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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 25, 2015

What is the most precious jewel for any woman and why? Bhagawan firmly
reinforces today.
Modesty is essential for woman. Overstepping the limits
of modesty is against her innate dharma; crossing its
limits brings about many calamities, including destroying
the very glory of womanhood. Without modesty, woman
is devoid of beauty and culture. Absence of modesty
makes the life of a woman, however rich in other
accomplishments, a vacuum. Modesty lifts her to the
heights of sublime holiness. Modesty is a blend of these
qualities - humility, purity of thought and manners,
meekness, surrender to high ideals, sensitivity and
sweetness of temper. It is the most invaluable of all
jewels for women. Through her innate sense of
propriety, a modest woman will ever keep within limits.
She becomes automatically aware which behaviour is
proper and which is not. Modesty is the true test of a
womans grandeur. A modest woman will stick only to
virtuous deeds and behavior, and will wield authority in
the home and outside, in the community as well as in
the world.
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 4.

Modesty is the most precious and priceless jewel for any woman. Baba
25 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: iksy vI mihlw leI,swirAW qoN izAwdw kImqI ikhVw gihxw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,zor dy ky smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: iek mihlw leI SrmIlw(inmrqw vwlI jW B`drpn dw hoxw) hoxw zrUrI hY[jy mihlw,Awpxy ies gux dw
pwlx nhIN krdI qW ieh aus dI AMqr-Awqmw dy Drm qoN briKlwP hY[ies B`drpn dy gux dI Gwt kwrx,aus
au`qy keI musIbqW Aw jWdIAW jn[ie`QoN qweIN ik aus dI mihlwpn dI ie`zq nUM,Tys phuMcdI hY[B`drpn qoN
ibnW,koeI vI mihlw,AwpxI suMdrqw Aqy s`iBXqw qoN bMicq hI rhy gI[B`drpnqw qoN ibnW,aus dy jIvn iv`c,nw
Brn vwlw KwlIpn Aw jWdw hY[B`drpn dy hox kwrx aus dI piv`qrqw,bhuq aUMcweIAW qy cVH jWdI hY[sBwau iv`c
imTws,inmrqw,ivcwrW Aqy brqwau iv`c Su`Dqw,au`qm AwdrS Aqy hr cMgI Aqy mwVI hwlq iv`c jldI pRBwvq
hoxw,ieh swry guxW dy imSrx nwl,mihlwvW iv`c B`drpn dw gux AwauNdw hY[ieh swry gux hI iek mihlw dy
kImqI gihxy hn[ieh guxW kwrx hI ie`k mihlw,AwpxI sImw iv`c rihMdI hY[aus nUM,Awpxy-Awp hI pqw lg
jWdw hY ik ikhVw brqwau cMgw hY Aqy ikhVw mwVw hY[mihlw dw sdwcwr hI ,aus dy B`drpn dw tYst hY[iek

B`dr mihlw,hmySw Awpxy kImqI guxW Aqy ivvhwr kwrx,Awpxy Gr Aqy bwhr Aqy smwj iv`c ie`zq kmwauNdI
hY[(Drm vwihnI,A`iDAwey cwr)
iksy vI mihlw dw Anmol gihxw,aus iv`c B`drpn dw gux hoxw hY[(bwbw)[

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