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Vocabularies and Definitions

1. Array = A large number/A collection. ()

= An array of products/emotions.
2. Myriad = Many/Numerous. ()
= Myriad of lights/thoughts and ideas.
3. Obliterate = To remove completely. (/)
= Obliterate the benefits.
4. Deteriorates = Become worse. ()
= The patients condition/The air quality has deteriorated.
5. Enthusiastic = Showing great excitement or interest. (/)
= An enthusiastic response.
6. Impressive = Producing a great effect. ()
= An impressive performance.
7. Levitate = To rise or lift something into the air. ()
= The magician levitates the woman.
8. Considerably/Substantially = To a great extent or degree. ()
= The room seems considerably larger.
9. Good-humored/Lighthearted = Pleasant and cheerful. ()
= He was brave and remarkably good-humored.
10. Plummet = Drop sharply. ()
= The stock market has plummeted.
11. Precisely/Exactly = To indicate exactness or preciseness. (//)
= He was popular precisely because he was so kind.
12. Fallacious = Inaccurate (/)
= A fallacious information.
13. Compunctious = Feeling guilty and ashamed. (/)
= They cheated without compunction (noun).
14. Deft = Skillful in physical movements. ()
= A deft waiter.
15. Pique = (noun) Feeling anger. (), (verb) to make you interested or curious.
= She had got over her pique (noun) at her managers refusal to accept
the job.
= The undiscovered disease has piqued Dr. Daniels interest.

16. Repast = A meal ().

= I have prepared this simple repast for my husband.
17. Shirk = To avoid or evade work, duty and responsibility. ()
= You cant shirk, its your duty!
18. Swimmingly = Without difficulty or effortless. ()
= She passed her test swimmingly.

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