliamentary
by-laws and several other acts of the parliament.
Saytay is the court which examines the incomes and expenses of the administrative bodies
and which acts in the name of parliament. The Military Court of Cassation and The Military
High Court of Administration are the highest bodies to which appeals of decisions of military
courts are to be made.
Turkey adopted a new national "Judicial Networking System" (UYAP). The court decisions and
documents (case info, expert reports, etc.) will be accessible via the Internet.

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