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A surprise In the Barn Program


How to use the Programs

You can print out these programs and fill them in before your show.
-Draw or print a picture to put into the photo frames
_Write a bit about what you liked about doing the play and how you are similiar
to the character in the white box
-Also on the back of the program write the names of the cast.
-Once personalised the inside of the program onto the outside and fold.
-After put your personalised programs onto the seats of your audience.
Have fun!
Writing goes here
Photos go

A Surprise in the Barn

When you put one vein pig, a moody cow
and a cowardly sheep into a cramped
stable what do you get? Arguments and
rows galore!
However,one special visitor could change all
of this and create love and friendship
between all the animals.
A JASzHands production
Performed by

A Surprise in the Barn




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