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DRAFT (March 2014)


Footscray City College (FCC) is a large co-educational college situated in close
proximity to the Footscray Park Campus of Victoria University and the Maribyrnong
River in the inner western suburbs of Melbourne. There are approximately 850
students who come from the local community and further afield.
FCC is fully committed to supporting students to aspire to the highest levels of
achievement in their academic pursuits.
This commitment is achieved by the provision of a structured academic program that
emphasizes literacy and numeracy skills at the same time as encouraging and
developing individual talents. The Sciences and the Arts are the curriculum strengths
of the college, and an extensive range of subject and programs are also offered in the
technologies, humanities, music, drama, sport and languages.
The Year 7 and 8 program emphasizes the development of academic literacy and
numeracy skills within a broad and engaging curriculum. The college provides
separate purposely designed Learning Centres for our Year 7 and 8 students. Each
Centre houses the home group rooms for each year level and provides a designated
home base for each class. All classes are held in the students home group room, with
the exception of those that require specialist facilities, such as Science, Music, or Art.
Year 9 students also have a purposely designed Learning Centre known as the Futures
Centre where the educational focus is to equip students with the skills and knowledge
they need for high level functioning in our future local and global communities.
Year 9 students study a combination of compulsory core subjects and a choice of
electives and project based units. The projects deal with real world issues, some in the
local community and in other cases global communities. Through these projects,
students make connections and partnerships with mentors and specialists in
universities, the public sector and the business world.
In Year 10 the focus is on consolidating and extending academic skills and preparing
for the more rigorous demands of VCE. Students are given the opportunity to build an
individualised course of study that takes into account their interests, strengths and
career needs, and allows them to explore their chosen areas in greater depth.
In the senior years, the VCE program offers an extensive range of subjects (including
VET and VCAL) which allows students to construct tailored learning programs in line
with their further academic and career goals. There has been a proud and consistent
record of outstanding achievement in VCE, for many years.
The Sciences and the Arts are the curriculum strengths of the college, and an
extensive range of subject and programs choices are offered. Students value this
choice to suit their individual interests and needs.
There is an outstanding instrumental music program, as well as a comprehensive
sports program and many opportunities to be involved in the performing arts, student
leadership and community service.
A successful TAFE Media program is offered within the college. It enrols a relatively
small cohort of students who have completed VCE.
Footscray City College also provides a technology- rich environment to support
learning appropriate for the twenty first century. This includes all students having
individual netbook computers with whole school access to a wireless internet network.
The integration of ICT and a rich e-learning environment has been firmly established in
the college.
The over-arching emphasis is on our students realizing academic potential, and
developing into confident, articulate, well-rounded young people with a sense of social


Footscray City College recognises the need for each students school experience to be
positive, caring and supportive of their individual learning needs. The college is
committed to providing an environment which encourages positive social interactions
between all members of the college community. The college aims to promote the key
values of achievement, respect and responsibility in all endeavours of college life.
Individual student capabilities and needs are provided for through a wide range of
curriculum options and co-curriculum opportunities across all year levels.
There is an extensive range of strategies and programs in place to support students in
their learning, attendance and positive participation in college life which include;.

A supportive and consistent whole school approach to student management

with the emphasis upon the building of quality relationships through an agreed
set of values and rights and the respectful resolution of issues that may arise.
An early intervention approach to student behavioural, academic and
attendance issues is applied
Program Managers, Year Level Coordinators and Attendance Officer focusing on
student management, wellbeing and attendance issues who work
collaboratively with students and parents.
Use of a dedicated internet portal for parents to readily access general news,
academic performance and attendance data of their child
Seven academic reporting periods in each year where reports are published to
A rich, contemporary and diverse curriculum designed to maximise student
academic achievement and engagement.
A school wide adoption of an Academic Literacy focus in all subject areas
Enrichment of student learning through extensive links with community
agencies, community programs, Victoria and Melbourne Universities.
A comprehensive transition program from Primary to Secondary as well as for
each successive year
Assistance with student learning through programs such as Special Needs,
Literacy Focus, Homework Club and Redemption Classes


The three key values of Footscray City College; Achievement, Respect and
Responsibility recognise that all college community members have the right to
participate in a learning environment which is safe, supportive and inclusive of their
individual needs. All College community members are to be treated with respect and
dignity in an environment which promotes positive relationships, values diversity and
supports the learning of all students.
Students have the right to:

Students have the responsibility to:

Work in a secure environment

without intimidation, bullying
cyber bullying) or harassment
they are able
to fully develop their talents,
interests and
Participate fully in all aspects of the
Colleges program.

Attend regularly.
Participate fully in the Colleges
educational program and strive to
achieve their personal best.
Display positive behaviours that
demonstrate the College values
towards themselves, the
community and the environment.
Demonstrate respect for others
right to be
taught and to learn.
Take responsibility for their own
Take advantage of all support
offered to
them by the college.


Staff have a right to:

Work in a safe and supportive

environment that is free from
intimidation or harassment.
Expect that they will be able to
teach in an
orderly and cooperative
Be informed, within Privacy
guidelines, about matters
pertaining to students that will
affect the teaching and learning
program for that student

Staff have a responsibility to:

Fairly, reasonably and consistently

implement the college Student
Engagement Policy
Create and maintain safe and
learning environments
Develop positive relationships with
students and understand their
learning needs.
Know the content they teach.
Know how students learn and how

Participate in ongoing professional

learning to support their growth
and development as effective

teach them effectively.

Regularly provide meaningful
feedback to
students and their parents that
learning and growth
Critically reflect on professional
practice to
continually improve the quality
of their
work and learning


Parents/carers have a right to:

Expect that their children will be

educated in a safe, supportive and
inclusive environment in which the
rights of others are encouraged

Parents/carers have a responsibility to:

Support the Colleges Student

Engagement Policy
Promote positive educational
outcomes for
their children by taking an
active interest in
their childs educational
progress and by
modelling positive behaviours
Ensure their childs regular
attendance and
punctuality to school
Engage in regular and constructive
communication with college staff
regarding their childs learning
Support the college in maintaining
a safe and respectful learning
environment for all
Support activities which extend
academic, physical and social

All members of the Footscray City College school community need to also adhere to
the following legislation:
1. The Equal Opportunity Act 1995
This act sets out the types or grounds of discrimination that are unlawful and aims to
promote community recognition and acceptance of the inherent equality of members
of society.

2. The Charter of Human Rights & Responsibilities Act 2006

This charter outlines a vision of human rights for all Victorians. The charter affirms that
all people are equal in dignity and rights. The charter requires schools and their
employees, to act compatibly with human rights and to consider human rights in all
decision making.
3. The Disability Discrimination Act 1992
The standards clarify the obligations on schools and the rights of students under the
Disability Discriminations Act. The standards cover enrolment, participation,
curriculum development, student support services, and harassment and victimisation.
4. The Education Training & Reform Act 2006
All providers of education and training must ensure that their programs and teaching
are delivered in a manner that supports and promotes the principles and practice of
Australian democratic law.

Footscray City College has identified three key values which define our school
They are; Achievement, Respect and Responsibility.
From those three key values the following shared expectations are derived;

A culture of achievement and the pursuit of

personal excellence in learning
Development of the full potential of the
individual student, including their intellectual,
creative, social, emotional and physical
Development of skills, attributes and
confidence to meet the challenges of the


Respect for others, the environment and self

Respect for learning
Respect for each others differences and


Responsibility for ones learning

Responsibility to work cooperatively and
productively with others
Responsibility to actively engage in the
community, caring for others and the

The college also has produced a number of specific policies and guidelines related to
the shared expectations of college community members.
Anti Bullying and Harassment Policy
Cyber Bullying Response Guidelines
Attendance Policy
Uniform Policy
Drug Education Policy
ICT Acceptable Use Policy


Footscray City College places a high value on the development and maintenance of
positive and respectful relationships that foster engagement, high attendance and
positive behaviours in a supportive school environment. The College has a whole
school approach to behaviour management which recognises the importance of all
school community members feeling safe and supported so that learning opportunities
are maximised.
Student engagement, regular attendance and positive behaviours are supported in the
College through relationship based whole-school and classroom practices including:
Ensuring predictable, fair and consistent classroom management practices are
embedded across the school
Providing personalised learning programs for all students identified in need
Consistently acknowledging participation and success of students across the
arts, science music, drama, sport, community and academic fields
Empowering students by creating multiple leadership opportunities for them to
take responsibility and be involved in decision making
Providing a physical environment which is conducive to positive behaviours and
effective engagement in learning
Responses to behaviour management are based on restorative practices and in
particular strategies used to support positive and respectful relationships include;

Classroom Behaviour School Actions and Consequences

The Developmental Student Management approach has resulted in predictable, fair
and consistent classroom management practices being applied across the college.
There is a clear emphasis on the importance of respecting the rights of others to learn
and to feel safe and of building positive social relationships. When the rights of others

to feel safe or to learn have been infringed, those responsible are encouraged to be
accountable for their behaviour and take responsibility for their actions by making
amends to those affected and to reach mutually agreed resolutions.
Responses to inappropriate behaviours in the Developmental Student Management
approach may involve;
Warnings which may initially be subtle and extend to the overt
Movement within the classroom
Movement directly outside the classroom for no more than five minutes
Exit to a senior class in order to complete a behaviour reflection form
Resolution meeting and formulation of an agreed improvement plan for the

Whole School Behaviour Actions and Consequences

Where students exhibit inappropriate behaviours, the expectation is that staff will
respond in a consistent, predictable and supportive manner.
Inappropriate behaviours will be responded to through a staged response with a focus
on early intervention and prevention dependent upon specific circumstances.
Staged responses may include;
Understanding the particular students background and needs
Involving the parents/carers in discussions and formal support group meetings
around the childs particular needs
Ensuring a clear understanding of expectations by both students and parents
Involving members of the wellbeing team or careers teacher
Convening a student support group meeting to develop a plan of action
Developing an Individual Learning, Behaviour or Attendance Plan with the
assistance of
program managers and wellbeing teachers
Involving community support agencies and/or DEECD Student Support Services
Application of an educative response where students are educated in relation to
the College values as to the impact of the inappropriate behaviour on
themselves or other members of the community.
Application of a restorative response where the college value of respect is
emphasised and support is offered to refocus students on rebuilding
relationships and respect.
Application of a punitive response where students receive punitive
consequences (detentions, withdrawal of privileges, withdrawal from classes) in
line with College and DEECD policy.

Discipline procedures Suspension and Expulsion

Suspension or expulsion measures are the responsibility of the Principal. The school
will consider the educational and emotional impacts on the student and school
community when taking suspension or expulsion measures.
When considering suspension or expulsion, schools are required to follow the
procedures contained in Ministerial Order 625 - Suspensions and Expulsions as well
as the associated DEECD Student Engagement and Inclusion Guidance of 2014.
Appendices in the DEECD Student Engagement and Inclusion Guidance of 2014
provide flowcharts and proformas for use in suspension and expulsion procedures.
A student may only be excluded from school in situations where all other measures
have been implemented without success or where an immediate suspension or
expulsion is the only appropriate course of action in response to the students

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