Students Doe Exhibit 54

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Students Doe Exhibit 54 Diane DiBonaventuro Friday, December 12, 2008 11:36 AM McGinley, Christopher new plan Hi Chis, ‘A couple of questions about the final plan: 4.— Will we be getting a map that clearly articulates where everyone goes? | think this is vital fr Monday night and should identify where the line means both sides of the street and where the line means just one side of the street, 2~Will we see the actual number projections? Rather than just adding to one column and subtracting from the other, | ‘would like to see the numbers run fresh for this plan justin case something missed. By the way, the fact that Scott's projected totals are so far offs very troubling. Has he explained this? Have we lost kids between 8 & 9 or i it throughout? Also, the change in numbers between the presentation of 3 and the update need to be explained better. 3~1 would like the numbers to state what percentage of each walk zone is calculated to altend what schools? Are you Using the 80/20 estimate? How many total kids are in choice in PV and how many are in choice in the rest of the district? ‘What happens if the numbers continue to be way off? Whal are the diversity numbers? What if they are way off in this plan? By the way, the IB numbers are reflected in the general numbers and should not be added in twice. 4—| have to say, it feels lke the Harriton community is once again getting the short end of the stick. The response from board members is, hey never had choice, they won't miss il. This is not my experience. Frankly, | think the folks who do not have choice are just behaving more maturely and rationally—hardly a reason to continue to ignore them. | am not ‘saying give them choice, I am really just saying thal there needs to be a safe-guard to make sure Harriton doesn't get sorewed with the numbers. So my question is, whatis that safe guard? '5~ By giving choice to the entire district, this plan will perpetuate the mentality in the district that somehow Harriton is not a5 good as LM. No matter what you do, no matter how great Harriton is or what programs it has, the language and ‘mentality will continue to be: “I get to go to LMT and I have to go to Harriton.” The motivation for two equal high schools sto elevate Harton to the standing that LM has. This will never happen with choice across the entire district Harriton, no matter how great the programs, will always be the “other” School 6— If we do put special programs at HH to attract additional students, we beller be sure that we don't succumb to the Pressure to add those same programs at LM. Somewhiere, ina final document on redistricting, that should be clearly articulated for future boards and administrations, as should the full rationale for why the decision was made the way it ‘was. We should produce a 2-3 page final report which should be accepted at the January 12 meeting along with the vote for final approval | almost think it should be written into the attendance boundaries policy. 71am appaited that the current choice boundaries are not being followed. Who is responsible for this mistake? What ‘guarantees do we have that this will nat happen inthe future? | wil kely ask many of these questions on Monday night, so I wanted lo give you a heads up on getting the answers, together. Thanks, Diane LMSD05025

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