Verbal Abuse

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When we were packing up Miss Wilson saw Fim put a pencil in his pencil case and

asked him if it belonged to the artroom he said no it was his. I said does it have
a green end because they were art materials. He said it was his.
Mean while I was asking another student for their pencil as it did have a green
end and belonged to art she said she had taken it weeks ago. As that student left
Fim came back into the room.
He was very agitated and was rolling a soccer ball under his foot. He started
ranting loudly and aggressively. (Cant be sure of the order as it all came out in a
massive flurry)
I dont fucken like the fucken way you fucken treat me
You fucken picked on me
You fucken embarrassed me
Im not fucken happy
You could have called me back after class

There were many more FUCKENs it was like every second word.
I then walked past Fim to try and find someone to report to he followed me and
that when I approached Mr Manning Fim was still swearing.

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