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Reza Aurelio Brilliansah

What is it like when you arrive somewhere?
Place is a theme of geography. Place is everything that is inside a place. It has the
physical and human characteristics. Every place have features that distinguish them from
other places. For example, a school is a place, it has walls, tables, gym and everything
else inside the school, including the languages and sounds. A city is different from a
school, it has houses, buildings and other stuff. There are 2 types of place. These are
Physical and human characteristics. Physical characteristics is anything that is from
nature, everything natural, and everything that humans did not create. For instance,
Mountains, plants, rivers, and others are part of Physical characteristics. Graphs can also
represent these. Here is an example, Cajamarcas average temperature is
13.7C.Cajamarcass average precipitation is 60mm. Human characteristics are the things
that humans create. Everything that we make is part of this. This includes religion. To
illustrate, Houses, laptops, the internet, cars, and everything we created are examples of
human characteristics. In Cajamarca, most people are Roman Catholic. As we know,
Place is a theme of geography. We can separate place into 2 types, natural and human
created. When we see a city, everything in it is a place. I have learned that everyone can
use this to make their lives organized.

Reza Aurelio Brilliansah

Reza Aurelio Brilliansah

Reza Aurelio Brilliansah

Classification system
How the place is.

1st:temperature graph
2nd:Average precipitation
3rd: pie graph of religions.

Understanding of the world

Highest temp:15C
Lowest Point:12.5C
When do the numbers trend
up or down or up and down?
The numbers trend up and
down starting from May
Highest prep:117mm
Lowest Prep:5mm
When do the numbers trend
up or down or up and down?
The numbers trend up and
down starting from July
Highest %of people
81.3(Roman Catholic)
Lowest %of people:2.9(no

Reza Aurelio Brilliansah

What is the overall/main
understanding from this
According to my graph,
temperature in Cajamarca
is cold.
According to my graph,
precipitation in Cajamarca
is very unstable and
typically its from
December to march here is
lots of precipitation.
According to my chart,
Peru(country of
Cajamarca),81.3% of people
are Roman catholic,12.5%
are Evangelical,2.9% dont
have a religion and 3.3% of
them are from other

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