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School of Art and Design Tutorial Report 2010

Student’s Name: Jessica Bowker

Date of Tutorial: 15th March

Ba Peer student session

RECORD - What was discussed in relation to your work?

(List the main points; note particular strengths or problems; record any suggestions for further research)

I had little to show so I was handed a lot of suggestions for artists places of interest in were to source
materials and objects from, such as the cattle market. Suggested research area’s were the Martian museum of
terrestrial art, cabinets of curiosity and also Pitt Rivers.
Also I had a few suggestions on how to add more to my collection of evidence, such things like blurred
photo’s in which the animal/creature has been spotted but never captured in picture just right, also maybe
things like swatches of skin which may have been caught on a tree or when the creature was trying to be

REFLECT – What were the most important issues for you, and why?

These were already on the back of my mind but it brought attention to the fact that an audience wanted to see
this. The idea of making skin is quite simple in theory some latex layering with paint or some sort of fabric
squeezed into a frame but there are so many ways I could make, I would have to go about a trail and error
way of elimination to find which worked best, but then there is also the viable explanation of how the skin is
in the museum, have patches of skin/flesh ever been found to be ripped of before, or could the creature shed
its skin perhaps. These are things to consider when making the pieces viable. Thinking about photo’s shall
they be photo-shopped then printed out to look authentic or shall I take picture’s from the internet of other
strange ‘mythical’ creature’s such as the yeti or the Lock ness monster, Or could I perhaps make some kind
of tail or leg and actually photograph them myself on a SLR and produce a book of some sorts to display
them in?

ACTION – What are you going to do as a result of the feedback you have received?

Create a series of skins using different materials, use process of illumination to decide which one looks most
like a viable creatures skin. Also look at the suggested artists see how they work and what materials and
techniques they use.
Try and find some more interesting evidence to back up the idea of the creature, look into more scifi things,
yet still keeping it believable.

Student's Signature Date

Lecturer's Signature Date

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