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Name. Date Periods EFFORT AND ACHIEVEMENT RUBRICS Scale: 4: Excellent; 3: Proficient: 2: Needs improvement; 1 Unacceptable A: Effort Rubric I worked on the task until it was completed. I pushed myself to continue working on the task even when difficulties arose or a solution was not immediately evident. I viewed difficulties that arose as opportunities to strengthen my understanding. T worked on the task until it was completed. I pushed myself to continue working on the task even when difficulties arose or a solution was not immediately evident. T put some effort into the task, but I stopped working when difficulties arose. T put very little effort into the task and was unwilling to accept help. B: Achievement Rubric T exceeded the objectives of the task or lesson. I understand and apply the academic standards and expectations of my community, my family, my teachers and other Students. I met the objectives of the task or lesson. I understand and often apply the academic standards and expectations of my community, my family, my teachers and other students. I met a few of the objectives of the task or lesson, but did not want to meet others. T did not want to meet the objectives of the task or lesson. Marzano, Pickering & Pollock. (2001). Classroom instruction that works. p. 52. hittp:/ /www.nhes,k12.n¢.us/ instruction/ CLT Wweb/Effort_rubricpdf

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