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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 27, 2015

In the present times, immodesty is very prevalent. How should a woman

conduct oneself, especially when confused or troubled by peer groups?
Bhagawan explains to us today.

Some might question, Women who have swallowed all the

compunctions of modesty are being honoured today! They strut about
with heads erect, and the world honours them not a whit less. How is
that so, if modesty is all important? I have no need to acquaint Myself
with these activities of the present-day world. I do not concern Myself
with them. They may receive honour and respect of a sort, but the
respect is not authorized or deserved. When honour is offered to the
undeserving, it is tantamount to insult; to accept it when offered is to
demean the very gift. It is not honour but flattery that is cast on the
immodest by the selfish and the greedy. A modest woman will never
crave honour or praise. Her attention will always be on the limits that
she should not transgress. Honour and praise come to her unasked
and unnoticed. The honey in the flower or lotus does not crave for
bees; so too is the relationship with a cultured woman who knows her
limits and the respect she evokes and deserves.
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 4.

Be clear and content. Be moderate and wise. Be vigilant and steady.

Be earnest and sweet. Baba
27 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: A`j-k`l ASlIlqw bhuq zorW qy hY[ies qrHW dy hwlwqW iv`c,iek mihlw nUM,iks qrHW dw brqwau krnw
cwhidw hY jd auh,SYqwn lokW dy Gyry iv`c hox Aqy aunHW nUM ieh pqw nw l`gy ik auh ies qrHW dI hwlq iv`c kI
krn?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:ku`J lok,pRSn krdy hn ik auh mihlwvW, ijnHW gusqwKI dIAW swrIAW h`dW pwr kIqIAW hoeIAW hn,aunHW
nUM,A`j-k`l pRSMSw p`qRW nwl ikauN s`nmwinq kIqw jWdw hY[auh,Awpxw isr cuk ky KVIAW ho jWdIAW hn Aqy
s`mwn hwsl kr lYNdIAw hn[ies qrHW ikauN huMdw hY jd ik aus mihlw iv`c B`drqw dw gux huMdw hI nhIN[mYN,A`j
dy sMswr dy ivvhwr iv`c koeI rucI nhIN lYNdw[myrw,ienHW cIzW nwl koeI srokwr nhIN hY[aunHW nUM BwvyN koeI vI
mwn-ie`zq imly pr ies qrHW dI mwn-ie`zq dI koeI mh`qqw nhIN huMdI ikauN jo auh,ies mwn-ie`zq dy h`kdwr
nhIN huMdIAW[jd,iksy nUM koeI pRSMSw p`qr id`qw jWdw hY Aqy auh ies pRSMSw p`qr dw h`kdwr nhIN huMdw qW ieh

aus leI,byie`zqI dw pRqIk huMdw hY Aqy ieh kyvl, aus dI cwplUsI,KudgrzI Aqy lwlc dw hI pRqIk hY[iek
B`dr mihlw nUM,iksy vI iksm dI pRSMSw nhIN cwhIdI huMdI[aus dI nzr ies g`l qy huMdI hY ik aus dI ie`zq qy
koeI vI auMglI nw cu`ky[ies qrHW dy ivcwr r`Kx vwlI mihlw nUM,ibnW khy pRSMSw iml jWdI hY[ijs qrHW,iksy Pu`l
jW kml ivclyy Sihd nUM,mDU m`KIAW dI loV nhIN huMdI,ausy qrHW,iek B`dr mihlw nUM,ijhVI AwpxI h`d iv`c rihMdI
hY,aus nUM,mwn-ie`zq,Awpxy-Awp pRwpq ho jWdI hY[(Drm vwihnI,A`iDAwey cwr)[
mn nUM,swP-SuQrw r`Ko Aqy sMquSt rho[iekswrqw iv`c rho Aqy bu`DImwn bxo[cOk`ny Aqy p`ky ierwdy dy rho Aqy
im`TI bwxI bolo[(bwbw)[

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