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aspaen Gimnasio Saucara Name:

Date: Teacher: Mr. Díaz

Listening Challenge
What is orange and keeps on falling off walls? Humpty Pumpkin!
Complete the activity.

Passage 1: Moon Rabbit

Many people __________ a rabbit on the moon. This __________ been true for
many years. Many __________ try to ___________ why. Here __________ one
from the East.
A monkey, a dog, and a rabbit __________ friends. A special day __________
coming. Together they ___________ to __________ good deeds. The one who
__________ the most on that day would __________ a prize.
They __________ an old man. He __________ for food. The monkey
__________ fruits from the trees. The dog __________ meat he __________.
The rabbit ___________ its own body instead.
The old man then ____________ himself to be a god. He __________ most
touched by the rabbit’s goodness. He __________ a picture of the rabbit on the
moon that everyone __________ see. That is why there’s a rabbit on the moon.

1. asked 7. explain 13. met 19. was

2. could 8. gave 14. myths 20. were
3. decided 9. gave 15. offered 21. win
4. did 10. has 16. revealed
5. do 11. hunted 17. see
6. drew 12. is 18. was

Schoolhouse Technologies Total Grade

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