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ISTC 301/501

Podcast Assignment 1 - After listening to the podcast of your choice (from list in
Bboard), use this form to complete the assignment. Submit in Bboard in the
appropriate area in Assignments.
Your Name:
Hannah Scott
The title of the podcast you listened to:
Think youre an auditory or visual learner? Scientists say its unlikely.
A brief summary of the topic/content of the podcast:
An exploration of how information is ACTUALLY absorbed in the classroom.
(learning styles vs. evidence-based teaching practices)
Your reaction: What did you learn? What interested you about this podcast?
I guess I always assumed that teaching to student strengths was a beneficial
practice in the classroom, but after listening to the podcast and briefly studying
UDL, I have learned that variety in the classroom is the key to academic success.
Variety is shown to support attention and retention.
A good take-away from the podcast: Learn something once then learn it again in a
different way.
Secondly, I learned that our brains retain information better when learning is spread
over long periods of time. In hindsight, that seems like common sense, but I can see
how something so seemingly simple can be overlooked.

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