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1. Prepositions of time ( )
on: , .
.. on Monday on June 8th, on New Year's day,
on May day, on my birthday, on a Sunday evening
at: , , 24.
.. at two o'clock, at Easter, at Christmas, at this moment at
noon, at night (in the night) at midnight, at dawn (
in: , ,
.. In summer, in 1990, in the morning, in the afternoon,
in the evening, in June, in the 20th century,
in two month's time, in five hours e.t.c.
.. He will come here by 7 o'clock
: Athens by night.
During: .
.. will visit my friends during my stay in their country
He was talking during the lesson.
to till until
"... "
.. He lived in Paris from 1970 until 1980
I will be here from 8 p.m. till 6 a.m.
since: from. To since

,. I have been teaching English since 1980
For: To for
.. I have been teaching English for seven years.
He has been studying for 4 years.
After: (= )
.. He went there after the reception
He died after the war.
, .
You must not swim after eating
swim and have lunch after it.

2. Prepositions of place ( )
in: , ,
.. He lives in Athens
He studies in America
She is in the classroom
at: , , , .
.. He is staying at the hotel
The train is at the station.
.. The pen is on the desk
The picture is on the wall
to: ( )
.. He is going to his office
The baby ran to her mother
towards: ( )
.. They ran towards the accident
The country seems to be moving towards war
.. She went into the room
John is going into the restaurant
out of:
.. He took the money out of his pocket
She took the suitcase out of the car
Mary is coming out of the house
.. She is going down the hill
Helen is going down the stairs
across: (, )
.. She is walking across the street.
along: ( )
.. She is walking along the street.
Above: ( )
Over: () ...
.. The plane flew over/above our heads
To over
.. We put a blanket over her
below-under: ( ) below , under
.. She put the pen under the book.
below .
.. The Smiths live below us
Read the sentences below

beneath: under
.. Helen married beneath her It is beneath me to gossip.

beside: ()
besides: ()
.. Helen is sitting beside me
Besides doing the housework she works in an office
between: ( )
among: ( )
.. She is sitting between Helen and Mary
I am pleased to be among my friends
like: (, )
.. This house is like a prison
through: ()
., She is looking through the window.
near: ()
.. She lives near my house
around: ()
.. There is a garden around the school
away: ()
.. Don't go away
behind: ()
.. Peter is sitting behind Helen
in front of: ( )
.. Someone is standing in front of me and I can't see the board
with: ()
.. She lives with her parents
without: ()
.. I can't live without you
about: (, , )
.. We are talking about the weather
stay about 3 weeks

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