3-23-10 Mark Levine Invitation

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Please join

Bill Abramson • John Albert • Hon. Curtis Arluck

Ralph Andrew • Debjani Bagchi • Rhahime Bell
Hon. Robert Botfeld • Hon. Cynthia Doty • Julie Dreizen
Hon. Robert Jackson • Tom Kamber • Rick Kahn
Janet Kelley • Hon. Henry Lehmann • Garry Mendez III
Nicole Monegro • Hon. J. Brian Murtaugh • Reshma Singh
(Committee in Formation)

For a reception in support of

Mark D. Levine
Democratic District leader
Founder, Barack Obama Democratic Club
Tuesday, March 23rd
6:00 – 8:00pm

At the home of Bob Green

166 W 72nd Street, Apartment 11B
(Between Columbus & Amsterdam)
New York, NY

Minimum suggested contribution is $100.

Please call Erica Colodner at (646) 827-4585 or email
newyorkersformarklevine@gmail.com to RSVP.
Paid for by New Yorkers for Mark Levine
Printed in house • Labor Donated
New Yorkers for Mark Levine
____Yes, I will attend the reception on March 23rd
____ I will be unable to attend.

Enclosed please find my contribution of:

____$100 ____$250 ____$500 ____$1,000 Other $___________

Please make checks payable to:

New Yorkers for Mark Levine
c/o HudsonTG
220 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10012

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________

City_________________________________________ State_____________ Zip Code: _______________________

Employer:_____________________________________________ Occupation:______________________________

Bus. Phone: _______________________________ Home/Mobile Phone: ______________________________

Fax:______________________________E-Mail: _________________________________________________________

Credit Card Information:

Please charge $________________ to my Visa Mastercard AmEx (circle one)

Card Number____________________________________________________________ Expiration Date ______ /_______

Signature______________________________________________________________ Date______________________________

Important Contributor Information:

The contribution limits are as follows:
-Corporations: $5,000 per calendar year (subject to NYS aggregate limits for corporate contributions).
-Individuals & all other non-corporate entities: $6,000 primary; $9,500 general.
Corporations, other entities, and individuals are strictly prohibited from reimbursing another person for making a contribution to
New Yorkers for Mark Levine. Contributions to New Yorkers for Mark Levine are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Contribute online at www.markdlevine.com

(646) 827-4585 phone • (646) 417-7315 fax
Paid for by New Yorkers for Mark Levine
Printed in house • Labor Donated

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