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Students Doe Exhibit 56 “Diane DiBonaventuro” _To: “McGinley, Christopher" , "Doucette-Ashman, , “Ebby, David™ net> , "Friedlander, Gary” , “Guthrie, Susan” , “Kugel, Lyn”™ 0171272009 02:36 PM «, “Lorenz, Ted” , “Novick, Jetty” , "Pliskin, Lisa Fair \homel)" , “Pliskin, Lisa Fale \work\)” cc: ‘Subject: RE: Information being Circulated on Plan 3R Chris ~ and everyone — First, let me say, is almost over. ‘As you all know, | will not be voting to approve the plan tonight, nor is David. | have spoken to David ‘boul his and we agree thal once the votes over we wil support whatever the majorly approves and wil do whatever we can to make it work. ‘That said, | have some concems about the projected numbers for the two schools, and | am not convinced that “choice” is going to solve the disparity. Chris, | mean no disrespect here, | just don’t agree. Ihave not seen the document Chris referenced below, nor did I have any input into i. !have been contacted by people in Narberth and Ardmore for suggestions on how to convince all of you to change your minds. told them there was nothing else they could say of do that would change your minds, but they were not deterred. 1 tried to get them to back off, but to no avail. Any similarities between my” ‘comments (or David's, | am sure) and theirs are based on similar values and ways of processing the information, not on any kind of “collaboration.” Given earlier discussions of trust and breaches in confidentiality | felt it important to be proactive on this ! point ‘See you tonight, Diane From: McGinley, Christopher [ Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 1:17 PM ‘To: DiGonaventuro, Diane; Doucette-Ashman, Linda; Ebby, David; Friedlander, Gary; Guthrie, Susan; Kugel, Lyn; Lorenz, Ted; Novick, Jerry; Pliskin, Lisa Fair (home); Pliskin, Lisa Fair (work) Cc: Young, Douglas ‘Subject: Information being Circulated on Plan 3R. Afteroon (can't bring myself to say “good”, ‘The attached document is being circulated amongst some parents who are opposed to plan 3R. The document contains some incorrect information and makes other assertions that I see as misleading at the very least. I know that you are being contacted by parents who may be speaking from these points so I ‘wanted you to have some additional information Chris + The plan does not equalize programs P51 LMSDLFP 00048 © [Bis assumed to remain at Harriton (© The Penn State Program is a Harriton initiative that has been in the works since 2007. There is history here in allowing schools to think creatively about enhancing program offerings © This program is about a small set of business electives © Many other high schools have or are implementing dual enrollment options © The has been discussed with the Board and it is going to be formally discussed at the next curriculum committee meeting © Other than administrative planning time the program cost are paid for by Penn State and parents of children who wish to eam college credit + The plan does not equalize high school populations © After grandfathering is complete we are looking at a projected difference of 47 students + This assumes that the current numbers of students choosing Harriton will continue + The projection includes another 10 students per year for four years + If'we fail to do this and I don’t think that we will then the spread could grow from 47 to 87 * This plan does not equalize the middle schools and will cause overcrowding at BC ‘©The numbers appear to be from a September presentation that was based on last year’s projections. Our enrollment does not match last year’s projections probably because so few houses were sold in the past year. © These numbers are based on our actual enrollments. BC will not excced capacity even if we have an unexpected increase of five percent or more © Our projections + BC wy + 910 787 789 + 10-11 813 78 * 11-12 805 763 * 1213. 814 7Al I don’t have good number for 13-14 because they rely on kindergarten numbers and they are incomplete. + Token Diversity??? © Idon’t know the source of the numbers that they present nor do I necessary agree with the assertions in the narrative © The community value of diversity is what caused us to look at these issue in the process. This was clearly misinterpreted in the public and the press © [don’t understand the reference to costing taxpayers thousands of dollars © Tothe best of our knowledge these are the actual numbers of students who are affected by redistricting to Harriton and losing the option of going to LM + Inthis area there are 214 students in grades 5 ~ 8 (which represents a four year replacement at Harriton). "Race Number Percentage LMSDLFP 00049 + Asian 15 1% + Black 45 21% 7 = Hispanic 9 4% . * Indian 1 NA 7 * White 144 67% : * Socio Economic ‘+ 40 of the 214 get free or reduced lunch or 19%, (Christopher W. McGinley, EdD. ‘Superintendent Lower Merion Schoo! Distct LMSDLFP 00050

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