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Penomenolohikong metodo

- relihiyon iba pa sa aesthetics and ethics
-Lampas pa sa nalalaman
-may lumalampas pa na existence na mahirap bigyan ng panggalan
-aware but you cant pinpoint exactly what that is
Puna ni Otto kay Schleiermacher
-May nauuna pa sa utang na loob
Fr. Ferriols to Otto
- Personal ba ang banal o hindi?
- -Otto -> Numen is too broad as a topic. Ayaw niya na hindi
personal ang religious experience.
- nanginginig ka pero you still stay
- attempt to explain it using the three words
- at homeness, belonging
- kabalance ng tremendum
- sindak pero attracted but may feeling of belongingness
- You know youll find your completion there but you know youre
not the boss in that relationship
Tension: Takot pero attracted
- Mas makapangyarihan pero pinapakitunguhan niya tayo
- Kaya niya tayo wasakin pero hindi niya ito ginagawa
Epiphenomenon- issue sa gilid ung personal ba o hindi ang banal
Persona- sino ba iyon o ano lang siya
Homo religious likas sa tao ang maging religious.
The holy deals with us integrally, taking on who we are with all our
Hieropanies- objects that have the presence of the holy
Cosmogenesis- Experience of sacred space

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