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Marlovy Tovar Trujillo - Sandra Bohrquez Sierra- Geraldyn Duarte Quintero

Professional practices
Research topic
The university doesnt establish the minimum salary of the practitioners with the companies
where they do their practicum

Research question

Why do the companies that have an agreement with the university establish different
salaries for the practitioners?

Objective general

Determine that factors contribute to that the university makes agreements with
different companies about the salary of its practitioners.

Objectives specifics

interviewing people involved with the approval of agreements with the companies
collect information to create the theoretical framework
Identify which are the laws of Colombia where a practitioner salary stipulated in the

Marlovy Tovar Trujillo - Sandra Bohrquez Sierra- Geraldyn Duarte Quintero

We have taken experiences and testimonies of teachers and students technological education
and technique in Colombia that they consider that practices or internships are of great
importance to put into practice all of the knowledge and theory given at the classrooms, Like
integral part of the academic and formative process.
But it is very important that universities locate Companies of the productive sectors of the
different areas of the knowledge, the companies should to offer a space of safety and learning
for the students.
The proposal that wants to make itself known by means of this work is to generate conscience
so much at the institutions of education like to the companies in order that during practices
there are guarantees to the students by means of an agreement where stipulated a legal
minimum wage, affiliation to health and a labor schedule in agreement to the educational
Theoretical framework
The Learning Contract is a special form of labor law that aims to facilitate the development
of the learning acquired during the period of theoretical training, apprenticeship and
university students, in exchange for a sponsoring company to provide the means to acquire
professional, methodical and complete training in the profession, or occupation. (Act 789,
2002). Who are the beneficiaries of the Learning Contract? The SENA learning and
institution companies, students of institutions of technical and technological education,
College students whose programs have a practical phase, all companies may be beneficiaries
and sponsors of an apprenticeship contract.
What is the primary obligation of learning and university students in a Learning Contract?
Perform the activities assigned by the sponsoring company fulfilling the duties agreed in the
Learning Agreement. These activities are advisable that are consistent with their training.
What are the obligations of the companies in a Learning Contract? During the teaching phase
and practical phase, all learners will:
Have affiliation to the Social Security System in Health, based on trading one (1)
minimum wage.
Membership of the System Safety.
Receive company support monthly support it at least in the teaching phase, equivalent to
50% of one (1) minimum wage.

In practicum phase should be equivalent to 75% of a minimum wage.

Marlovy Tovar Trujillo - Sandra Bohrquez Sierra- Geraldyn Duarte Quintero

Important: SENA allocates part of the funds raised by monetization (20% of the total) to
provide support for SENA students, levels 1 and 2. This 20% will also be used for the
payment of the insurance policy and to acquire elements of industrial safety and the
provision of clothing.
University students:
- The monthly economic support may not be less than one (1) minimum wage
Important: In any case, financial support will be considered as salary, except for
purposes of the tax deduction is Law 115 of 1994 (Article 189)
Activities undertaken by learning and college students are advisable that are
consistent with their training and corresponding to the business process that will
take charge.

The professional practicum is covered under Colombian law stating that companies should
recognize students payment seventy-five percent (75%) of the positions held and must be
affiliated with an insurer of occupational hazards. Fundacion Universitaria Monserrate
should enforce this law when the contract with the companies receive the practitioners and
apply the rights of students of the institution is generated. On the other hand the practicum
agreement needs more regulation by the university administration and government, since this
law is only on paper but is not applied by companies.

The practicum, workouts or formative activities are a requirement to culminate their studies,
these activities are of several types according to their purposes and the level of formation.
Therefore, practicum should cover the General System of Labor Risks.
In the practicum specific skills should be developed in the student in a particular workplace,
these practicum has to familiarize students with the environment in which the student will
work after completing his or her studies.

Marlovy Tovar Trujillo - Sandra Bohrquez Sierra- Geraldyn Duarte Quintero


IDEE .2010. Reglamento de prcticas y cesantas. Recuperado de
Mintrabajo. 2015. Estudiantes debern estar afiliados al sistema de riesgos laborales.
Recuperado de
Mintrabajo,M, d.(2015) ABC contrato de aprendizaje. Obtenido de

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