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Name: _____________________________ Date: _________ Period: ______ Science

Graphing Unit Review Questions
Correctly label the x and y axis for the following experiment scenarios:
1. You are investigating whether or not soda drinkers have more cavities in their

2. You are investigating how tall a plant will grow if it is kept in a windowless closet
vs. outside.

3. Perform a random sample of this class to find out how many students have at
least one pet dog currently in their home. Describe this process in the space below.

4. Graph the data from your random sample about class dog ownership.

5. What is the mode of hair color occurring in the classroom?

6. Calculate the mean age of everyone in the classroom.

7. Without using any words, demonstrate how a scientist might estimate the amount
of bacteria found on all the countertops in the classroom.

Level 1
8. Which types of graphs would be good options for displaying qualitative data?
9. Which types of graphs would be good options for displaying quantitative data?
10. Draw a line graph showing a direct relationship.

11. Draw a line graph showing an indirect relationship.

Level 2
12. How are bar graphs and pie charts similar?

13. Describe how a scientist would collect, organize and communicate their data from the a
random sample to find the relative abundance of colors in Smarties candies.

14. You own a factory that makes pineapple sorbet and want to make sure all the sorbet you
produce is full of delicious pineapple goodness like your ads claim. Design a random sample
quality control test. Will you test all of your sorbet that you make? How will you choose your
samples to ensure they are randomly selected?

Graph Analysis
For questions 15-18, identify the correct type(s) of graph to use for the following
experimental scenarios and explain why that graph would be best:
15. You are investigating the distribution of smarties flavors

16. You are investigating whether or not vinegar will increase bean growth over 7 days.

17. You took a survey on the number of different types of Halloween costumes you saw this
year. Your data is below. What type of graph should you use and why?
Costume Type

Percentage of trick-ortreaters








18. You are investigating if outside temperature affects the number of brains zombies will eat in
one night. Your data is below. What type of graph should you use and why?
Outside Temperature
(degrees Celsius)

Number of Brains Eaten






For questions 19 and 20, write one-two complete sentences describing what conclusions
you can draw based on the data displayed in the graphs.

19. What can you conclude about the data displayed in the graph below?


20. What can you conclude about the data displayed in the graph below?
Temperatures for the week of Aug. 3, 2013

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