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=]Table 8: A Day in the Life of a UAE Primary School Science Teacher.





Signs in


The teacher was correcting

the students science

MST collect the science copybook and correct it to assess

the students knowledge about the previous lesson. She
wrote some note about students who didnt finish their
works to make sure that they understood.


The teacher was check her

lesson plan for the science

MST checked her lesson plan for the science lesson to

make sure that all stages will fit with the students


The teacher met with some

students who didnt finish
their work.

MST met with the students who didnt done their

previous lesson works to make them finish their work.
That will make all of the students reach the same level of
the previous lesson which will help her to finish the next
lesson without difficulties on the understanding process.


The teacher was prepare for

the science class

MST arrange the classroom environment to fit with the

lessons activities. She arranges the students tables and
prepare the worksheet for the lesson.


The Science class began and

the teacher start her lesson

The lesson was going on a good trend. Everything was

prepared. Most of the students reach the same level of
the previous lesson. The teacher gave students a clear
instruction which helped them to finish their worksheet.

MST arrives to the school and signs in at the office

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