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Why Plan 3 (3-1-1) is wrong and why the September plan, with modifications, is right.

Key Findings on Community Values from Phase I

A. Social networks are at the heart of where people live, and those networks expand as people grow older,

B. lower Merion Public Schools are known for their excellence: academic as well as extracurricular,

C. Those who walk should continue to walk while the travel time for non-walkers should be minimized.

D. Children learn best in environments where they are comfortable-socially as well as physically.

E. Explore and cultivate whatever diversity-ethnic, social, economic, religious, and racialthere is in lower Merion.

Chart of each plan and how consistent each plan is with the values from Phase I (score in parenthesis - totals at boltom)

Plan 3(3-1-1)

Plan 1 (PW)'

Plan "4" lCY) **

A. B. C. D. E.

a little (1) yes (3)

a little (1) yes (3)

a little (1)

yes (3) yes (3) yes (3) yes (3) mostly (2)

a little (1) yes (3) . mostly (2) yes (3) mostly (2)

9 of 15

14 of 15

11 of 15

Yes = 3 points, mostly = 2, a little = 1, no = 0

* September plan with changes as outlined below.

*. Assumes that this is Gl, BH, CY to BC & HH, and PW, MR, PV to WV and lM

+ All 3 plans allow elementary-high school continuity for families who want it, and does not force it on those who have other trade-offs. None of the plans have continuity for all students.

Other Factors:

length (in time) of Bus Runs

(Based on the bus run information received in November from the transportation department)

0-20 min. 21-25 min. 26-30 min. 30-40 min.
HH (D of current bus runs) 2 3 7 7
lM (# of current bus runs) 16 5 0 1
lM (# of current bus runs) + 10 minutes further to HH
. "
9 12 4 1 over 40 min.

1 (45)


1 (44)

LMSD 04052

Bus summary:

• Of the current lM bus runs lasting longer than 24 minutes: Only one picks-up from the PW area (Y:r from Indian Creek and Y:r from the PW City Ave. area), 2 serve BC (including the longest) and the other 2 serve Ardmore/Narberth and Knightsbridge.

B New bus runs from PW to HH would likely run 30-35 minutes-start to fini~

Additional buses

• While the number continues to move, we will be busing 70-100 more kids if we accept Plan 3. That is 2-3 buses worth of kids. Even if we have "seats available," won't that, at the very least, increase the length of the bus ride for those buses? Therefore providing these students with the same argument against longer bus rides?


8 High School is not like elementary school. Most events are either after school or in the evening. If students learn to be responsible for their own lunches, etc. there is very litHe reason for a parent to be at school except for special circumstances. And, as discussed, we could always adjust the late buses a little.

• /When picking-up a sick child (or for an early dismissal, etc.) a parent is as likely to be coming from work as from home, so this is really impossible to predict

• Penn Wynne is not any further from HH than Belmont Hills. The BH kids participate in activities and the parents are involved. There is nothing that would keep an lM parent who wanted to be involved with their child from being involved.

8 It is certainly harder than going to lM, but not hugely so.


• There are very few African American kids in lower Merion. These families are generally concentrated in one larger area and one smaller area, though the district is slowly becoming more integrated.

,.., However, there are several areas of lower income/blue collar families and there are many r areas of students with different religious affiliations. Plan 3 places all of the most "gentile"

, areas: Narberth, Belmont Hills, Ardmore and South Bryn Mawr, at HH, and the areas with more Jewish populations: Penn Wynne & Bala Cynwyd, atlM. S. Ardmore, which is predominantly gentile, would also go to LM, though these are also the African American kids-the same kids would be filling both diversity categories.

_, nder this plan, arriton is very diverse (by lMT standards) and lM is fairly homogenous


wi 10 0 groups. It is important to remember that race is not the only diversity factor.

:F./-":' ~~ t/~~ ~ ~.

Shared Responsibility

• Under a revised September plan, more communities "share the responsibility" of redistricting without anyone community bearing it all. All get something in return for accepting some change, though maybe not exactly what they want.

• Under Plan 3, some communities get everything they want and others get nothing:..

• Under the September Plan 3 schools will have K-12 continuity AND walkability (CY, MR, GL). 3 elementary populations will share the "responsibihty," However, those populations will have some benefits in return, including the ability for individual famili~s _!.O determine which

values are most important to them: continuity, walkabifity or community. PW families may ,

'7 ue they et noth;n in eturn, thou h the do getto sta t ether as a grou K~12

, they do go to their nearest elementary school were many can walk .

LMSD 04053

September plan with modifications:

Middle School (no grandfathering required) Be= PW- MR-CY

WV = GL - BH - PV

High School

LM = CY - MR - Choice kids HH = GL - BH - PV - PW

Choice kids:

PW - PW's South Ardmore group has choice to go to LM - BH -- North Narberth has choice to LM •

PV -- PV kids that did not have choice before will continue to go to HH. The rest of PV has choice to lM.

• HH will get all the kids from GL elementary. all of BH except Narberth, about 1/3 of PV and all of PW except South Ardmore.

• lM will get all the kids from CY & MR and a number of choice kids.

The numbers are surprisingly close

GL 98/class
• BH 80/class
PW 98/class
PV 821c1ass
No choice
IB 10/year MR 86/class

CY 85.5/class

BH Choice

PV Choice

PW Choice

100% to HH 98 * 4 = 392
320 total ~05 from Narberth 320-205 = 115
100% les 9/clas from Ardmore 89 * 4 = 356
328 total
328 (total) - 216 (choice) 328-216 = 112
20% of choice 137 (Ardmore) + 79 JlM walk) 20%*216= 43 ----
100% to HH 10 * 4 = 40/
Total to HH 1058
100% to lM 86 * 4 = 344
100% tolM 85.5 * 4 = 342
80% of Narberth (205) 80% * 205 = 164 V
80% of Ardmore & lM walk zone (216) 80%*216= 173 ~
100% (South Ardmore) 100% * 37 = 37 v
Total to LM 1060 * elementary per grade totals determined by taking current 2nd - 5'11 grades at each school, adding together and dividing by 4

** Ardmore, LM walk, Narberth and S. Ardmore numbers are from numbers we have received previously.

+ I would make all N. Narberth choice kids walk and maintain the rest of the current LM walk zone .

LMSD 04054

1\1\001 F-16 D s6PTeM (:)6£ PL.-f\N Proposed High School

Attendance Zones H.s


L-M --~~ I tv\l(, C}\OIc&

H\-\ -Grl-I B\-\. Pv'1 ?vi







C-uY'm1t PW ous ruws tt.~e z.s min, ~~

of' \ess to LM 75

Md to min. More +0 ge.+ to H~ ---

Pw bus Y'\des w1 \\ be 65 \"\1"0,

or \e~$ .


LMSD 04055

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