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A phobia is an irrational fear of objects or situations.

They may have the following symptoms:
feeling anxious, have a racing heart, sweat, be short of
breath, suffer intense fear.
List all of the phobias that you know here:

Classical Conditioning
Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov discovered that dogs could to salivate
whenever he rang a bell. He called this learning through association.

Before conditioning
Neutral stimulus (NS) No effect
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS) Unconditioned response (UCR)
During conditioning
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)+ neutral stimulus (NS) Unconditioned
response (UCR)
After conditioning
Conditioned stimulus (CS) Conditioned response (CR)

Classical Conditioning and Phobias

Classical conditioning says that you can create a phobia of an
object or a situation if you associate that object (or situation)
with a fearful or unpleasant experience.
Think of an example of when this could happen and put it into the
classical conditioning formula:
Before conditioning
no effect



During conditioning


After conditioning




Watson and Rayner (1920)

Explain how Watson and Rayner created a phobia of rats in Little
Albert using classical conditioning:

Explain the following terms:


One-trial learning:

Social Learning Theory

What is social learning theory?

Define the following terms:

Vicarious reinforcement

Summarise Banduras bobo doll study

Summarise Coombes et al (1980) rat study

Summarise Mineka et als (1984) monkey study

Blackbirds often give a warning call if they see a predator. Curio (1988)

found that they could also give warning calls to non-predators. How did he
do this?

Social learning of phobias in humans

Summarise what the following researchers found:

Townend et al (2000)

Leib et al (2000)

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