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Academy of Tucson
Instructor: Mr. Le Peau
Web Page:
(520) 733-0096
Welcome to Mr. Le Peaus Government class! I am excited to work with you this year. To be
successful in Government, students must demonstrate both a strong work ethic and a potential for
critical reasoning. Students will learn to take notes from printed materials, lectures and
documentaries. Students will also be able to research and present both oral and written analytical
arguments. Students will also know how to cite sources and credit the phrases and ideas of
Text Materials:
Student Text Book, Magruders American Government
Home Work: 20%
Tests/Quizzes: 40%
Papers/Presentations: 25%
Participation: 15%
Participation is determined once a quarter, vocal classroom participation is required at least once
a week. For some students this will be difficult since it will take them out of their comfort zone.
However, this will ultimately make them stronger students. The grade will also be determined by
how will the student stays on task and works with other students.
Late Work:
The Policy on late work at the Academy of Tucson is that all assignments are expected to be
turned in on the date it was assigned due and students should discuss any problem they may have
meeting assignment deadlines in order for individual teachers to clarify assignments or make
adjustments in their requirements. Please see me if you have any dire circumstances when it
comes to late work. A standard deduction for late work in my class is 25-30% if submitted within
the week and 50% after.
Absences/ Make-Up Work:
If you are sick, stay home and get better. However, it is your responsibility to make sure you get
any information you need on missing assignments or home work that is due from a classmate or
the teacher. If anything is unclear, see the teacher. You are allotted one day to make up work for
excused absences only.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at or
through the school office at (520) 733-0096

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