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God is guiding me safely on

my journey.
God is guiding me forward
to succeed in the Bar
God is giving me all the
strength I need for the Bar
I trust that God is guiding
me to my next steps.
I have conquered the Bar
I have all it takes to pass
the Bar exams.
I am confident in my ability
to study for and pass the
Bar exams.
I have all the intelligence I
need to pass the Bar
I have all the courage I need
today to face my
I believe in myself and my
I am confident, motivated
and persistent.

I am a great issue-spotter
and essay writer.
I am a great legal writer.
I have what it takes and can
do what it takes.
I am giving up my need for
self-pity today.
I am willing to move
forward, in spite of my
I am successful in all that I
do today.
I surrender the things that
hold me back.
I have put aside my regrets
from the past and my fear of
the future.
I am letting go of doubt,
fear, anger, and distrust,
and quietly accepting the
Fear cant stop me from
moving forward.
Im turning my fear into
Im moving beyond my fear.
I am no longer a victim of
my past failures.

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