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Here follow examples for the most common RDP viewers:

_ On Windows, you can use the Microsoft Terminal Services Connector (mstsc.exe) that
ships with Windows. You can start it by bringing up the Run dialog (press the Windows
key and R) and typing mstsc. You can also find it under Start -> All Programs ->
Accessories -> Remote Desktop Connection. If you use the Run dialog, you can type
in options directly:

Replace with the host IP address, and 3389 with a different port if necessary.
Note: IPv6 address must be enclosed in square brackets to specify a port. For example:
mstsc [fe80::1:2:3:4]:3389

Note: When connecting to localhost in order to test the connection, the addresses
localhost and might not work using mstsc.exe. Instead, the address[:3389] has to be used.
_ On other systems, you can use the standard open-source rdesktop program. This ships
with most Linux distributions, but VirtualBox also comes with a modified variant of rdesktop
for remote USB support (see chapter 7.1.4, Remote USB, page 110 below).
With rdesktop, use a command line such as the following:
rdesktop -a 16 -N

As said for the Microsoft viewer above, replace with the host IP address, and
3389 with a different port if necessary. The -a 16 option requests a color depth of 16
bits per pixel, which we recommend. (For best performance, after installation of the guest
operating system, you should set its display color depth to the same value). The -N option
enables use of the NumPad keys.
_ If you run the KDE desktop, you might prefer krdc, the KDE RDP viewer. The command
line would look like this:
krdc rdp://

Again, replace with the host IP address, and 3389 with a different port if necessary.
The rdp:// bit is required with krdc to switch it into RDP mode.
_ With Sun Ray thin clients you can use uttsc, which is part of the Sun Ray Windows
Connector package. See the corresponding documentation for details.

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