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Journal of the International College

for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies
Vol. XVII, 2013

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra:

Critical Edition, and

Chieko Yamano


25 3


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra:

Critical Edition, and

Chieko Yamano
The cult of yaksin is an important component of the medieval tantric

world and is practised in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism.1 The yaksin is

worshipped as the goddess of wealth or the guardian spirit of practitioners,
and the medieval tantric tradition featured groups of these deities, such as
eight yaksins, twelve yaksins, or thirty-six yaksins. Generally speaking,

the female deities, who are regarded as the consorts of the male deities,
play an important role in this tradition. The female and male principles
combine in tantric practice to produce the advaita (non-dual) reality. The
yaksin is sometimes compared to the yogin or dkin who plays the role of

the partner of the male practitioner. However, the origin of yaksin is

different from that of the yogin or dkin.

The cult of yaksin originated in ancient times. We can see their lavish

figures, which symbolise fertility, standing beside a tree, or trna, already

in the oldest Buddhist remains, including Bhrhut, Sc, and Mathur.

They also appear in the Jtaka literature, in which they are regarded as
local deities living in trees and sometimes referred to as rukkha-devat or
tree goddess.2 The yaksin of the medieval tantric tradition inherits

characteristics from the ancient yaksin.3 They have beautiful figures, and

On the cult of yaksin in Jainism, see Misra [1981: 125-131] and Cort [1987:

2 For example, in the Bhsapuppha-jtaka (Jtaka III Pali Text Society: 307-310),
the yakkh who lives in a tree is called rukkha-devat. She gives instructions to the

bodhisattva and is regarded as a precious being.

3 On the characters of the ancient yaksin, see Coomaraswamy [1980], Misra



The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

bear a distinct relationship to wealth and protection.

The Kaksaputa-tantra

The Chapter XIV of the Kaksaputa-tantra is dedicated to the yaksin

sdhana. Let us first take a brief look at the Kaksaputa-tantra. The

Kaksaputa-tantra is traditionally attributed to the famous Buddhist

philosopher Ngrjuna. All the manuscripts I employ in this paper contain

the phrase ngrjunaviracite (written by Ngrjuna) in the colophon of
every chapter. As far as I can say from my examination of the catalogues,
there is no instance of the tantra being attributed to another author.
However, the tantra is sometimes confused with the Siddhakhanda or

Mantrakhanda of the Rasaratnkara, written by Nityantha, and the

combination of the title and the author is sometimes confused [NCC III
In maedieval India, Ngrjuna was worshipped as a siddha who was
accomplished in various magical sciences, such as rejuvenation and
alchemy. We find stories narrating his magical feats in the Buddhist, Hindu,
and Jain traditions.4 According to Yijing ( ) a Chinese monk who
travelled to India in the seventh centurythere was a corpus of magical
sciences called vidydharapitaka which included methods meant to

achieve such powers as flying to the sky, riding a dragon, and attaining a
long life. In addition, Yijing states that Ngrjuna had extensive knowledge
of the pitaka.5 The figure of Ngrjuna as a master of magical sciences

[1981], Shaw [2006] and [2012].

In the Hindu tradition, the Navanthacaritra contains the siddha Ngarjunas
biography. On the Buddhist biographies of siddha Ngrjuna, see [2008]; on the
Jain biographies of siddha Ngrjuna, see Phyllis Granoff [1988].
5 (T no.2066): 51.6c-7a


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


seems to have been already established in seventh-century India. The

Kaksaputa-tantra, otherwise known as Siddhangrjuna-tantra, is believed

to have been written in a tradition where Ngrjuna was worshipped as a

master of magical sciences, possibly around the tenth century.6
Even though it is attributed to Ngrjuna, the text contains no
Buddhist features and most of the references are cited from Hindu tantras.
It begins with devotional verses to iva and Sarasvat and contains various
mantras dedicated to, inter alia, iva, female deities, and yaksins. These

female deities and yaksins are common in both Buddhism and Hinduism.

The Kaksaputa-tantra is exclusively dedicated to sdhanas or magical

procedures which are intended to generate worldly benefits and do not deal
at all with philosophical subjects. These types of magical procedures are
sometimes formulated as the so-called satkarman in the Buddhist, Hindu,

and Jain traditions. These procedures include nti (pacifying diseases and
obstructions), Vakarana (controlling others), Stambhana (immobilizing

others), Ucctana (extirpating enemies), Vidvesa (provoking enmity), and

Mrana (killing others).7 Though there is no chapter in the tantra

dedicated to the nti, the Kaksaputa-tantra covers a variety of sdhanas.

The tantra lists the following divisions: Vaya (controlling others);

karsana (attracting others); Stambha (immobilizing others); Moha

(bewildering enemies); Uccta (extirpating enemies); Mrana (killing

others); Vidvesa (provoking enmity); Vydhikarana (causing illness);

Pauasyrthanana (causing loss of cattle, grain, and other properties);

Kautuka (conjuring tricks); Indrajla (creating illusions); Yaksinmantra

6 According to Somadeva Vasudeva, Ngrjunas Kaksaputa was mentioned in

Ksemendras Kalvilsa [Somadeva 2007].

7 However in the Jain tantra, the mrana (killing others) is replaced by the str
krsti (attracting women)[Cort 1987: 245-246].



The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

sdhana (invoking yaksin); Cetaka (using as a slave); Ajana (eye

ointment); Adrya (becoming invisible); Pdukgati (magic shoes); Gutik

(magic pill); Khecaratva (going to the sky); and Mrtasamjvana (raising the

It is interesting that medical substances, including various plants such
as gorocana (yellow orpiment from cattle), karpra (camphor), and
kunkuma (turmeric), are used in many sdhanas in the Kaksaputa-tantra.

In these sdhanas, the practitioner grinds and mixes the substances and
then makes an ajana (eye ointment), gutik (pill), or tilaka (mark on the

forehead) with the ground mixture; he then takes or wears the final
product. These kinds of sdhanas have a close relationship with those of
Rasastras. Nityanthas Rasaratnkara, mentioned previously, contains
a chapter considered to be the epitome of the Kaksaputa-tantra [Wujastyk

Because there are numerous manuscripts, along with some printed
editions of the Kaksaputa-tantra, we can suppose that the tantra had been

popular and well known in India until the modern era. These manuscripts
and printed editions can be roughly divided into two groups. The first
group contains around twenty chapters, while the second group has around
thirty chapters. Though the main difference between the two groups
comes from the division of chapters, there are many other divergences
such as additions and omissions, and some manuscripts show an irregular
order in terms of their chapters and contents. The manuscripts I employ
here belong to the first group. What follows is a summary of the contents of
the twenty chapters.
Chapter One opens with the devotional verses to iva and Sarasvat,
followed by a list of references and the table of contents. The chapter then
explains the classification of mantra, the way to establish the Krmacakra

Kaksaputa-tantra, chapter one, verse 6-9.


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


(tortoise-shape yantra), the classification of ml (rosary), the way of

recitation, the classification of date, seat, and place, the method of
breathing, the method of homa, the diet, and the seven methods to
empower mantras. These are the fundamentals necessary to perform all
following sdhanas.
Chapters Two through Six are dedicated to the sdhanas intended for
controlling or attracting others. Chapter Two describes the sarvavakarana (controlling all creatures); Chapter Three deals with the rjavaya

(controlling a king), the vivdajayalbha (winning a disputation), and the

dustadamanaprayoga (fleeing from bandits, savage beasts, and so forth);

Chapter Four is concerned with the strvaya and drvana (controlling and

enchanting a woman); Chapter Five concerns the pativaya (controlling a

husband); Chapter Six provides an account of the karsana (attracting

Chapters Seven through Twelve are dedicated to the sdhanas
intended to hinder enemies and harm others. Chapter Seven is concerned
with various kinds of stambhana (immobilizing others), such as immobiliz
ing enemies movements, silencing opposition, restraining enemies from
attacking, and preventing fires; Chapter Eight deals with the senstambha
na (immobilizing armies in a battle); Chapter Nine gives an account of the
moha (bewildering enemies) and the ucctana (extirpating enemies);
Chapter Ten describes the mrana (killing enemies and exterminating

their families); Chapter Eleven is about vidvesana (provoking enmity),

vydhikarana (causing illness and impotence), and the pauasyrtha
nana (causing loss of cattle, grain and other properties); Chapter Twelve
gives an account of the unmankarana (causing derangement).

Chapters Thirteen through Eighteen deal with sdhanas that generate

various kinds of supernatural power. Chapter Thirteen describes the
indrajlavidhna (creating illusions); Chapter Fourteen gives an account of
the yaksinsdhana (yaksin invocation); Chapter Fifteen is concerned with



The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

the jana (eye ointment) that makes buried treasures visible; Chapter
Sixteen concerns the nidhigrahana (finding treasures); Chapter Seventeen

describes the adryakarana (becoming invisible); Chapter Eighteen is

about the gutik (magic pill) or pduksdhana (magic shoes) that make it

possible to travel over a long distance or fly.

Chapters Nineteen and Twenty deal with special sdhanas. Chapter
Nineteen describes the mrtasajvan (raising the dead) and the

klavacana (cheating the time of death), including an account of the

klajna (knowing the time of death); Chapter Twenty gives an account
of the tyhramanhara (not overeating and fasting) that relieves hunger.
The conclusion summarizes all of these sdhanas.
The Yaksin-sdhana

It seems the yaksin-sdhana was formed in the early phase of the

tantric tradition. In the Jaykhyasamhit, generally dated to the Gupta

period,9 there is an early mention of the yaksin-sdhana. Based on this fact,

Miranda Shaw suggests that the yaksin-sdhana has its origin in the Hindu

tradition [Shaw 2009:271]. The yaksin-sdhana procedure appeared in the

Jaykhyasamhitand is relatively simple, but it contains the basic

components of the yaksin-sdhana of the later tantric tradition. Having

painted the picture of a yaksin on a silk cloth, a practitioner should recite a

mantra and offer the incense with guggulu for seven days. At midnight on
the seventh day, the yaksin appears and asks him what should I become

your mother, sister, or wife? The practitioner chooses one of these forms of
manifestation, and she will then serve him or give benefits to him according
Embar Krishnamacharya suggests that, from a palaeographical viewpoint, it
could date to 450 A.D. This is based on the fact that the name of each aksara

appears in Chapter VI of the Jaykhyasamhit [Embar 1967; 30-34]. However, it

seems that Chapter XXVI dates from a later period.



The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


to her role.10
In Chinese translations of Buddhist tantras, the yaksin-sdhana

appeared as early as the eighth century. The Bu-kong-juan-ce-shen-bianzhen-yan-jing () might be the oldest translation that
mentions the sdhana. Having drawn the mandala on the ground using cow

dung and painted a picture of a yaksin in the centre, a practitioner

offers rice and incense to her. He then performs the homa while reciting the
mantras. While reciting each mantra, he should throw a poppy seed at the
yaksin. The yaksin appears and asks his wishes, to which the practitioner

answers, Please become my mother or wife. She will then serve him or
give benefits to him according to her role.11
The individual name and mantra of the yaksin is not mentioned here,

but most yaksin-sdhanas of the later tantric tradition contain them. Some

even provide a detailed account of their appearance.12 The place where the
practitioner practices as well as the offerings that he should prepare vary
depending on the yaksins character as we shall see later in the Kaksaputa

In the yaksin-sdhana, the yaksin is regarded as the guardian spirit

who provides worldly benefits to the practitioner. The yaksin provides,

inter alia, daily food, clothing and money, tells the future, and bestows a
longlife, but she seldom becomes a partner in sexual practices.13
Jaykhyasamhit, chapter 26, verse 77-86.

(T no.1092): 20.323c
12 In the Majurmlakalpa, the figures of each yaksin are described. Some reside

in an aoka tree; some bear a branch in their hand. It seems they inherit the

attributes of tree goddesses from the ancient yaksin. For examples, see Natik

[Vaidya 1964: 441], Naravr [Vaidya 1964: 443], and Yaksakumrik [Vaidya 1964:

443]. Martin Delhey presented a critical edition of chapter 52 of the Majurmlakalpa in TIWET 2010. This chapter includes the yaksin-sdhana section. I have also

consulted to his text.
13 The yaksins who take the role of the wife are sometimes expected to be the



The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

The yaksin is also regarded as the goddess of wealth. In the

Kaksaputa-tantra, the yaksins also appear in the Sarvjana-sdhana

Chapter, in which they bestow the divine ajana, which makes buried
treasure visible. The yaksa and yaksin have been worshiped as gods and

goddesses of fertility or wealth since ancient times. The yaksins in the

Kaksaputa-tantra seem to have inherited characteristics from the ancient

yaksin, but their character has slightly changed. Their relationship with

the earth and fertility is no longer noticeable, but their relationship with
dnra (gold coin) and rpya (silver coin) is conspicuous. At the same time,
their connection with a particular locality has also lost its importance.14
There exist numerous examples of the yaksin-sdhana in Buddhist

tantras. Among them, the Majurmlakalpa provides a detailed account
of the yaksin-sdhana, in which we can find different groups of yaksins:

eight yaksins, six yaksins, and five yaksins.15 As far as the Hindu tantras

are concerned, the sdhana of the thirty-six yaksins in the Uddmarevar

atantra is well known.16 The yaksin-sdhana of the Uddmarevara-tantra

has many parallels with the Kaksaputa-tantra. What follows is a

correspondence table between the Kaksaputa and the Uddmarevara.

sexual partner of the practitioner as, for instance, in the Majurmlakalpa. For
examples, see Bhatt [Vaidya 1964: 441], Vadh [Vaidya 1964: 444], Manoj

[Vaidya 1964: 445], Jay [Vaidya 1964: 447]. This, however, is one of the worldly
benefits which the yaksins bestow, not a tantric practice.

14 However, in the Jain tantra, they still have connections to particular localities.
They also have the role of the guardian of the trthas [Cort 1987: 240-243].
15 On the yaksin-sdhana in the Majurmlakalpa, see Shaw [2009].

16 Uddmarevara-tantra, chapter 9 [Zadoo 1947:36-43].


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


1 Vicitr


1 Vicitra

2 BhPaK


2 Vibhram

3 Nakhake or Kanakavat


3 HaIs

4 Kuvalay
5 Vibhram

4 BhPaK

6 JalapiK
7 Prabhut or Sulocan
8 Ratipriy

5 Janarajik
6 Vil

=21 7 Madan

9 Kambalik

8 SughaKQ
9 KlakarI

10 Candrasumat or Avajt

10 Mahbhay

11 Surasundar

11 Mahondr

12 AnurgiK


12 aLkhin

13 Manohar


13 Cndr

14 aLkhiK


14 manavsin

15 MaKibhadram.

15 VaQayakPiK

16 Tyg

16 Mekhal

17 Jalari

17 Vikal

18 Svmvar

18 LakPm

19 VaQayakPiK


20 Candradrav

19 Mlin
20 atapatrik

21 Vil


21 Sulocan

22 Mahbhay


22 obhan

23 Candrik

23 Kaplin

24 Aindr or Mhendr

24 Vilin or VarayakPiK

25 Sarvalokalocann

25 MahnaQ

26 LiKg

26 Kmevar

27 Raktakambalam.





The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

28 KaraLkamukh or Vidyujjihv


29 manavsin

=14 29 Sarvakmad or Manohar

CaKCavegin or VikarKapicin
30 Candrasrgin or KarKkarKakriK

30 Pramod

31 CmuKC

31 AnurgiK

32 Cicinpic

32 Nakhakeik

33 KarKapicam.

33 Bhmin
35 SvarKvat
36 Ratipriy

Printed Editions and Manuscripts Used for This Edition

As previously mentioned, several editions of the Kaksaputa-tantra

have been published in India during the modern era . The latest edition was
appeared in 2001. For my critical edition, I used the following three editions.
Unfortunately, none of them mentions the textual witness(es) on which
they are based (My abbreviations contain E, for edition, followed by the
initials of the editor(s), i.e. N(ubodha and Nityabodha), Kh(Khandela
vla), and P(Pacnana).)
Indrajlavidysamgrahah; tatra indrajlastram, kmaratnam, dat

ttreya -tantram, satkarmmadpik, siddhangrjunakaksaputam

Edited by rubodha Vidybhsana and rnityabodha Vidyratna

(Calcutta:Vacaspatyayantra, 1915)
20 chapters


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


Siddhangrjunatantram; Siddhangrjunakaksaputam

Edited by Es En Khandelavla

(Vrnas: Caukhamb Surabhrat Prakana, 2001)

Text with Hindu Commentary, 30 chapters

Siddhangrjuna-Kaksaputam: mla o anubda sameta

Edited by Pacnana str

(Kalikt: Nababhrata Pbalirsa, 1984)
Text with Bengali Commentary, 31 chapters
In addition to these three, the New Catalogus Catalogorum also lists
the following editions [NCC III. 110-111]. They are hard to find today, and I
was unable to access them.
1 Arunodya edition

* in Bengali script, 20 chapters

2 Calcutta edition
* Publisher: Basumati Press, 31 chapters
3 Belugaum edition
* no details
4 Vijayawada edition
Edited by Venkatacalapati (Indian Medicine House, 1958)
* with Telugu translation, only 196 verses
In addition to the three printed editions, I have used twelve digital


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

copies of manuscripts kindly provided by the NGMCP (the NepaleseGerman Manuscript Cataloguing Project), two digital copies from the
London Wellcome Library, and one digital copy from the University of
Tokyo Library. The following summary provides brief bibliographic
information for these manuscripts. (The abbreviations for the manuscripts
consist of the initial of the place of storage , that is, K (Kathmandu), L
(London), or T (Tokyo), and a number. These numbers are tentatively
assigned in order of microfilm number or catalogue number. Among these
manuscripts, the texts labelled K(numbers 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, and 12 only),
and T are available for Chapter XIV (Yaksin-sdhana).)

K1: NGMCP no.27933, Microfilm:A 0221-06
Script(s): Devanagari, Material: paper
110 leaves, chapters 1-20
K2: NGMCP no.27940, Microfilm: A 0221-08
Script(s): Devanagari, Material: paper
Year: Nepala Samvat 905 (1785 CE)

48 leaves, chapters 1-20

K3: NGMCP no.27934, Microfilm: A 0222-11
Script(s): Devanagari, Material: paper
15 leaves, chapters 1-2
K4: NGMCP no.27929, Microfilm: A 0223-05
Script(s): Newari, Material: paper
156 leaves, chapters 1-25 (13-14 missing)
* The text has four additional chapters cited from the Uddmarevara
tantra after the eighth chapter (Senstambhana), and the chapter on
the unmankarana is placed after the tenth chapter (Mrana).


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


K5: NGMCP no.27939, Microfilm: A 0225-12

Script(s): Devanagari, Material: paper
28 leaves
* This is a text with commentary, and has no equivalent in the

K6: NGMCP no.27943, Microfilm: B 0160-07

Script(s): Devanagari, Material: paper
118 leaves, chapters 1-20
K7: NGMCP no.27941, Microfilm: B 0161-09
Script(s): Devanagari, Material: paper
58 leaves, chapters 2-13
K8: NGMCP no.27930, Microfilm: B 0163-06
Script(s): Devanagari, Material: paper
6 leaves
* This seems to be a part of the Siddhakhanda of the Rasaratnkara.

K9: NGMCP no.27937, Microfilm: B 0166-19

Script(s): Newari, Material: paper
48 leaves, chapters 1-20
K10: NGMCP no.27936, Microfilm: B 0166-21
Script(s): Newari and Devanagari, Material: paper
100 leaves, chapters 1-20
K11: NGMCP no.27932, Microfilm: B 0167-06
Script(s): Newari, Material: paper
128 leaves, chapters 1-20


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

K12: NGMCP no.27945, Microfilm: C 0025-05

Script(s): Devanagari, Material: paper
Year: Vikrama Samvat 1734(1677 CE)

65 leaves, chapters 1-21

* This text has an additional chapter after the twentieth chapter.
L1: London Wellcome Library no.Alpha 899
Script(s): Devanagari, Material: paper
70 leaves, chapters 1-11
L2: London Wellcome Library no.Alpha 900
Script(s): Devanagari, Material: paper
61 leaves, chapters 1-20 (12-15 missing)
T: Tokyo University no.204, Microfilm: 18.005
Script(s): Devanagari, Material: paper
23 leaves, chapters 16-21
Editorial Conventions
The manuscripts used for this edition represent only a small portion of
all the existent manuscripts. They all are dated to the seventeenth century
or later and are rife with errors. Since it is difficult to pinpoint one or
several of them as archetypal or consistently reliable, I decided to
transcribe all of them. My critical apparatus, has, therefore, recorded all
variants except those due to simple errors and mere orthographical
differences. As is true of most Nepalese manuscripts, there is no difference
between b and v; it is also difficult to distinguish between preconsonantal
or postconsonantal p and y. (My reading is, therefore, based upon this
general knowledge.) The anusvra sometimes substitutes for the nasal

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


consonants; single consonants geminate after r; geminate consonants

sometimes become single consonants; and the avagraha is rarely used.
Besides these common orthographical variants, we can see the following
variants in each manuscript.
K3: aihai, stst

K4: no difference between postconsonantal u and

aihai, kscch, khs, yj, rl, s,

omission of m/h/r at the end of a word

K9: khs, rl

K10: s
K12: skh,

omission of m/h/r at the end of a word

L2: khs, yj, s

In terms of sources, I place higher value on the manuscripts than on

the printed editions, but I sometimes adopted the former editors' reading
when I could not construct a meaningful sentence from the manuscripts.
This means this is an eclectic edition rather than a reconstruction of the
assumed archetype or hyparchetype.


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. [1980], Yaksas (Munshiram Manoharlal ).

David Gordon White [1996], The Alchemical Body (The University of

Chicago Press).
Embar Krishnamacharya (ed.)[1967], Jaykhyasam
hit of Pcartra
gama (Oriental Institute).
John Cort [1987], 'Medieval Jaina Goddess traditions', Numeninternational Review for The History of Religions vol. 34 no. 2.
Misra, Ram Nath [1981], Yaksha cult and iconography (Munshiram
Shaw, Miranda [2006], Buddhist goddesses of India (Princeton University
Shaw, Miranda [2009], Magical lovers, sisters, and mothers, Breaking
Boundaries with the Goddess: New Directions in the Study of Saktism,
edited by Cynthia Ann Humes and Rachel Fell McDermott (Manohar
Publishers and Distributors)
Phyllis Granoff [1988], 'Jain Biographies of Nagarjuna: Notes on the
Composing of a Biography in Medieval India', Monks and Magicians:Religious Biographies in Asia (Mosaic Press)
P.L. Vaidya (ed.)[1964], Mahayanasutrasamgraha part II, (Buddhist
Sanskrit Texts 18, Mithila Institute of Post-Graduate Studies and Research
in Sanskrit Learning).
Somadeva Vasudeva[2007], SrasvatamCaksu (http://pratibham.blogspot.



The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


Pandit Jagad Dhar Zadoo (ed.)[1947], the UDDAMARESHVARA TANTRAM (Kashmir Series of Texts & Studies LXX, Srinagar: the normal
[NCC] New catalogus catalogorum:an alphabetical register of Sanskrit and
allied works and authors, K. Kunjunni Raja, C. S. Sundaram (University
Madras, 1949-)



The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

Sigla and Abbreviations

[ ]

word(s) that the editor thinks should be deleted

( )

uncertain word(s) or syllable(s)


illegible part of syllable(s) because of physical damage

empty space or space sign () in a given manuscript

illegible syllable(s)

all available manuscripts




dittography in




no equivalent in


omitted in




The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


(I have adopted corrections if there were cancel-signs or marginal

additions in a given manuscript without noting this in my edition .)



The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

Chapter 14 Yakisdhana

(EN p.348, EKh p.140, Ep p.170)

(K1.82v, K2.32v, K4.121v, K6.85v, K9.32v, K10.74r, K12.49r)
*Lost: K3 7 L1 2, K11(verse1-6)
atha yakimantrasdhanam/
sarvs yakinn tu dhyna kuryt samhita/
bhaginmtputrstrrpatuly yathepsit//1//
lakam eka japen mantra vaavkatale uci/
bandhkakusumai pacn madhvjyakramiritai/
daa yonikue tu hutv dev prasdati/
vicitr sdhakasyaiva prayacchati samhitam//2//

(EN p.349)

o vicitre citrarpea siddhi kuru kuru svh//

*yakimantrasdhana] K1 6 9 10 yakimatrasdhana K2; yakanmantrasdhana K4, yakisdhanam EN EKh Ep, yakimatravidhim h K12
1ab *kuryt] K2 9 EKh kuryyt K12 EN Ep; kury K4, kurtv K1 6, ktv K10
1cd *mt] K1 2 6 9 10 EN EKh Ep, mtri K4, mtr K12 *putr] K1 2 6 9 EN
EKh puttr Ep; utri K4, pratr K10, putr hi K12 *strrpa] K1 2 4 6 9 10 EN
EKh Ep; 'strrpa K12 *tuly] K2 4 EN EKh Ep; tuly K1 6 9, tulya K12, lyam
K10 *yathepsit] K10 EN EKh; yathepsit Ep, yathepsit K1 6 9, yathaisthita
K12, yathopsita K4, yathopsi(rya) K2
2cd *kra] K9 10 12 EN EKh Ep; rra K1 2 4 6 *miritai] K9 12 EN EKh Ep;
miritau K1 2 6 9 10, i(psi)tau K4
2ef *yonikue tu] K1 9 10 12 EN EKh Ep yonikue tu K2 6; yoni sakue K4
*prasdati] K9 10 EN EKh Ep; (mra)sdati K12, prasidyati K1 2 6, pra(ddhe)ti K4
2gh *vicitr] K9 10 12 EKh Ep; vicitra K1 2 6, citra K4, vicitr EN
*sdhakasyaiva] K2 9 10 12 EN EKh Ep; sdhakasyaiva K1 6, sdhakai caiva K4
*prayacchati] K9 EN EKh Ep prayachati K1 2 6 10; prayacchanti K4, (mra)yakati
K12 *samhitam] K1 2 6 9 10 EKh Ep; samhitn EN, samhita K12, bhamhita
Mantra1 *vicitre] K1 2 6 9 10 12 EN EKh Ep; vicitai K4 *citrarpea] K1 4 6 9 10 12
EN; rpea K2, vicitrarpe Ep, vicatrarpe Ekh *siddhi] K1 6 9 10 12 EKh Ep;
siddhi K2 4, siddha EN

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


tripathastho japen mantra lakam eka daata/

ghtktair guggulair homair bha cintitaprad//3//


[o] ai [hr] mahnande bhae (dr hu) svh//


gatv yakagha mantr nagno bhtv japen manum/

dinaikaviati yvat kuryt pj [ktv] tato nii//4//

(Ep p.171)

vartayet tato mantram ekacittena sdhaka/

nirdhe vchita kma devy gatya prayacchati//5//

(EKh p.141)


* om. K10


3ab *tripathastho] EN EKh Ep; tripathstho K4, tripathsthe K12, trithasho K1 6 9

*japen] K12 EN EKh Ep; jan K9 10, yan K1 2 4 6 *mantra] EN
10, trithastho K2
EKh Ep matra K12; mantra K1 4 matra K2 10, matraya K9, ma/// K6 *lakam]
K1 2 4 9 12 EN EKh Ep; la///m K6, palalakam K10
3cd *homair] K12 EKh Ep homai K1 4 6; haimair EN, home K2, hom K9, homa
K10 *bha] K9 12; bha K10, bh K4, bhi K2, bhi K1 6, vicitr
EN EKh Ep *cintita] K1 4 6 9 citita K2; citita K12 cititat K10 siddhid EN
EKh Ep *prad] K1 2 4 6 9 10; praj K12, bhavet EN EKh Ep
Mantra2 * [o] K12 EKh, n.e. K1 2 4 6 9 10 EN Ep *ai] K1 2 6 9 10 12 EN EKh aim
K4; ayi K12, om. Ep * [hr] EN EKh Ep, n.e. *mahnande] EN EKh Ep;
mahnade K1 2 6 9 10, mahnade K12 mh K4 *bhae] K1 2 6 9 10 12 EN EKh Ep;
bhima K4 *dr] K2 9 10 12; dr K4, hr K1, h/// K6, hr EN EKh Ep
*hu] K1 4 6 EN EKh Ep; hr K2 9 10, dru K12
4ab *gatv] K1 2 4 6 9 10 EN EKh Ep; datv K12 *bhtv japen manum] K1 2 4 6 9 12
EN EKh Ep; om. K10
4cd dinaikaviati] EN EKh Ep; dinaikavia K9, dinaikaviati K4,
dinekaviati K12, dinaikavia K1 2 6 *yvat] K4 9 12; ycat K1 2 6, om. EN EKh Ep
*pj] K1 2 6 9 EN EKh Ep; pj K4, pj K12 * [ktv] EN EKh Ep, n.e.
*tato] K4 9 EN EKh Ep; tavo K1 2 6
5ab *vartayet tato] em. varttayet tato K9 EN EKh Ep; varttayan (tra)to K4,
varttaye tato K12, vayet tato K1 2 6, om. K10 *mantram] K10 12 EN EKh Ep;
mantra K4 9, mantray K1, matray K2, matray K6 *sdhaka] K1 2 6 9 10 12 EN EKh
Ep; sdhaka K4
5cd *kma] ; dravya EN Ep dradhya EKh *gatya] EKh; gamya EN


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

o hr nakhakei kanakavati svh//

(K2.33r K4.122r K11.93r)

lakatraya japen mantra daa guggula hunet/

lk utpalaka v 'tha dhytv sarvgalocanm/
pae pae v salikhya homnte cintitaprad//6//
o kuvalaye hili hili tutu tutu siddhisiddhevari hr svh//
japel lakadvaya mantr mane nirbhayo manum/
daa guggula sjya hutv tuyati vibhram/
pacan mnu ca datte s bhojana sad//7//

(K9.32v K10.74v)
(Ep p.172)

o hr vibhramarpe vibhrame kuru kuru ehy ehi bhagavati svh//

Mantra3 *hr] K10 12 EN EKh; h K2, hr K1 6 9, hri K4 *nakhakei] K1 2 6 9
*kanakavati] EN EKh Ep; kanakhavati K9 10,
10 12 EKh; nakhake EN, naake K4
kanakhavat K12, nakhavati K1 2 4 6 11, naavati K4
6ab *guggula] ; guggulu EN EKh Ep
6cd *utpalaka] EKh Ep; cotpalake EN *sarvgalocanm] EN EKh Ep;
sarvgalocan K12, sarvgalocana K1 2 6 9 11, sarvvgalocana K9,
sarvvgalocana K10, sarvgalocana K4
6ef *pae] K9 12 EN EKh Ep; padde K10, pade K1 2 4 6 11 *pae] K2 4 12 EN EKh Ep;
pae K9, padde K10, pade K1 6 11 *v] K1 2 4 6 9 11 EN EKh; c K10, 'thav K12
*salikhya] K1 2 6 9 EKh Ep; salekhya K11, salekhy K9 10 EN, saleya K4,
lekhya K12 *cintitaprad] K9 11 EN cititaprad K10; cititaprad K12,
cetitaprad K4, vititaprad K1 2 6, cchitaprad EKh Ep
Mantra4 *kuvalaye] K9 10 12 EN EKh Ep; kuvalaya K4, kuvaye K1 2 6 11 *tutu
tutu] K2 4 9 tutu2 K1 6 11 tu4 K4; tu tu tu K10 EN EKh Ep, turu turu K12
*siddhisiddhevari] K2 11 EN EKh Ep; siddhisiddhe2 vari K1 6, siddhisiddhevar
K4 9 12, siddhiddhevari K10 *hr] K9 10 12 EN EKh Ep; hi K1 2 6 11, hr K4
7ab *lakadvaya] K4 9 12 Ep; lakadvayen K1 2 6 10 11, lakadvaa EN EKh
*mantr] K1 4 6 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep matr K2; mantri K9, matra K12 *manum]
K1 2 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; manu K4, muni K12
7cd *daa] K10 12 EN EKh Ep; dasa K4, dau K1 2 6 daur K11,
da(ga) K9 *guggula] ; juhuyt EN EKh Ep *vibhram] K4 12 EN EKh
Ep; viram K2 9, virama K10, ivabh K1 6 11
Mantra5 *hr] K1 2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; hr K4 *ehy ehi] K2 9 11 12 EN EKh Ep;
ehy ahi K1 6, ehya K4, ejy ehi K10 *bhagavati] K1 2 4 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; bhagayat
K12, bhavati K6

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


kayapayasaktubhiksv ekatamana/
devat pjayen nitya japel lakatrayodaa/
pyasa homayet pact sahasraikea sidhyati//8//
nitya lokasahasrasya bhojana s prayacchati/
lakyurdivyavar datte s akarodita//9//

(EN p.350)

o [hr] jalapi pjvala pjvala (hu bl dhu)//

(EKh p.142) (K1.83v, K4.122v, K11.93v)

bhakam utpalakottha hutv mantram ima japet/

lakaikdaam varttya hutv madhye aigrahe//10//
8ab *kayapaya] K11 EN EKh Ep; akyapaya K4, kaypapaya
K12, kpapaya K1 2 10, kpapaya K6, kypaya K9 *saktu]
K9 12; saktu EKh, saku K10, aktu K1 2 6 11 EN Ep, me(ku) K4 *bhiksv]
K1 6 9 10 11; bhiksto K12 bhikaste K4; bhaka EN EKh Ep *ekatamana]
K1 2 10 11 ekatamana K6; ekatamata K9, vetakamsane EN Ep,
vetoraksane EKh, katamata K12, kaamana K4
8cd *devat] K1 2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; devaj K4 *pjayen] K1 4 6 9 11 EN EKh
Ep; pjaye K2 10, pjaya K12 *laka] ; laka EN EKh Ep *trayodaa] K4
Ep; trayodaa K1 6 9 11, tramodaa K12, trayoda K10, trayodaam EN
EKh, trayodaa() K2
9ab *nitya] K9 12 EN EKh Ep; nitya K1 4 6 10 11 nity K2 *lokasahasrasya] K1 2
6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; loke ahareka K4
9cd *var] K1 2 6 9 10 12; var K11, vari EN Ekh Ep, vaya K4
*datte] K1 2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; datya K4 *akarodita] K9 akarodita K2 6
10 11; akaredita K1, akarodita K4, kakarodita K12, akarodit EN
EKh Ep
Mantra6 * [hr] EN Ekh Ep, n.e. *jalapi] K12 EKh; jalap K1 2 4 6 9 10 11
EN Ep *pjvala pjvala] K1 2 11; pjvala pjvala K9, pjvala K6 10 12, pijvala
pijvala EN Ep, pijjala pijjala EKh, jala2 K4 *hu] K1 2 6 9 11; hu K9 10 EN EKh Ep,
ho K12, (d) K4 *bl] K1 2 6 11; bl K12 EKh, blu EN Ep, bla K9 10, (tyu)
K4 *dhu] K1 2 4 6 9 11; dh K10, c K9, svh EN EKh Ep, om. K12
10ab *bhakam] K1 2 4 6 9 10; bhakm K12, lakam EN EKh Ep
*utpalakottha] EN EKh Ep; utpalakottha K2 6 9 10 11, utpalakotth K12,
utpalako(t) K1, upalakottha K4 *hutv] EN EKh; hatv Ep *ima] K1 2 4
6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; ida K12
10cd *varttya] K1 2 4 6 9 10 11 EN Ep vartya EKh; vartt K12 *madhye] K2 11
EN EKh Ep; madhya K1 4 6 9 10 12 *aigrahe] EN EKh Ep; aighe K1 2 4 6 9 11,


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

athav mlatpupair hutv bhnu sahasrakam/

bhnur mukto bhaved yvat prnte sidhyati dhruvam/
sahasryus tath datte sahasr ca bhojanam//11//

(Ep p.173)

o prabhute sulocane (ll ll) //

akhalipte pae dev gauravar dhtotpal/
sarvlakri divy samlikhy 'rcayet tata//12//


jtpupai sopacrai sahasraika tato japet/

trisadhya saptartran tu tato rtrau ucir japet//13//


12ab-14cd and mantra7

* om. K12


aghe K10, aigrhi K12

11ab *mlatpupair] EN EKh Ep mlatpuyai K9 10; mtpupair K12,
mlatipupe K4, mlavpupair K1 11, mlavpupai K6, mlavipupair K2
*hutv] K1 2 4 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; ghe K12
11cd *bhnur mukto] K10 bhnur mmukto K9; bhnumukto K1 2 4 6 11 12 EN,
grahamukti EKh, grahamuktir Ep *prnte] EKh Ep prte K2 6 12 prnte
K9 prte K11; prte K4, pr()me K1, pte K10, prnto EN
11ef *sahasryus] K10 12 saharyus K4; sahastyus K9 11, saha(st)yus K1,
saha(st)pus K2, saha(ha)syus K6, sahasran tu EN EKh Ep *tath datte] K4 12;
tay datte K9 10, tap datte K1 2 6, japdyante EN EKh Ep *ca] ; tu EN EKh Ep
Mantra7 *prabhute] K2 4 6 10 11; (mr)abhute K12, praste K9, bhte K1 EN EKh Ep
*ll ll] K1 2 4 6 9 11; lv lv K10, vl vl K9 12, vl Ep vlu EN, blu
12ab *akhalipte] EN EKh Ep akhalipte K1 6 9 10 11; akhilipte K2
aplipte K4 *pae] K9 10 EN EKh Ep; pade K4, pare K1 2 6 11 *dev] EN EKh
Ep; dev K1 2 4 6 9 10 11 *gauravar] EN EKh Ep; gauravaro K9, gauvar
K10, gauvaro K1 2 6, gauvaro K11, gauvara K4 *dhtotpalm] K9 EN EKh
Ep; bhtotpal K1 2 10 11, bhtotpal K6, bhtvatpala K4
12cd *sarvlakri] sarvvlakri K9 sarvlakri EN
sarvvlakri Ep; sarvlakari EKh, sarvlakri K1 2 6 11,
sarvvlakri K10, sarvlakrii K4
*divy] K1 2 4 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep;
divy K4 *tata] K1 2 6 9 10 11; puna EN EKh Ep, nata K4
13cd *trisadhya] em. trisandhya K6 11 EN EKh Ep; trisandhya K1,
trisadhy K2 9 10, trisadhy K4 *saptartran] EN EKh Ep saptartra K1 2 6 9 11;
saptarta K4, sap(t)asatra K10

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

ardhartre gate dev samgatya prayacchati/

pacaviatidnrn pratyaha [s] paritoit//14//



o hr ratipriye svh//
ekaviadina yvad udaystamaya japet/
nitya sya svam hrapia harmyopari kipet//15//

(EKh p.143)

(Ep p.174)
trisapthena s tu ayy gatv picik/
pacaviatidnrn dadti prativsaram/
kare kathayati kipra yad yat pcchaty asau kramt//16//
(K4.123r, K12.50r)
o [hr] (va ca) kambalike (gha gha) pia picike svh//
14ab *prayacchati] K4 9 11 EKh Ep prayachati K1 2 6 10; varaprd EN
14cd * [s] K2 EN EKh Ep, n.e. K1 4 6 9 10 *paritoit] K1 2 4 6 9 11; paritoit
K10 prayacchati EN EKh Ep
Mantra8 *hr] K9 11 10 EN EKh Ep; (hr) K1 2 6, hri K4
15ad *ekaviadina] K1 6 9 10 11 12 EKh Ep ekaviaddina K9 ekavisadina
K4 ekaviadi()na K2; dinaikaviati EN *udaystamaya] EN Ep;
udaystama K9, udaystamaye EKh, udastama K1 2 6 11, udaystabana K12,
(v)udaystabana K4, udadaystastama K10 *japet] K1 2 4 6 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep;
yajet K9, jajet K10
15cd *sya] K1 2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; svaya K4, oya K12 *hra] K12 EN
EKh Ep; hre K1 2 4 6 9 11, hre pire K10 *harmyopari] K9 10 EN EKh harmyyopari
K12 harmmyopari Ep; harmopari K1 2 6 11, harnypari K4
16ad *trisapthena] K1 2 6 9 10 11 12; trisapthe tu EN EKh Ep, tribhaphena K4
*tu] K1 2 4 6 9 11 12 EN EKh Ep; du K10 * ayy] EN EKh Ep ay K1 2 4 6 11;
aryy K10, say K4, aryy K9, aiy K12
16cd *pacaviatidnrn] EN EKh Ep pacaviatidnrn K10;
pacaviatidinrn K12, pacaviatidinr K4, pacaviatidnrd K9,
pacaviadinrn K11, pacaviadinrnu K1 2 9, pacaviaditrnu K6
*prativsaram] K1 2 4 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; prtavsaram K12, pratiprativsama K9
16ef *kare] K1 2 4 6 12 EN EKh Ep kare K9 11; kara K10, karaka K4
*kathayati] K1 2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; yeti K4 *pcchaty] K4 11 EN EKh Ep
(p)cchati K9 pchaty K1 2 6 10; prayachati K12 *asau] K1 2 4 6 10 11 EN EKh Ep; aso
K12, sau K9
Mantra9 * [hr] EN EKh Ep, n.e. *va ca] K1 2 9 11 12; va ca K4, ca ca
K6 EN EKh Ep, va va K10, va va K12 *kambalike] em. kabalike K1 2 4 6 9 10 132


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

guhe vraya eknte lakam eka japen manum/

pupa dhpa caru pj nitya kuryt prayatnata//17//
pacmtair daena hute dev prasdati/
dnr sahasraika pratyaha toit sat//18//

(E p.351)(K2.33v)
(K1.84r, K6.87v)

o (guyu gulu) candrasumati avajti hulu hulu candragire svh//

ekalige mahdeva trisadhya pjayet sad/
dhpa dattv japen mantr brhi s tva kim icchasi//19//

(Ep p.175)

devi dridryadagdho 'smi tan me nakar bhava/


; kambalake EN EKh Ep, kabal K12 *gha gha] em. ghna ghna K12
ghna2 K4; gha EN EKh Ep, ghna K9 11, gh K1 6 10, gha K2 *pia] K9 EN
EKh Ep; pia K1 4 6 11, pia K2, pi(r)a K10, om. K12
17ab *guhe] K1 2 6 9 10 11 12; guro K4, ghe EN EKh Ep *vraya] K1 6 9 11 EKh EN
Ep; vra/// K2, vrayaya K4, vraya K10 12
17cd *pupa dhpa caru] K1 2 6 9 11; pupa dhpa cara K10 12,
pupadhpa caru K4, pupadhpdibhi EN EKh Ep
18ab *hute] K1 2 6 10 11 EN EKh Ep; hune K4 huned K9
18cd *dnr] K9 EN EKh Ep; dinrn K4, dnar K11, dnar K1
*toit] EN EKh Ep; topin K1 2 4 6 9 10 11 *sat]
2, dnar K6, dnr K10
K9 EN EKh Ep; sati K1 2 6 11 ati K4 sant K10
Mantra10 *guyu gulu] K1 6 9 10 11; gu(p)u gulu K2, guyulu K4, guyul K10, gulu
gulu EN EKh Ep *candrasumati] conj.; can(ndro a)sumati K4, ca(tr)sumati
K9, catrsumati K2, ca trumati K1 6 11, candrmtamayi EN EKh Ep, om.
K10 *avajti] K1 2 6 9 11; ava jtila EN EKh Ep, (...)tva jti K4, om. K10 *hulu
hulu] K2 6 9 11 EN EKh Ep hulu2 K4; hulu hul K1, hul K10
19ab *ekalige] K4 EN ekalige K1 6 9 11 12; ekalige K2 10, ekaliga EKh Ep
*trisadhya] K1 2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh trisandhya Ep; trisadhy K4
19cd *japen] K1 2 4 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; mahejapen K12 *mantr] K1 6 9 11 EN EKh
Ep matr K10; ma(tri) K2, mantra K4, matra K12 *brhi] K1 6 9 11 EKh
Ep; bhi K2 10, bryt EN *tva] K9 10 EN EKh Ep; tva K1 2 6 11 *kim icchasi]
EN EKh Ep; prayacchasi K9 11, prayachasi K2 10, prayachati K1 6
19d * trisady trisahasrakam/ K4, trisadhya trisaharaka/ K12, n.e. K1 2 6 9
10 11 EN EKh Ep
20ab *devi] K1 2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; dev K4 *dridryadagdho] K1 6 9 12 EN
Ep; dridradagdho K2 4 11, dridbhyadagdho EKh, dridryagbo K10


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

tato dadti s tu vittyucirajvitam//20//



o hr gaccha gaccha surasundari svh//

kukumena samlikhya bhrjapatre sulakam/
pratipattithim rabhya pj ktv japet tata//21//

(EKh p.144)


trisadhya trisahasran tu msnte pjayen nii/

sajapann ardhartre tu samgatya prayacchati/
dnr sahasraika pratyaha paritoit//22//
o hr anurgii maithunapriye svh//
nadtre ubhe dee candanena sumaalam/
vidhya pjayed dev tato mantryuta japet//23//
trisaptha japed eva prasann vitaret sad/
23ab-24ef and mantra13

(Ep p.176)

* om. K12


20cd *s] K1 2 4 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; c K12

Mantra11 *gaccha gcacha] em. gacha gacha K12 gaccha2 K4; gachara
K1 2 6 10 11, gaccha K9 EN EKh Ep *surasundari] EN EKh Ep; surasundar K1 4 6 11
12, surasudar K2 9, sudari K10
21ab * bhrjapatre] EN EKh bhrjjapatre Ep; bhridee *sulakam] EN
EKh Ep; sulakaam K12, salakaa K1 2 6 9 10 11, sarakaa K4
21cd *japet tata] K1 2 4 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep japet tata K4; tato japet K12
22ab *trisadhya] K1 2 6 9 10 11 12 trisandhya EN EKh Ep; risadhy K4
22cd *sajapann] K10 EN sajapann EKh sajapan K9 sajapa()nn K12;
sajapann K1 2 4 6 11 *samgatya] K1 2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; samgate K4
Mantra12 *anurgii] K10 12 EN EKh Ep anurgini K9; anurgi K1 2 6 11,
anurgin K4 *maithunapriye] K2 9 10 12 EN EKh Ep; maithunapriya K1 4 6 11
23ab *nadtre] K9 10 EN EKh Ep; naditire K4 nadite K1 6 nidte K11 nadte K2
*ubhe] EN EKh; ucau Ep *dee] K1 2 4 6 10 11 EN EKh Ep; dene K9
23cd *pjayed] K1 2 6 9 10 11 EKh Ep pjaye EN; pujaya K4 *dev] K2 6 9 10 EKh
Ep; dev K1 4 11, ev EN
24ab *eva] K10 EN EKh Ep; deva K1 2 4 6 11, mantra K9 *pasann] EN;
prasanno K1 2 4 6 9 10 11, pasanne EKh Ep *vitaret] EN; viratat K1 2 6 9 10 11, vi(ga)tat
K4, viratas EKh Ep *sad] K2 6 9 10 (sa)d K4; sad K1 11, tad EN EKh Ep


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

dnr sahasraika vyay kuryd dine dine/

vin vyayena s kruddh na dadti kad cana//24//
o hr sarvakmade manohare svh//

mantryuta japen mantr prta sryodaye sati/

(EKh p.145) (K1.84v)
msam eka japed eva pj kuryd dine dine/
akhasaliptapae tu ubhrapupai sapyasai//25//
homayet sjyair indhanai karavrajai/
dadti akhin tu nitya rpyakapacakam//26//

(EN p.352)

o [hr] akhacrii akhbharae (dr dr kl re r)

24cd *vyay] K1 2 4 6 9 10 11; vyaya EN EKh Ep *kuryd] EKh kuryyd K9 EN
Ep; kury K1 2 6 10 11 kuryy K4
24ef *vyayena] K1 2 6 10 11 EN EKh Ep; vyayan K4 *kruddh] K9 EN EKh Ep;
kddh K1 2 6 11, kuddh K10, buddh K4 *kad cana] K1 2 6 9 11 EN EKh Ep; tad
cana K4, kadti kad cana K10
Mantra13 *hr] K1 2 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; hr K4, h(l) K10
25ab *sryodaye] K1 2 6 11 EKh sryyodaye K9 12 EN Ep; sryodaya K4,
sryydaya K10
25cd *eka] K1 2 4 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; eka tato K12 *pj] K1 2 9 10 11 EN EKh
Ep; pj K4 6 12
25ef *akhasaliptapae] EN EKh Ep akhasaliptapae K10
akhaaliptapae K9; akhasaliptapade K12, akhaaliptapadye K2 6 11,
akhaaliptapadya K1, aasaliptapa(...)em K4 ubhrapupai] EN EKh Ep
ubhrapupai K1 2 6 11 12; utrapuyai K10, uapupai K4 9
26ab *sjyair] K1 2 4 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep s(jy)air K4; sjjr K12
26cd *dadti] K2 4 9 10 12 EN EKh Ep; dadni K1 6 11 *rpyakapacakam] EN
EKh Ep rpyakapacaka K1 2 6 11 12; rpakapacaka K9 10, rpekacaka K4
Mantra14 * [hr] EN EKh Ep, n.e. *akhacrii] EN EKh Ep;
akhacriri K9 10 akhacrir K1 2 6 11, akhacrir K12, avrin K4
akhbharae] EN Ep akhbharae K1 2 6 11 EKh; akhbharaai K10,
akhbharaye K9, abhrae K4, bharae K12 *dr dr] K12;
dr dr K10, dr dr K4, dr dr K9, dr hra hr K1 6 11, dr hr K2,
hr hr EN, hr hr EKh Ep *kl] EN EKh Ep; hle K1 2 6 10 11 (hre) K4
hlai K9, dre K12 *re r] K9 12; re r K10, ra r K4, ne n
K2 11, (e) n K1, e (n) K6, ai EKh Ep, ai a/// EN

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


sahasram ima mantra japet saptadinvadhi/

pratyaha maibhadrkhya prayacchaty ekarpyakam//27//

(Ep p.177)

o namo maibhadrya nama prabhadrya namo

mahyakasendhipataye moa moa dhar svh//


caturlakam ima mantra japet tyg prasdati/

dadti cintitn arthn tygabhogya mantria//28//


o aho tygi mahtygrtha [hea hea] dehi me vitta vrasevita

rtrau rtrau japen mantra sgarasya tae uci/


27ab *ima] K1 2 4 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; ida K12 *japet] K2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep;

tayet K1 6 11 jape K4 *saptadinvadhi] K4 12 EN EKh Ep; saptadinvadhi K10,
saptadinvadh K1 6 11, saptadinvadh K2, sastadinvadhi Ks
27cd *maibhadrkhya] K1 2 6 9 11; maibhadrkhya EN EKh Ep,
maibhadradkhya K10, maibhadrya K12, manibhadrya namoya K4
*prayacchaty] K4 9 11 EN EKh Ep prayachaty K1 2 6 10 12; prapachaty K6
*ekarpyakam] EN EKh Ep; ekarpaka K12, evarpaka K1 2 4 6 9 10 11,
avarpaka K4
Mantra15 *prabhadrya] K1 2 6 12 prabhadrya K4 9 10 11; prya EN EKh
Ep * namo prabhadrya ditt. K11 *mahyakasendhipataye] K1 2 4 6 10 11
EN EKh Ep mahyakasendhipaaye K9; mahjakasendhipaaya K4, yakasendhipataye K12 *moa moa] K1 12 EN EKh Ep moa2 K4 6; mou mou K2 10,
mo mo K11, mo2 K9 *dhar] K1 2 4 6 9 10 11; dhraya EN dharha K12 EKh Ep
28ab *japet] K12 EKh Ep; jape K1 2 4 6 9 10 11 *tyg] EKh; yg K12, tyg EN Ep,
yga K4 6 9 11, pga K1 2, pgna K10
28cd *cintitn] K4 EN EKh Ep cititn K12; cititn K1 2 6 11, citit K9, citn K10
*rthn tygabhogya] K12; arthn tygamogya K1 2 6 11, arthatygabhogya K4,
turth(m bhy)gabhogya K9, (a)rths tygamogya K10, arths tasya bhogya
EN EKh Ep *mantria] K1 6 11 EN EKh Ep; mantrina K4, mtria K2,
matrio K10, mantrine K9, matrim K12
Mantra16 *tygi] K1 2 4 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; tyg K12 *mah] K1 2 6 9 10 11 12;
mh K4 mama EN EKh Ep *tygrtha] K1 2 6 10 12 EN EKh Ep; tyrtha K9 11
sygrtha K4 * [hea2] K1 6 11, n.e. K2 4 9 10 12 EN EKh Ep *vitta] K1 2 4 6 9 11 12
EN EKh Ep; vinva K10
29ab *tae] K2 4 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; ate K1, taa K6


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

lakajpe kte siddho datte sgaraceaka/

ratnatraya tad maulya yasmin mantr sukh bhavet//29//


o namo bhagavate rudrya dehi ratnni jalare [str] namo 'stu te

(EKh p.146)
eksane ucau dee trisadhya trisahasrakam/
msam eka japen mantr tata pj samrabhet//30// (K2.34r, K4.124v)

pupadhpdinaivedyai pradpair ghtapritai/

rtrv abhyarcayet samyak susthira suprasannadh//31//

(Ep p.178)

ardhartre gate dev samgatya prayacchati/

30ab-32cd and mantra18

* om. K12


29cd *lakajpe] K4 9 10 12 EN EKh Ep; lakajpye K1 6 11 lakajpyed K2

*datte] K1 4 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; dhatte K2, dabhe K4
29ef *ratnatraya] K9 10 12 EN EKh Ep; ratnatraya K4, ratnayantra K1 6 11,
ratnayatra K2 *tad maulya] K9 10; tad mlya EN, dad maulya K12,
dad maul K1 2 6 11 dad mauli K4 *mahmlya EKh Ep
yasmin] K1 2 4 9 10
11 12; yasmn K6 tena EN EKh Ep
Mantra17 *bhagavate] ; bhagavan EN EKh Ep
*rudrya] K12; rudraya K4,
rudra EN EKh Ep, dra K9, r K10, indra K1 6 11, idr K2 *dehi] K4 9 12 EN EKh
Ep; dedvi K1 2 6 11, dehi hi K10 *jalare] K9 10 EN EKh Ep; jare K1 2 6 11, jalea
K12, jalasa K4 * indradev ratnni jar(se) ditt. K4 *str] K1 2 4 6 9 11 12 (str) K10;
om. EN EKh Ep *namo 'stu] K1 4 6 9 11 12 EN EKh Ep namotu K2; (tra)mostu K9
tramo(ptu) K10
30ab *eksane] K1 2 6 9 10 11; eknte ca EN EKh Ep eksame K4 *trisadhya]
K1 6 9 10 11 trisandhya EN EKh Ep; trisadhya K2, triadhy K4
31ab *pupadhpdinaivedyai] K10 EN EKh Ep; pupadhpdinaivyadyai K9,
pjyadhpdinaivadyai K1, pjyadhpdinaivedyai K2 6 11,
p(jya)dhpdinaivi(...) K4 *pradpair] K1 2 6 10 11 EN EKh Ep pradpai K9;
pradiptai K4
31cd *abhyarcayet] EN EKh abhyarccayet K9 Ep; abhyarcaya K4, abhya///ye
K2, atyaccayet K10, atyacaye K1 6 11 * susthira] K2 10 11 EN EKh Ep sushira K9;
ssthira K10 (ku)shira K1, (...)usthira K4, tushira K6 *suprasannadh] K2 6
9 11 suprasannadh K1; sprasannadh K10, suprasanidh K4, suman sudh EN
EKh Ep

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


rasa rasyana divya vastrlakrabhaam//32//

o hr gaccha svmvari svh//
tripathastho vadhastho rtrau mantra japet sad/
lakatraya tata siddh dev syd vaayaki//33//

(EN p.353)(K6.89r)

vastrlakraa divya rasasiddhi rasyanam/

divyjana ca satu sdhakya prayacchati//34//

(K10.76v, K11.96r)

o [hr] rvaavsini yakakulapraste vaayakii ehy ehi svh//

Mantra18 * om. Ekh

33abcd * om. K10

32ab *samgatya] K1 4 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; samgatye K2

Mantra18 *svmvari] K9 10 EN; svmvar K1 2 6 11, (sy)mivar K4
*svh] K1 2 4 6 9 11 EN; syd K10
* [vaayaki] K10 n.e. K1 2 4 6 9 11 EN EKh Ep
33ab *vadha] EN EKh Ep; vatdha K1 2 4 6 9 11 12 *stho] K2 6 11 12 EKh Ep sho
K1; ///tho EN, sthe K4, (shyo) K9 *japet sad] K1 2 4 6 11 EN EKh Ep; mida japat
K12, sad japet K9
33cd *siddh] K2 4 9 12 EN EKh Ep; siddho K1 6 11 *dev syd] K1 2 4 6 9 11 ; dev
s K12, syd dev EN EKh Ep *vaayaki] K9 12 EN EKh Ep; vayayaki K1 2 4 6

34ab *vastrlakraa] K1 2 6 9 11 12 vastrlakrana K4; vastrlakaraa

EN EKh Ep, vastrlakaraa K10 *rasasiddhi] K1 2 9 10 11; rasasiddhi K4 6,
ra(la)siddha K12, siddha EN EKh Ep *rasyanam] K1 2 4 10 11, rasyaa K6 9
12; rasarasyanam EN EKh Ep
34cd *divyjana] EN EKh Ep divyjana K1 2 6 9 11 12; divyjana K4 10
*ca] K1 2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; rasa K4 *satu] K1 2 6 11; stu K10, s
tu K9 12 EN EKh Ep, tu K4
Mantra19 * [hr] EN EKh Ep, hr K4, n.e. K1 2 6 9 10 11 12 *rvaavsini] K10
EKh; rvaavsin K1 2 6 9 11, r vaavsini EN Ep, r vaavini K12, vaavsin
K4 *yakakulapraste] K2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; yakakulaprasute K4, yakakule
(p)rasute K1 6 *vaayakii] K9 10 EN EKh Ep; vaayaki K1 2 6 11 12, vaayaka
K4 *ehy ehi] K9 10 EKh Ep, ehy ahi K12, ///hy hi EN, ehye K1 2 6 11, e(...) K4


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

vaavka samruhya lakam eka japen manum/

tata saptbhimantrea kjikai klayen mukham//35//
ymadvaya japed rtrau vara yacchati yaki/
rasa rasyana divya kudrakarmpy anekadh/
siddhni sarvakryi nnyath akaroditam//36//

(Ep p.179)
(EKh p.147)

o [hr] nama candradrave karkarakrae svh//

[o] namo bhagavate rudrya caayogini svh//
Mantra20 * om. Ekh
Mantra21-Colophon * in a lost folio K1
Note * om. Ekh

35ab *vaavka] K9 10 EN EKh Ep; vaavka K1 2 4 6 11 12 *samruhya] K1 2 6 9

10 12 EN EKh Ep; samrhya K11 samrudrdhi K4
35cd *saptbhimantrea] K1 6 10 11 EN EKh Ep saptbhimatrea K12
saptbhimantrena K9; saptbhimatrea K2 sambhimantrena K4 *kjikai]
EN EKh Ep kjikai K2 6 9 10 11 kjikai K4 kjikai K1; kcikai K12
*mukham] K1 2 9 10 11 12 EN EKh; makham Ep, mukha K6, manu K4
36ab *japed] K1 2 4 6 9 11 EN EKh Ep; jape K10 12 *yacchati] K9 EN EKh Ep
yachati K2 10 12; yayati K6, yakati K1 11, mkati K4
36cd *kudrakarmpy] K1 2 6 9 11 kudrakarmmpy K9; kudrakampy K4,
kudrakarmy EN EKh kudrakarmmy Ep, kadrakarmy K10,
kudrakarmmar K12
36ef *akaroditam] EN EKh Ep akarodita K1 2 6 9 10 11; akarodita K4,
akarovaca K12
Mantra20 * [hr] EN Ep, n.e. *candradrave] EN Ep; candrasrve K1 9 11,
cadrasrave K2, candrasve K10, cadrarve K12, cadrasve K4
ca(i)ndrasrve K6 *karkarakrae] K2 10 12 Ep karkarakrae K9
karkarakrae K11; karkarkrae EN, karakarakrie K4,
karkare karae K1, karkare kare K6
Mantra21 * [o] Ep, n.e. EN Ekh *namo] K4 12 EKh; mo K2, so K6 9 10 11,
///mo EN * caayogini] em. caayogini ; candrayogini EN EKh Ep
Note *mantradvayasyaika] K4 6 11 Ep; mantradvayasyai(ky)aiva K9,
mantradvayasyaik EN, matradvayasyaik K2 12, matradvayasyaikaiva K12,
ma(ntra)dvayasyaikaiva K10 *siddhi] K9 10 12 Ep; ///ddhi EN, siddha K2 6 11,

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


cicvkatale mantra lakam vartayec chuci/

vil vitaret tu rasa divya rasyanam//37//
o ai vile dr dr [kl] ehy ehi svh//

narsthinirmit mudr gale pau ca karayo/

dhrayej japaml ca tdn tu manata//38//


lakam eka japen mantra sdhako nirbhaya sukh/

tato mahbhay siddh dadty eva rasyanam//39//
tena bhakitamtrea parvatn api clayet/
valpalitanirmukta cirajv bhaven nara//40//

(Ep p.180)

siddha K4
37ab *cicvkatale] EN EKh Ep cicvkatale K11 12 cic(v)katale K10;
cicvkatale K4 6, citrvkatale K9, vicvkatale K2 *vartayec chuci]
em. varttayec chuci EN EKh Ep; varttaye uci K6 11 9 10 12, varttaye uvi K2,
varttaya (u)ci K4
37cd *vil] K12 EN EKh Ep; vila K2 4 6 9 10 11 *vitaret] EN EKh Ep; vitare K2 4
6 10 11, vitare(s) K9, vicare K12 *divya] K2 6 9 11 EN EKh Ep; divya K4 10 12
Mantra22 *o] K2 4 9 12 EN EKh Ep; om. K6 10 11 *ai] K6 9 10 11 12; e K4, hr
EN EKh Ep, om. K2 *vile] K2 6 9 11 EN EKh Ep; viole K10, vibhee K4,
vilee K12 *dr] K2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; dr K4 *dru] K6 9 11 12; dr
K10 EN Ep, dra EKh K2, dra K4 * [kl] K12 EN EKh Ep, kl K4, n.e. K2 6 9 10 11
*ehy ehi] K12 EN EKh Ep; ehya K2 4, ehe K6 9, ehye K11, e(...)hi K4, ejya K10
38ab *narsthinirmit] K6 10 11 12 EN EKh narsthinirmmit K9 Ep;
narsthinimit K2, narsthinimit K12, narsthinimit K4 *mudr] K2 6 10 11;
mudr K4 9 12; ml EN EKh Ep *gale] K2 6 9 11 12 EN EKh Ep; gala K4 male K10
38cd *japaml] EN EKh Ep japaml K10 11 12; japam ml K2, japaml
K4 6, japam K9 *tdn] EN EKh Ep td K12; td K9 10 11, tdain K4,
d K6, d K2
39ab *sdhako] K2 4 9 10 11 12; s///ko K6, sdhayen EN EKh Ep *nirbhaya] EN
EKh Ep K2 6 10 11 nirbhayo K9; nirbhaya K4 nirbhaya() K12 *sukh] K2 6 11; u
K4, u K9, sudh K10 EN EKh Ep, sudhi K12
39cd *rasyanam] K2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; rasyayana K4
40cd *cirajv] K4 cirajv K10 12; cirajvi K2 cirajv K6 11 EN EKh Ep,
cirajvi K9



The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

o hr mahbhaye h [pha] svh//


uklapake japet tvad yvad dyeta candram/

pratipatprvaprn ta tval lakamita japet/
amta candrik datte ptv yad amaro bhavet//41//


o hr candrike 'ha sa svh//

(EKh p.148)

akracpodaye laka nirgutalamadhyaga/

japen mantra tatas tu dev ptlasiddhid//42//

(EN p.354)(K12.51r)

[o] ai kl aindri mhendri kulu kulu culu culu 'ha sa svh//

41cd * om. EN EKh Ep
41ef * datte ptv yadamaro 'mta tac ca bhaven nara/ EN EKh Ep, n.e.

Mantra23 *hr] K2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; hr K4 *mahbhaye] K2 6 9 10 11 12 EN

EKh Ep; mahbhaya K4 *bl] K9 10 12; bl K4, ll K2 11, ll K6, h EN Ep,
hu EKh * [pha] EN EKh Ep, n.e.
41ab *uklapake japet] EN EKh Ep; uklapakabhaved K4 12, uklapaket K2 6 9
*tvad] K4 9 10 12 EN EKh Ep; tavad K2 6 11, (y)vat K4, (y)va
11, uklapake K10
K12 *yvat] EN EKh Ep; yva K2 6 9 10 11, tvad K4, tva K12 *dyeta] K6 9 EN
EKh Ep; dyete K2 10 11, dsyate K9, dsyetu K12, dsyava K4 *candram] K6 9 10
11 cadram K2 cadram K4 12; candrik EN EKh Ep
41cd *prn ta] K10; prnta K12, prla K2 6, prla K9
*lakamita] K6 9 11; lakam ima K10, lakamima K4, laka
11, prala K4
nimita K2, lakamide K12
41ef *candrik] K9 10 11 cadrik K2 6; cadik K4 cadram K12 *datte] K2 6 9
*yad amaro] K6 9 10 11; padamaro K2, yad a(mva)ro K4, yad
10 11 12; datya K4
amavo K12
Mantra24 *hr] K2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; hr K4 *candrike] K6 10 11 EN EKh Ep
cadrike K2 12; candrke K9, vadi K4 *'ha sa] em. hasa K2 4 9 10 12; hasa
EN EKh Ep, ha K6 11
42ab *akracpodaye] K9 10 12 EN EKh Ep; akracpodayel K2, uklacpodayel
K6 11, uklcydayel K12, uklacodaca K4 *nirgutalamadhyaga] K11 EN
EKh Ep nirgutalamadhyaga K10 nirgu()talamadhyaga K9;
nirgutalamadhyaga K2, nigutalamadhyaga K6, nigutalamadhyaga K4,
nirutalamadhyata K12
42cd *ptlasiddhid] K2 4 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; ptlausiddhid K12
Mantra25 * [o] EKh Ep, n.e. EN *kl] K6 9 11 12 EN EKh Ep (kl) K2; kl
K4 10 *aindri] K6 EN EKh Ep aidri K2 9 ai()ndri K11; aidi K4 10, ai K12

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

hdi dhytv japed rtrau hasabaddha sa ceakam/

yoga dadti satu jarmtyuvinanam//43//



o hasa sarvalokalocanni bandha bandha dev jpayati svh//

ligamrdhni kara vma dattv laka japen manum/
vksiddhi mantrio lig ceik tu prayacchati//44//

(Ep p.181)

o namo ligodbhava rudra dehi me vc siddhi (vinna)

prvatyate (hr hr hr hrai hrau hra)//
Mantra26 * om. Ekh
Mantra26-51cd * om. K6

*mhendri] K9 11 EN EKh Ep mahedri K2 6 10; mhendr K4 mahedr K12 *culu

culu] EN EKh culu2 K2 9 10 11; culu K4 12, om. K6 *'ha sa] em. hasa K2 4 6 9 10 11
12 haa K4; hasa EKh Ep, ha/// EN
43ab *rtrau] K2 4 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; vrau K12, mantrair K4
*hasabaddha] K9 10 12 EN; hasabaddha EKh Ep, hasabaddha K2 4 6 11 *sa
ceakam] conj. sacetaka K12 EKh Ep, sacedaka K2 6 9 10 11, sacetasam EN,
sacekaa K4
43cd *satuo] K2 4 6 9 10 11 12; s tu EN EKh Ep
*jarmtyuvinanam] K2 6
11 EN EKh Ep jarmtyuvinsanam K4 9 10; jarmttyuvinakam K12
Mantra26 *hasa] K2 9 10 11 EN Ep; hasa K4, haa K12
*sarvalokalocanni] K12 sarvvalokalocanni K9 sarvalokalacanni K2 4 10 11,
sarvalocanni Ep, sarvvalocanni EN *bandha bandha] K4 badha badha K2
10 11 12 bada2 K9; bandhaya bandhaya Ep, bandhaya bandhata EN, varddha
varddha K12 *jpayati] K4 12 Ep; ()payati K2, (...)payati K9, jpaya///
EN, drpayati K10 11
44ab *ligamrdhni] conj.; ligamddhni K12, ligasurddh K4,
nigamamrddhni K9 10 11, nigamamrddhi K2, svyamrdhni EN EKh Ep *japen]
K2 4 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; japan K9, ida K12 *manum] K2 4 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; japet
44cd *vksiddhi] K2 4 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; vksiddhi K12, v(...)iddhi K4
*mantrio] K2 4 9 10 11 EN matrio K12; mantrie EKh Ep *lig] em. lig K2 4 9
*ceik] K2 4 EKh Ep; ceakas K9 12 EN,
10 12; ligi K11, lige EN, dev EKh Ep
ceakam K10 11 *tu] K4 9 10 11 12 EN; vai K2 EKh Ep, kta K12
Mantra27 *namo] K9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; om. K2 4 *dehi] K2 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep;
deh K4 *vc] K2 9 10 11 12; vc K4, vca EN, vca EKh Ep
*siddhi] K2
K4 Ep ,
4 12
2 10 11
9 10 11
binn EKh, vin/// EN, vitna K12 *prvatyate] K2 11 prvvatyate K9 10;


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

japen msatraye raktakambala suprasdati/

mtakotthpana kuryt pratimclana tath//45//

(sp) raktakambala mahdevdta amukam utthpaya utthpaya

pratim claya claya parvata kampaya kampaya llay vilasa vilasa
(hu hra)//
(K2.34v, K4.126r)
(EKh p.149)(K10.77v)
aottaraata japtv yat kicit svtmabhojanam/
tatraiva vsara datte nitya snidhyakraam//46//

attngata karma svsthysvsthya bravti s/

45ab-47cd and mantra29

* om. K12


p(r)vatiyate K4, prvvatte K12, parvatagate EKh, parvvatagate EN Ep *hr]

K2 9 11; hr K4 10, ta K12, dr EN EKh Ep
*hr] K2 9 10 11 12; h K4, dr
EN EKh Ep *hr] K2 9 10 11; h K4 12, dr EN Ep, dra EKh *hrai] K2 9 10
*hrau] K2 4 9 10 11 12; drau EN EKh Ep *hra]
11 12; hlai K4, drai EN EKh Ep
K2 4 9 10 11 12; dra EN EKh Ep
45ab *msatraye] K9 10 11; msatray K2, mmasatraya K4, msatraya EN EKh
Ep *raktakabala] K2 10 raktakabala K4; ra(ktu)kabala K9, ruktakabala
K11, raktakambale EN EKh raktakambal Ep
45cd *mtakotthpana] K2 10 11 EN EKh Ep; mtakonthpana K9,
mtakosthpana K4 *pratimclana] K9 10 EN EKh Ep; prativclana K11
praticclana K2 4
Mantra28 *sp] K2 10 11; sp K4 9, o EN EKh Ep *raktakambala] EKh Ep
raktakabala K4 9 10 11; raktaka/// K2, ra(ktu)kabala K9, raktakambale EN
*mahdev] K2 4 9 11; mahdevi K10 EN EKh Ep *dta] K2 4 9 ()ta
K10; (dr)ta K11, drutam EN EKh Ep *amukam] K9 11; amuka K4, amu(...) K10,
akam K2, amukmuka EN EKh Ep *utthpaya utthpaya] EKh Ep utthpaya2 K2
11; utth/// utthpaya EN, (...)tthpaya2 K10, unthpaya2 K9, sthpaya2 K4
*pratim] K2 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; pratim K4 *parvata] K2 4 EKh parvvata K10
EN Ep; parvvata K9, parvata K11 *kampaya kampaya] Ep kapaya2 K4 9 10;
kampaya EN EKh, kapaya K11, ///ya K2 *vilasa vilasa] K10 vilasa2 K9; vilasa
K2 11, clasa K4, cila cili EN, cili cili EKh Ep *hu hra] K2 11; h hra K9,
hu hu K4 10 EN EKh Ep
46cd *tatraiva] K2 4 9 10 11 EKh Ep; tato EN *vsara] K2 9 10 11 Ep; vsara K4,
vsava EKh, 'nuvsara EN *datte] K2 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; datt K4
*snidhyakaraam] em. snnidhyakraam K10; snnidhyakrakam EN EKh Ep,
snityakraam K2 9 11, sa()ni(s)nitya snityakraa K4
47ab *svsthysvsthya] EN EKh Ep; svasthysvsthya K9,

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

pratim parvatn sarvn clayaty eva tatkat//47//


(Ep p.182)

o karakamukhe vidyujjihve o (hra) ceake ja ja ja svh//

prvasevyuta japtv ktv homa daata/
ghtktai rajankuhai prnte ca punar japet//48//
pdnta liped gtra [candanena] rtrau mantra samuccaret/
(EN p.355)
yvan nidrvaa yti svapne vadati s gat/
vchita yac chubha kicit syt siddha v na sidhyati//49//
o hr sa nama manavsini caavegini svh//


svsthsvsth K10, svasthyvsthy K2, svasthvsth K4, svasthy K11

*bravti] K2 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; bravya K4
47cd *pratim] K10 11 EN EKh; pratim K4 9 Ep, pratimo K2 *parvatn] K2 4
*sarvn] K2 11 EN EKh sarvvn K9 10
11 EN EKh parvvatn K10 Ep; parvvatt K9
Ep; km K4 *clayaty eva] K2 4 9 EN EKh Ep; clayanteva K4, clayanty eva K11,
clayabhyeva K10
Mantra29 *hra] K4 9 10 11; hu EN EKh Ep, (hu) K2
*ceake] K2 9 10 11 EN;
cecake EKh Ep, catake K4 *ja ja ja] K2 9 10 11; ja ja ja K4, ja ja EKh Ep, ja
48ab *prvasevyuta] K2 4 12 prvvasevyuta K9 10 11; prvam evyuta
EN EKh prvvam evyuta Ep
48cd *rajankuhai] K9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; rajanpihai K12, rajavkuai K2 4,
rajavkuai K4 *prnte ca] K10 EN EKh Ep prte ca K2 prnte ca K9
*punar] K2 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; pnar K12,
11; prt ca K12, prca()te K4
pra K4
49ab *pdnta] K4 9 10 11 pdta K2 12; candanen EKh Ep, om. EN
*liped] K9 10 11 12 Ep lipet EKh; lipe K2 4, limpan EN *[candanena] EN, n.e.
EKh Ep
49cd *nidrvaa] K2 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; ndrvasa K4, nidrkhaya K12
*vadati] K2 4 9 10 11 12 EN Ep; vasati EKh *gat] K2 11 12; gar K4, gata K10, gata
K9, tad EN EKh Ep
49ef *vchita] EN EKh Ep vchita K2 10 vcchita K9 11; vcita K12,
vcchita K4 *yacchubha] EN EKh Ep yachubha K12; yaubha K9 10,
paubha K2 4 11 *siddha] K2 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; siddhi K4
Mantra30 *hr] K2 9 10 11 12 EN Ep; hr K4 *sa] K2 4 9 10 11 EN Ep; K12
*manavsini] K12 EN Ep smanavsini K9 10 11; amanavsini K2,
manavsin K4 *caavegini] K4 9 EN Ep; caavegi K10, caavogi K12,
cadravegini K2, candravegin K4 cadranegini K11


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

o namo bhagavati vikarapicini svh//


mantradvaye ekam eva sdhanaphalam//

karajavkam ruhya japed [(m)ruhya] daasahasrakam/
tatpacgair ghtbhyaktair daa homam caret //50//


tatpacgena kalkena pdnta savilepayet/

jpnte prvavat svapne kathayet s ubhubham//51//
o namo bhagavate rudrya
(Ep p.183)(K6.90r)
o namo bhagavate manavsine caayogine svh//
o nama candrasrvii karkarakrii svh//

* om. EKh K4


Mantra31 *bhagavati] K4 12; bhaga K2 9 10 11 *vikarapicini] K10

vikarapicini K9; vikarapicin K2,vikarapicin K11, karapicini K12,
karapicin K4
Note *mantradvaye] K9 10 11 EN Ep matradvaye K2; mantradvaya K4,
matradvaye 'pi K12 *sdhanaphalam] K2 4 10 11 12 sdhana(pha)la K9;
sdhanam EN Ep
50ab *ruhya; K11 12 EN EKh Ep ru(hya) K2 9; rujya K10, ru(...) K4 *japed]
K9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; jape K2 12, pe K4 * [(m)ruhya] K12, n.e. K2 4 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep
50cd *tatpacgair] em. tatpacgair K12 tatpacgai K10 tatpacgai
K9; tatpacsau K2 4 11 *ghtbhyaktair] K2 4 9 11 12 ghtbhyaktai
K4; ghtt pakair K10 *daa] K10 12 ddaa K9; daa K4,
(da)ra K2, ddara K11
51ab *kalkena] K9 10 EN EKh Ep; kalpena K4 11, kalpen() K2, kana K12
*pdnta] K4 9 10 pdta K12; dta K2 11, pda EN EKh Ep
*vilepayet] K2 9 10 11 12, vilepayat K4; vi(ra)lapayet K12, savilepayet EN EKh Ep
51cd *prvavat] EN EKh, prvvavat K9 12 Ep; prvvavan K10, sarvavat K2 4 9 11
*kathayet s] K2 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep, kathayat s K4; kathayeta K9
Mantra32 *bhagavate rudrya] K2 6 9 10 11 12; rudrya EN Ep *o namo
bhagavate] K2 4 6 9 10 11 EN; om. K12 *manavsine] K12 smanavsine K2 4 6
11 smanavine K9; smanavsiner K10, manavsina K4, manavsi EN
*caayogine] K9 caayogine K2 12; candrayogine K4 6 11, caayogine K10,
yogine EN Ep
Mantra33 *o] K2 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; om. K4 *candrasrvii] K10 EN EKh
Ep; cadrasravini K9, cadrasravi K2, cadramrvini K11, cadramravini K6,

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


ubhayo prvaiva siddhi//

prvasevyuta japte kuhakalkbhimantritam/

hastapdapralepena svapne vakti ubhubham/
trailokye yd vrtt td kathayaty alam//52//

(EKh p.150)

o hr gaccha gaccha cmue hr svh//

rocankukumai krai padmam aadala likhet/
(nirudrake) bhrjapattre [tu] mybja dale dale/
likhitv dhrayen mrdhni ima mantra tato japet//53//
Note * om. Ekh
53ab-54cd and mantra35
54abcd * om. K10

* om. EKh


cadraravine K12, cadrasvini K4 *karkarakrii] K2 6 10 EN EKh Ep

karkarakrii K9 11; karkarakri K12, karakarakrii K4
Note *prvaiva] K2 prvvaiva K9 10 11; prvvava K6, prvavat K4 12, prvvavat
EN Ep *siddhi] K2 6 9 10 11 EN Ep; siddhi K4; ekasiddha K12
52ab *prvasevyuta] K2 4 6 11 prvvasevyuta K9 10; prvasevyute K12,
prvam evyuta EN EKh, prvvam evyuta Ep *japte] K2 4 6 9 10 11 12; japtv
52cd * hastapda] K12; saptapda K2 4 6 9 10 11, saptavra EN Ep, saptavra Ekh
*pralepena] K4 6 9 10 11 12 EN EKh Ep; pralepet K2
*vakti] K9 10 11 12 EN EKh
Ep; akti K2 11, akti K6, vak(tra) K4
52ef *trailokye] K2 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; tailokya K12, tailokya K4 6 *td]
EN; td K9 10 EKh Ep, tda K12, yds K4 6 11, yd K2
Mantra34 *hr] K2 6 9 11 12 EN EKh Ep; hr K10, hri K4 *gaccha gaccha] K12
gaccha2 K4 9 10 11 gacha2 K2 6; gaccha EN EKh Ep *hr] K2 4 6 9 10 11 12; hri K4,
om. EN EKh Ep
53ab *rocankukumai krai] em. rocankukumai krai K9;
rocankukumakrai EN Ep, rocanai kukumai krau K12, evankukumai
krai K2 6 11, locakumai cchirai K4, aicankukumai ()rai K10
*padmamaadala] K2 6 9 11 12 EN Ep pa(dma)maadala K10; padmamaadale
53cd *nirudrake] conj. nrudrake K2 6 11, nradra(s)ke K9 10, niruddha K4, nrase
EN Ep, om. K12 *bhrjapattre] em. bhrjapatre K2 6 10 11 bhrjjapatre K9 12;
bhjapatre K4, sryyapatre EN Ep * [tu] EN Ep, n.e.
53ef *mrdhni] EN mrddhni K2 4 9 11 12 Ep; mrddhi K4 10, mddhni K9,
mddhni K6 *ima] K2 4 6 9 10 11 12 Ep; cema EN


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

prvasev tu saptha eva kuryt prayatnata/

attngata sarva svapne vadati devat//54//


o hr cicipicini svh//
(Ep p.184)
albumlik puye tath sarpkimlik/
sagrhy mantrit yatnd raktastrea veayet/
mantrea mrdhni baddhan tu vadaty eva ubhubham//55// (K6.90v)

o namo bhagavate rudrya karapicya svh//

iti rsiddhangrjunaviracite kakapue yakisdhana nma caturdaa
54ab *prvasev tu] K2 11 12 prvvasev tu K9; prvasevnu K6,
prvasevyuta K4, prvam eva tu EN, prvvam eva tu Ep
*saptham] K9 12
EN Ep; japtvham K2 6 11, japtm K4 *kuryt] K6 11 kuryyt K12 EN Ep; kuryyn
K9, kury K2, kuryy K4 *prayatnata] K2 6 9 11 EN Ep; prayatnat K4, patnata
54cd *attngata] K4 9 EN Ep; atitngata K12, attngata K2 atmgata
K6 11 *sarva] K2 9 EN sarvva K6 9 11 Ep; sarva K4, sa()rvva K1
Mantra35 *cicipicini]conj.; ciciicin K11, ciciici K9 12,
cinipicini EN Ep, cici K2 6 10, ci/// K6, ci (c)i i K4
55ab *albumlik] K9 10 EKh Ep alvumlik EN; albablik K2,
almbumlik K4, lbumlika K12, albubhlik K6 11 *puye] EN EKh Ep;
pupe K2 6 9 10 11, pupa K4, pupai K12 *sarpkimlik] K2 6 11 EN EKh Ep
sarppkimlik K9 10 12; sarpcchimli K4
55cd *sagrhy] K4 6 9 10 11 EN Ep; saghy K2, sagrht EKh, grhya K12
*mantrit yatnd] K9 EN EKh Ep matrit yatnd K10; mantrit yatn K4,
matritvyatnd K2, matritpyatnd K6 11, matr prayatmena K12 *veayet]
K2 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; veiti K12 veacat K4
55ef *mrdhni] EN EKh mrddhni K2 9 11 Ep; mrddhi K4 10, mddhni K6,
mddhni K12 *baddhan tu] K4 EKh Ep baddha tu K2 6 9 11 12; baddh tu EN
varddha tu K10 baddha detette K12 *vadaty eva] K2 6 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; vadat
eva K4, vatatra satya K12
Mantra36 *karapicya] K2 6 10 karapicya K4 9 11; karapicini EN EKh Ep,
rudrapicya K12
Colophon *rsiddhangrjunaviracite] K1 10 12 EN EKh
rsiddhangrjjunaviracite K6 9 11 Ep; csinrgrjunaviracite K2,
siddhangrjjuna K4 *kakapue] K2 4 9 10 12 EN EKh Ep; kachapue K1 6,
kacchapue K11 *yakisdhana] K1 2 9 10 11 EN EKh Ep; yakisdhana K6,

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


yaka(spa)dhana K4, yakan matrajapasdhana K12 *caturdaa]

K2 4 10 EN caturddaa K9 11; caturddaama K12, caturddaa K1 6, pacavia
EKh tunaviati K4 via Ep *paala] K1 2 6 9 10 11 12 EN Ep; paala EKh, paala K4


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

Chapter 14 Yakisdhana
Now, [the teacher tells] the yakisdhana:
1: He should concentrate on the meditation of all yakis, who appear
as sister, mother, daughter, or wife, as he wishes.1
2: A purified man should recite the mantra one hundred thousand times
at the bottom of a vaa (Banyan)-tree. Afterwards, he offers
bandhka-flowers,2 honey, clarified butter, and milk every ten japas
into the yoikua (yoni-shaped pit). Then, the goddess Vicitr is
satisfied and gives the sdhaka (practitioner) whatever he wants.
Mantra: O, Vicitr (the charming one), who has an excellent
appearance, bestow, bestow a siddhi (supernatural achievement),
3: Standing at a three-way junction, he should recite the mantra one
hundred thousand times. Through sacrificing guggulus4 smeared with
We can find the parallel verse in the Kmaratnatantra, chapter .
sarvs yakin tu dhyna kuryt samhita/
bhaginmtputrstrrpa tulya yathopsitam//
bandhka: L. Pentapetes phoenicea.
Vicitr is the first of 36 yakis appearing in the Umarevaratantra,
chapter .
lakadvaya japen mantra vaavkatale uci/
pac campakapupai ca homa madhughtnvitam//
kuryd daato mantr akareodita yath/
tata siddh bhaved devi vicitr vchitaprad//
o vicitre citrarpii me siddhi kuru kuru svh//
We can also find the Vicitryaki-sdhana in the Kmaratnatantra, chapter
lakam eka japen mantra vaavkatale uci/
bandhkakusumai pacn madhvjyai kramiritai//
datte dhpe daena juhuyt praynvitam/
tata siddh bhaved dev vicitr vchitaprad//
o vicitre vicitrarpe siddhi kuru kuru svh//
Guggula=guggulu: bdellium or the exudation of Amyris Agallochum (a fragrant
gum resin, used as a perfume and medicament).


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


clarified butter every ten japas into a fire, Bha gives whatever he
Mantra: Ai, Mahnand (the great joy), Bha (the horrible one),
hr, hr, svh!5
4: Having gone to a yaka's shrine, a mantrin becomes naked and should
recite the mantra. Then, he should make offerings at night for up to
twenty-one days.
5: Then, the sdhaka should recite the mantra with concentration. At
night, the goddess comes and offers whatever he desires or loves.
Mantra: O, hr, Nakhake (the fine nails and hair), Kanakavat (the
gold-holder) ,6 svh!7
6: Having meditated on [the yaki] who has eyes all over the body, or
having written her figure on fine cloth or woven cloth, he should recite
the mantra three hundred thousand times and offer a guggulu, lk
(lak), or utpalaka8 every ten japas into a fire. At the end of the homa,
she will give whatever he wishes.
Mantra: O, Kuvalay (the water lily), dally, dally, make more efficient,
make more efficient, Siddhisiddhevar (the mistress of siddhi and
Bha is the fourth of 36 yakis appearing in the Umarevaratantra,
chapter .
tripathastho japen mantra lakasakhya daata/
ghtktaguggulair home bha cintitaprad//
o ai dr mahnande bhai dr dr svh//
We can find the yaki Kanakvat, one of eight yakis, in the
Bhattantrasra, chapter .
Nakhake: the 32nd of 36 yakis appearing in the Umarevaratantra,
chapter .
gatv yakigha mantr nakhakeai prapjayet/
dinaikaviatir yvat pj ktv tato nii//
vartayed ekacitto mantr mantra susayata/
nirdhe vchita krya devy gatya prayacchati//
o hr nakhakeike svh//
Utpalaka: a kind of water lily, L. Nymphaea stellata.



The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

siddha), svh!
7: A mantrin with a fearless mind should recite the mantra two hundred
thousand times in a cemetery and offer guggulu with clarified butter into
a fire. Then, Vibhram is satisfied, and she always gives food for fifty
Mantra: O, hr, one who has an amorous appearance, Vibhram (the
amorous one), do, do, come near, come near, the bhagavat (venerable
one), svh!9
8: [Having prepared] a portion of food from vegetable soup, juice,
groats or alms, he should always make offerings to the goddess and
recite the mantra thirteen hundred thousand times. Then he should offer
food prepared with milk into a fire. Through offering one thousand
times, it will be succeessful.
9: She always gives food for a thousand worlds, and gives a long life of
one hundred thousand divine years. Thus, akara said.
Mantra: O, hr, Jalapi (the water-on-hand), pjvala, pjvala, hu,
blu, dhu!
10: Having offered food derived from a fleshless10 vegetable into a fire,
he should recite this mantra. Having offered them during the middle of

Vibhram: the second of 36 yakis appearing in the Umarevaratantra,

chapter .
lakadvaya japen mantra mane nibhto nii/
bibhram toam yti pacan mnuai saman/
dadti bhojana dravya pratyaha akaro 'bravt//
o hr vibhrame vibhramagarpe vibhrama kuru rahi2 bhagavati svh//
We can also find the Vibhramyaki-sdhana in the Kmaratnatantra, chapter
vibhramsdhana vakye prathama u vallabhe/
vibhramy prasanny vchitrthn prayacchati/
pacan mnu ca dadti bhojana sad//
o hr v vibhramarpe ehi ehi bhagavati svh//
I interpret utpala to mean ud (apart) + pala (flesh).

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


the lunar eclipse, he should repeat the mantra eleven hundred thousand
11: Alternatively, he should offer mlat-flowers11 into a fire one
thousand times during the middle of the solar eclipse. If it is completed
before the sun is released from the eclipse, it will certainly be successful.
She gives him thousands of food items and thousands of years of life.
Mantra: O, Prabhut (the wealthy one), Sulocan (the beautiful eyed),
ll, ll!12
12: Having drawn the divine goddess of yellow colour, with the water
lily in her hand, and wearing all kinds of ornament, on a cloth smeared
with [the powder of] a conch shell, he should then praise her.
13: He should recite [the mantra] politely one thousand times with
[offering of] jt-flowers13 at dawn, noon and sunset for seven days.
Then, the purfied man should recite it at the night.
14: When the midnight has passed, the satisfied goddess comes up and
offers twenty-five gold coins every day.
Mantra: O, hr, Ratipriy (the one fond of enjoyment), svh!14

In tantric texts, mlatpupa sometime means menstrual flow of mlat

(virgin). However, in this context, it seems literally to mean flower of mlat
(Spanish jasmmine or another species of plant).
Sulocan: the 21st of 36 yakis appearing in the Umarevaratantra,
chapter , but the sdhana and mantra of the yaki mentioned in the
Umarevara are different from those in the Kakapua.
Jt: Catalonian or Spanish jasmmine, L. Jasminum grandiflorum.
Ratipriy: the 36th of 36 yakis appearing in the Umarevaratantra,
chapter .
akhaliptapae yasyd dev gau dhtotpalm//
sarvlakri divy samlikhy 'rcayen nara/
jtpupai prapjytha sahasraika parivartayet//
saptha mantravit tasy kurydarv ubh/
ardhartre gate dev samgatya prayacchati//
pacaviatidnrn pratyaha paritoit/
vchita manasastasmai mantrajya na saaya//


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

15: He should recite [the mantra] at sunrise and sunset for up to

twenty-one days. In the evening, he should always throw the lump made
from his own food onto a house.
16: On the twenty-first day, a pica-girl becomes satisfied and comes
to his bed. She offers twenty-five gold coins every day. Whatever he
asks, she quickly whispers [the answer] into his ear accordingly.
Mantra: O, hr, va, ca, Kambalik (the woollen-clothed), take,
take a lump, the pica-girl, svh!
17: In a cave or jungle, being alone, he should recite the mantra one
hundred thousand times. He should always offer a flower, incense, and
caru-oblation15 with special effort.
18: If he offers the five kinds of divine food16 into a fire every ten japas,
the goddess becomes satisfied. Having been pleased, the lady [offers]
one thousand gold coins every day.
Mantra: O, guyu, gulu, Candrasumat (the moon-benevolence),
Avajt (?), hulu, hulu, Candragiri (the moon-mountain), svh!
19: He should always make offerings to Mahdeva in the place where
an ekaliga is enshrined at dawn, noon, and sunset. Having offered
o hr ratipriye svh//
We can also find the Ratipriyyaki-sdhana in the Kmaratnatantra, chapter
akhaliptapae dev gauravar dhtotpalm/
sarvlakri divy samlikhyrcayet tata//
jtpupai sopacrai sahasraika tato japet/
trisadhya saptartra tu tato rtriu nirjapet//
arddhartre gate dev samgatya prayacchati/
pacaviatidnrn pratyaha toit sat//
o hr kanakakanaka maithunapriye ratipriye svh/
athav o hr ratipriye svh//
Caru: an oblation (of rice, barley, and pulse) boiled with butter and milk for
presentation to the gods or manes.
Pacmta: the five kinds of divine food (i.e., milk, coagulated or sour milk,
butter, honey, and sugar).

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


incense, the mantrin should recite the mantra. She [tells him] Tell me
what you want.
20: Oh, goddess, I am tormented by poverty. Please become the one
who destroys that for me. If she is pleased, she gives wealth, health,
and long-life.
Mantra: O, hr, come, Surasundar (the lovely celestial female),
21: Having drawn her with a beautiful appearance, by kukuma
(turmeric) on a leaf of birch bark,18 starting from the new moon day, he
should make offerings to her and recite [the mantra].
22: He should make offerings to her with [reciting the mantra] three
thousand times at dawn, noon, and sunset. At the end of the month, he
should recite it through the night. At the midnight, she comes up. If she
is pleased, she offers one thousand gold cold coins every day.
Mantra: O, hr, Anurgi (the passionate one), Maithunapriy (the
one sexual intercourse), svh!19

We can find the Surasundaryaki-sdhana in the Kmaratnatantra, chapter

ekaliga mahdeva trisadhya pjayet sad/
dhpa dattv japen mantra trisadhya trisahasrakam//
msameka tato yti yaki surasundar/
dattvrghya praamen mantr brte s tva kim icchati//
devi dridryadagdhosmi me tan nakar bhava/
tato dadti s tu vittyucirajvitam//|
o hr gaccha gaccha surasundari svh//
All available manuscripts support bhridee (many place), but we can suppose
it would originally be bhrjapatre (leaf of birch bark), according to external
evidences and former editors.
Anurgi: the 31st of 36 yakis appearing in the Umarevaratantra,
chapter ..
kukumena samlikhya bhrje dev sulakam/
pratipattithim rabhya dhpadpdibhir varm//
ktv dev sahasra ca trisadhya parivartayet/
msam eka tata pj rtrau ktv punar japet//


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

23: On a beautiful bank of a river, having prepared a maala with

candana, he should make offerings to the goddess and then recite the
mantra ten thousand times.
24: Thus, he should recite the mantra for twenty-one days. Then, the
pleased goddess will always give one thousand coins. He should spend
them every day. Otherwise, the goddess gets angry and does not give
them any more.
Mantra: O, hr, Sarvakmad (the provider of all desire), Manohar
(the fascinating one), svh!20
25: The mantrin should recite the mantra ten thousand times early in the
morning when the sun rises. He should recite [the mantra] for one
month and offer white flowers and pyasa-oblations21 [to her drawn] on
the cloth smeared with the [powder of] conch shell, every day.
26: He should offer clarified butter and firewood made of karavra
ardhartre gate dev samgatya prayacchati/
dnr sahasraika pratyaha paritoit//
o anurgii maithunapriye yakakulapraste svh//
We can also find the Anurgiyaki-sdhana in the Kmaratnatantra,
chapter .
kukumena samlikhya bhrjapatre sulakam/
pratipattithimrabhya pj ktv japettata//
trisandhya trisahasra tu msnte pjayennii/
sajapedarddhartra tu samgatya prayacchati/
dnr sahasraika dadti paritoit/
o hr hr anurgii maithunapriye svh//
Manohar: the 29th of 36 yakis appearing in the Umarevaratantra,
chapter .
nidtre ubhe ramye candanena sumaalam/
vidhya pjayed dev tato mantryuta japet/
ekaviatighasrnta prasann vitaret sad/
ardhartre gate dev dnr sahasrakam//
dadti pratyaha tasmai vyaya kuryd dine dine/
tadvyaybhvate bhyo na dadti prakupyati//
o hr sarvakmade manohare svha//
Pyasa: an oblation made of milk, rice, and sugar.

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


(Oleander)-tree. The pleased akhi always gives five silver coins.

Mantra: O, hr, akhacri (the conch-shell-servant),
akhbhara (the conch-shell-bearer), dr, dr, kl, re, r
27: He should recite this mantra eight thousand times for seven days. He,
by the name of Maibhadra23, gives one silver coin every day.
Mantra: O, homage to Maibhadra (jewel-prosperity), homage to
Prabhadra (full of prosperity)24, homage to the great chief of the army
of yakas, crush, crush, the bearer, svh!
28: He should recite this mantra four hundred thousand times, and then
Tyg becomes pleased. She offers him whatever property he thinks
about, whether the mantrin donates it [for others] or enjoys it [for
Mantra: O, Oh, Tyg (the donor), give me wealth of great donations
or money, and serve me excellently, svh!
29: A purified man should recite the mantra every night by the sea.
When he has recited it one hundred thousand times, the siddha
Sgara-ceaka (the sea-servant) gives three valuable jewels, and then the
mantrin will become happy.
Mantra: O, homage to the bhagavat (venerable one) Rudra, give me
jewels, Jalari (the ocean),26 homage to thee, svh!

akhi: the 12th of 36 yakis appearing in the Umarevaratantra,

chapter .
mantryuta japen mantr sti bhnudaye ci/
akham likay pacd indhanai karavrajai//
dtktai homayen mantr daana ucis tata/
dhruva siddh bhaved dev akhin vchitaprad//
o hr akhadhrii akhdhraa dr dr kl r svh//
Maibhadra is a popular yaka, worshipped in India from ancient times.
Prabhadra is another famous chief of the yakas, along with Maibhadra.
Tyga (giving away) and bhoga (enjoying).
All available manuscripts have str (the girl) after Jalari. However, I


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

30: The mantrin should recite the mantra three thousand times on a
purified seat at dawn, noon, and sunset for one month. Then, he should
undertake offerings [to her].
31: He should praise [her] properly with flowers, incense, food, lamps,
and clarified butter filled [in a vessel] at night with a very serene mind.
32: When midnight has passed, the goddess comes up and offers the
divine rasa (quicksilver for producing gold), rasyana (elixir for
prolonging life), cloth, ornaments, and embellishments.
Mantra: O, hr, come, Svmvar (the queen of queens) svh!
33: Standing at a three-way junction or at the bottom of a vaa
(Banyan)-tree, he should continually recite the mantra three hundred
thousand times at night. Then, the siddh, goddess, Vaayaki will
34: With pleasure, she gives a cloth, an ornament, the divine rasa-siddhi
and rasyana, and the divine eye ointment to the sdhaka.
Mantra: O, she who lives in the holy vaa-tree, and who comes from
the yaka family, Vaayaki, come near, come near, svh!27

omitted str, according to former editors, because Jalari has the masculine
Vaayaki: the 15th of 36 yakis appearing in the Umarevaratantra,
chapter .
tripathastho vadhastho rtr maun japet tu vai/
lakatraya tata siddh dev syd vaayaki//
vastrlakaraa divya rasasiddhi rasyanam/
divyjana ca satu sdhakya prayacchati//
o r dr vaavsini yakakulapraste vaayakii ehy ehi svh//
We can also find the Vaayaki-sdhana in the Kmaratnatantra, chapter .
tripathe tu vaasthne rtrau mantra japet svayam/
lakatraya tata siddh dev ca vaayaki//
vastrlakraka divya rasasiddhirasyanam/
divyjana tu s tu sdhakya prayacchati//
o hr vaavsini yakakulapatke vaayakii ehy ehi svh//

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


35: Having climbed a vaa tree, he should recite the mantra one hundred
thousand times. Then he should wash his mouth with the kjika,28
which is consecrated seven times with the mantra.
36: He should recite the mantra for two ymas (i.e., six hours) at night.
Then, the yaki bestows a boon: the divine rasa and rasyana, various
small objects, supernatural powers, and all kinds of objects. There are
no other means. Thus, akara said.
Mantra: O, hr, pay homage, Candradrav (the moon-stream),29
Karkarakra (the whispering from ear to ear), svh! Homage to
the bhagavat Rudra, Caayogin (the fierce yogin), svh!30
Both these two mantras will bring the same siddhi.
37: A purified man should recite the mantra one hundred thousand times
at the bottom of a cic (tamarind)-tree. Then the pleased Vil grants
the divine rasa and rasyana.
Mantra: O, ai, Vil (the mighty one) run, run, come, come,

Kjika: sour gruel, water of boiled rice in a state of spontaneous fermentation;

a medicinal plant
We can find the name of the yaki in the maratantra, chapter .
We can find the parallel verses in the Kmaratnatantra, chapter , and it is
mentioned as another Vaayaki-sdhana.
vaavka samruhya lakam eka japen manum/
tatas saptbhimantrea kjikai klayen mukham//
msatraya japed rtrau vara yacchati yaki/
rasa rasyana divya kudrakarmahy anekadh/
siddhni sarvakryi nnyath akaro'bravt//
o nama candrdyv karakraa kl svh/
v o namo bhagavate rudrya caavegine svh//
Vil: the 6th of 36 yakis appearing in the Umarevaratantra, chapter
cicvkatale mantra lakam vartayec chuci/
tapatrodbhavai pupai saghyair homam caret//
tata siddh bhaved devi vil kagmin/
dadti mantie tu rasa divya rasyanam//


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

38: He should wear the ornaments made from human bones on his neck,
hand, and both ears, and keep the rosary, which is likewise brought from
a cemetery.
39: The sdhaka should recite the mantra one hundred thousand times
without fear and with pleasure. Then, the siddh Mahbhay will
definitely give the rasyana.
40: As soon as it is taken, he can move even mountains and be free from
wrinkles and white hair, and he attains a long-life.
Mantra: O, hr, Mahbhay, h, pha, svh!32
41: On the day of the light half month, he should recite the mantra until
the [full-] moon is seen. From the new moon day up to the full moon
o ai hr vile str str ehy ehi svh//
We can find the Vilyaki-sdhana also in the Kmaratnatantra, chapter
cicvkatale laka mantram varttayec chuci/
atapupodbhavai pupai saghtair homam caret//
vil ca tatas tu rasa divya rasyanam/
prasann yacchati tata sarvasiddhir bhaviyati//
o ai vile kr hr vr kl kr svh//
Mahbhay: the 10th of 36 yakis appearing in the Umarevaratantra,
chapter .
asthimudrdharo laka mane prajapen manum/
tato mahbhay siddh yacchaty asya rasyanam//
tena bhakitamtrea parvatn api clayet/
balpalitanirmukto na roga samavpnuyt//
o hr mahbhaye pre svh//
We can find the Mahbhayyaki-sdhana also in the Kmaratnatantra,
chapter .
narsthinirmit ml gale pau ca karayo/
dhrayej japaml ca td tu manata//
lakam eka japen mantra sdhako nirbhaya uci/
tato mahbhay yak prayacchati rasyanam//
tasya bhakaamtrea sarvaratnni clayet/
valpalitanirmukta cirajv bhaven nara//
o hr tr mahbhaye kl svh//
athav o kr mahbhaye kl svh//

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


day, he should recite the mantra up to one hundred thousand times.

Then, Candrik gives amta (elixir). Having drunk it, he becomes
Mantra: O, hr, Candrik (the moonlight), 'I am He/That',33 svh!34
42: When a rainbow appears, having gone to the bottom of a
nirgu-tree35, he should recite the mantra one hundred thousand times.
Then, the pleased goddess gives the siddhi of underground world.
Mantra: O, ai, kl, Aindr, Mhendr,36 kulu kulu, culu culu, 'I am
He/That', svh!37
43: Having visualized the servant38 bound with a hasa39 in his heart,
he should recite the mantra at night. Having been pleased, [the deity]
bestows the prescription that destroys old age and death.
Mantra: O, Hasa (the goose), Sarvalokalocann (the eye of all the
world), bind, bind, the goddess commands, svh!40

The phrase aha sa or so 'ha, which means identification of oneself with

the universe or ultimate reality, is sometimes seen in mantras in the mediaeval
Tantric tradition.
We can find the Candrikyaki-sdhana in the Kmaratnatantra, chapter .
uklapake japet tvad yvat sadyate vidhu/
pratipatprvaprn ta navalakam ida japet//
amta candrik datta ptv jvo'maro bhavet//
o hr candrike ha sa kr kl svh/
Nirgu: five-leaved chaste tree, L. Vitex negundo.
Aindr or Mhendr are epithets of ac, Indras wife.
Mahendr: the 11th of 36 yakis appearing in the Umarevaratantra,
akracpodaye laka nirgutulassthita/
japen mantra tatas siddh bhavet ptlasiddhid//
ai hl mhendri mantrasiddhi kuru kuru kulu kulu hasa soha svh//
Sa ceakam (he, servant) is possibly sacetakam (consiously).
Hasa (goose), the vehicle of Brahm, is considered to be etymologically
derived from aha sa. It is a symbol for the soul.
We can see a similar mantra in the Kmaratnatantra, chapter .
o namo nicaramahmahevara mama paryaata sarvalokalocanni bandhaya
bandhaya devyjpayati svh//


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

44: Having placed the left hand on the top of a liga, he should recite
the mantra one hundred thousand times. The female servant Lig, gives
the accomplishment of speech to the mantrin.
Mantra: O, pay homage, he who is arisen from the liga, Rudra, give
me the accomplishment of speech similar to Prvat, hr, hr, hr,
hrai, hrau, hra!
45: He should recite [the mantra] for three months, then Raktakambala
becomes satisfied. He will make a dead person alive, and likewise,
make an image animated.41
Mantra: Sp, Raktakambala (the red lotus), the messenger of
Mahdev, make [so and so] arise, arise from death, animate the image,
make the mountain shake, shake, play, play in fun, hu, hra!
46: Having recited [the mantra] one hundred and eight times, he gives
some of his food to [the deity] for one day. [The deity] always attends
on him.
47: She will tell him whether his past and future acts will result in good
fortune or misfortune, and she will immediately shake all statues or
Mantra: O, Karakamukh (the skull face), Vidyujjihv (the
lightning-like tongue), O, hra, the female servant, ja, ja, ja,
48: Having recited the mantra ten thousand times as a prior service and
offered the dark kuha*42 smeared with clarified butter into a fire every
ten japas, he should recite it again at the end of homa.43


We can find parallel verses in the Umarevaratantra, chapter .

japen msatraya mantra kambala suprasannadh/
mtakotthpana kuryt pratimclana tath//
Kuha: L. Saussurea auriculata or Saussurea lappa
Prnte indicates the time when the homa completes, or possibly the end of
full moon day.

The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)



49: He should smear [candana] on his body from top to toe and recite
the mantra at night untill he becomes sleepy. Then, in his dream, she
comes and tells whether his wish will be fulfilled and brings good
Mantra: O, hr, sa, pay homage, manavsin (the cemeterydweller),45 Caavegin (the impetuous one),46 svh!
Mantra: O, homage, the bhagavat Vikara (the large eared)-picin,
Both these mantras will bring the fruit of sdhana.
50: Having climbed a karaja (karanja or kerong)-tree,47 he should
recite the mantra ten thousand times. Then he should offer five parts of
that tree (i.e. root, bark, leaf, flower, and fruit) smeared with clarified
butter into a fire every ten japas.
51: He should smear kalka (a kind of tenacious paste) made of the five
parts of that tree [on his body] from top to toe. As earlier, at the end of
recitation, she tells him in a dream about the good fortune and
misfortune [which are about to happen].
Mantra: O, homage to the bhagavat Rudra, O, the bhagavat
manavsin (the cemetery-dweller), Caayogin, svh!
Mantra: O, homage, Candrasrgin, Karkarakri, svh!
As before, both these result in success48


Former editors support smear candana, but available manuscripts do not.

manavsin: the 14th of 36 yakis appearing in the Umarevaratantra,
chapter , but the sdhana and mantra of the yaki are different from those
of the Kakapua.
We can find the name in the Karapicin-mantra and also the
Vaayaki-mantra appearing in the Kmaratnatantra, chapter .
Karaja: L. Pongamia glabra or Pongamia pinnata.
These mantras were mentioned before (Mantras 20&21).



The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

52: Having recited the mantra ten thousand times as a prior service, he
smears the kalka paste of kuha, which has been consecrated with the
mantra, on his hand and foot49. With this, she will tell him, in a dream,
about the good fortune and misfortune [that are about to befall him]. She
will give the news of the three worlds.50
Mantra: O, hr, come, come, Cmu,51 hr, svh!
53: He should draw the eight-petalled lotus with rocan (yellow
pigment) and kukuma (turmeric) mixed with milk, on a dried52 birch
bark. Having written the seed syllable of My53 on each petal, he
should keep it on his head and then recite this mantra.
54: He should perform a prior service for seven days with special effort.
The goddess will reveal the past and future in a dream.
Mantra: O, hr, Cicin (tamarind tree) -picin, svh!54
Though most available manuscripts support saptapda (seven-foot)and
former editors support saptavra (seven times), I suppose it would be
hastapda (on the hand and foot), according to K12 and external evidence (the
We can find the parallel verses in the Kmaratnatantra, chapter , but the
name and mantra of the deity are different from those of the Kakapua.
prvam evyuta japtv kakanybhimantrita/
hastapdapralepena supte vakti ubhubham/
trailokye yd vrt tda kathayet phalam//
o hr sa namo bhagavati karapicini caavegini vada vada svh/
Cmu is one of the seven mtks (mother goddesses), and is also one of the
chief yogins who are attendants of the goddess Durg.
I interpret nirudraka to mean nis (without) + udra (water) + ka, that is, dried.
However, the external evidence supports nrandhra (having no holes).
The My bja is h.
We can find the Cicipicin-sdhana in the Kmaratnatantra, chapter .
rocanai kukumai krai padma cadala likhet/
nrandhre bhrjapatre ca mybja dale dale//
likhitv dhrayen mrdhni ima mantra tato japet/
prvam evyuta japtv caiva kuryt prayatnata/
attngata sarva svapne vadati devat//
o hr cicipicini svh//


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)


55: On the day the moon abides puya, he should take the root of albu
(bottle-gourd) and sarpk,55 and carefully consecrate it by the mantra
and tie it on the head by a red thread while reciting the mantra. Then,
the deity tells him about good fortune and misfortune.
Mantra: O, homage to the bhagavat Rudra, Karapica (the
ear-pica), svh!56
Chapter Fourteenth Yakisdhana in the Kakapua, written by


Sarpk: L. Ophiorrhiza mungos, Auvolfia serpentina, or Xanthium

We can find the Karayaki-sdhana also in the Kmaratnatantra, chapter
albumlik puye tath sarpkimlikm/
grhybhimantrit yatnd raktastrea veayet/
mrdhni baddhv tath supta vadaty eva ubhubham//
o namo bhagavatyai rudryai karayakiyai svh//


The Yaksin-sdhana in the Kaksaputa-tantra (Yamano)

I gratefully acknowledge the support and guidance of Professor Harunaga

Isaacson, and the advice of my colleagues who attended our weekly reading sessions
in Hamburg, including Michael Slouber, Kenichi Kuranishi, Jung Lan Bang, Andrey
Klebanov, and Lydia Porter.

Research Fellow
Research Institute for Old Japanese
Manuscripts of Buddhist Scriptures
International College
for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies


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