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WRATH OF THE SEVEN HORSEMEN “ A Champions Adventure by Andrew Robinson Editor —Pamela Peterson Series Editor —Steve Peterson Cover Art — Denis Loubet Cover Graphics — Rick Britton Interior Art — Jason Waltrip Production — Coleman Charlton, Jessica Ney, John David Ruemmier, Suzanne Young, Kurt Fischer, Rick Britton Proofing — Rob Bell, Heike Kubasch, Coleman Chariton Dedicated to Steve Peterson, who asked for it. Another Heroic Creation of Alluvial Games. ‘Thanks to David Berge, Dennis Mallonee, and Barry Wilson for playtesting, and special thanks to the Bay Area PROTECTORS, for taking the lumps. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages * INTRODUCTION + BACKGROUND 3—Birth of the Horsemen + GM NOTES 5 — Adding New Villains to Your Campaign ‘5 —Matching Villains to the Heroes 6 —Hooks + THE OPENING SCENE 7 —Primus and the Stone Crown ‘9 — Transformation ‘9 —The Worm Scepter + INTERIM SCENARIOS }10 — Battle on the Ice: The Horsemen in Norway + SERVITORS OF THE ANCIENT ONES 112 — Saucer Introduction }15 —Saucer Description + THE NORWEGIAN OPTIONS 18-19 — Norwegian Sea Ranger, Northern Star + THE ANCIENT ONES 20-21 — Elder White Crawler, White Crawler Larvae 22.23 — Prime, Black Death + THE HORSEMEN 24-25 —— Famine, Death 26-27 — War, Fear 28-29 —— Destruction, Plague 30 —Dread + MAP OF ONLESA WRATH OF THE SEVEN HORSEMEN™ is Hero Games’ radomar fort syserhera roleplaying game using the Her system. ‘Champions and Champions, The Super Feleplaying Game™ are Hero Games ademas ors supemhero roleplaying game using the Her Systom, Hero System's Heo Gamoe vacemar ore rolepayeg system. WRATH OF THE SEVEN HORSEMEN Copii 1967 Hero Games. Allright reserve. {Chanpions Copyright© 198, 1084 by Hera Games. Als resorved. Horo Sytem Copyright © S984 Hero Games. Alrighs reserved No par ons book may be reprodicedorransmitedn any form or by ary means, elecreric or mechanical inccng ptocopyng (xcept Character Sheets for personal use aly) recording, o comput, ey ary rermaton sorage and renevaleytom, without permission mwrieg tom the Pubishor Fon Crown Erieries, ne, P.O. Box 1605, Charen, VA 20502 Printed in U.S.A. Fret Prnting May 1987 Produced & Distributed byron Crown Ertorpos, ne, the excluive manufacturer o Hero Games. Stock# 31 ISBN 0-915705.068 INTRODUCTION Wrath Of The Seven Horsemen is a muli-part adven- ture scenario for Champions which can be freely inserted into most campaigns or even serve as the basis for a ‘campaign. Each scenario section wil logically lead into the next, providing for a smooth flow of play. The sections may be played immediately one after another, or instead follow

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