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IGH/IG1037/D1/1 13/01142.4 Ge ea March 2013 Fist Floor, Oak House A Ransom Wood Business Pat ‘Southwell Road Mansfield Nottinghamshire NG21 OHI ‘Tel: 01623 643354 Fax: 01623 238966 E-mail: info@jgigeo.couk ‘wunw PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL GROUND INVESTIGATION REPORT For SAE PROJECTS LIMITED For A PROPOSED BIOGAS PLANT At SNAP FARM, WOODSEND, ALDBOURNE, Nr MALBOROUGH, WILTSHIRE JG! Geo-ServicesLinitd is vegjistred In England and Wales. No 6879216 Registered Ofice: 11 Orchid Drive, Sutor-in-Athild, Notinghamshite, NGI7 SGT JG Geo-Services Limited G0 CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 19 INTRODUCTION. 2.0 __ SITE LOCATIONS AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. intmecae 2.1 Site Location & Access 2.2 Site Description & Surroundings 23 Proposed Development 30 DESK STUDY so 3.1 neouction 32 Geology, Hydrogeology, Hydrology & Geomorphology 40° SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION otc 41. Window Sampler Borsoles 42. Laboratory Testing & Analyses 50 INDINGS OF THE INVESTIGATIONS. eennnnnnnnnnnse 5.1 Ground Conditions Encountered 5.2 Laboratory Testing & Analyses Results 60 __ PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT... 6.4 Preliminary Assessment —Option I Proposed AD Plant Layout 62 Preliminary Assessment —Option 2 Proposed AD Plant Layout 63 Proposed Access Road & Vehicle Operation Areas - Design CBR Values 64 Concrete Design 7 FURTHER WORK: DRAWINGS JG1037/01A Site Location Plan 5G1037/02 Approximate Borehole Locations (Relative to the Proposed Option 2 Development Layout) JG1037/03 Plot of SPY +N’ Values vs Depth for the Clay with lints 5G1037/04 Plot of SPT ‘N? Values vs Depth for the Chalk APPENDICES Appendix A Proposed Development Layouts (Option 1: Proposed Roughly North-South Orientated Plant Layout; Option 2: Proposed Roughly East-West Orientated Plant Layout) Appendix B_ Logs of the Investigatory Holes Appendix — Laboratory Testing & Analyses Results Appendix D Chalk Properties and a Summary of the Engineering Classification of Chalk (Based on the CIRIA Publication: C574 ‘Engineering in Chalk’, 2002) Proposed Bit jas Plant at Snap Farm, Woodsend, Preliminary Geotechnical Ground Aldbourne, ne Macborough, Wilsbie Investigation Report, GL Goo-Services Limited IGMIGI0s7/D 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Proposed BioGas (Anaerobic Digestion ~AD) Plant at Snap Farm, Woodsend, Aldbourne, near Marlborough, Wiltshire Location Te proposed AD plant site comprises part of an open field located just to the east of a group of existing farm buildings at Snap Farm, Woodsend, Aldbourne, near Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 2NP. The Ordnance Survey Grid Reference for the proposed AD Plant ste is SU 2177 7629, Geoteay. “The published geological map of te area indicates the natural sata underlying he site comprises Hydrogsologve | superficial deposits of Clay with flint, overlying the Upper Chalk of the Cretaceous period. Whilst Geomorpt- | not indicated on the geological map, deposits of Made Ground may also be present just tothe east ony of the site associated with the construction and use of the existing farm buildings. From a review of the 1:50,000 scale Ordnance Survey map of the area it would appear that there fare no surface water courses within 2 kilometres or so of the site. However, contouring on the current 1:50,000 scale Ordnance Survey map indicates numerous dry valleys in the area surrounding the sits, including one such valley located just tothe north ofthe ste The Environment Agency classify the chalk bedrock below the site as a Major / Principal Aquifer whilst the typically much less permeable superficial Clay with flints deposits are classed as “Unproductive Strata’. Grown Topsoil over a varable Thickness of Clay with Hints (anging from 14371.6m to 47m) overiving Conditions | completed degraded chalk, typically comprising very soft to soft slightly gravelly to gravelly Silt (Grase Dm) that extended down beyond the base of all the investigatory holes at maximum depths ‘of $.45m bel. From the variable thickness ofthe Clay with Mints and the observation in borehole WS3 of a steeply inclined contact between the clay with Mints and the underlying chalk, it is considered possible that there may be dissolution feanres within the chalk below the Clay with fints deposits Preliminary —] Two possible AD Plant layouls forthe proposed development Rave been provided tous Geotechnical | Option | is proposed to be located at caster end of the Field orientated roughly north-south down Assessment | the slope of the existing ground profile, with a 6m fall in levels northward over the length of this proposed layout. Construction of a development terrace for this option would require substantial cut & fill earthworks ~ See Section 6.1 for more details. Option 2 is proposed to be located in the up slope souther part of the field, orientated roughly cast-west. Being orientated across the face of the slope the cut depth required to create the development terrace for tis option is much less and on geotechnical grounds this is considered to 'be the better ofthe two propased layouts ~ See Section 6.2 for more detals. ‘oundations: Given the degraded nature of the chalk sirata beneath the Clay with flint, piled Foundations will generally be required for proposed development structures. Design CBR Values, Equilibrium CBR values of 2% forthe Clay with flints and 19% forthe Grade [Dm chalk shouldbe utilised for design. ‘Conerete: Te site as been assigned an ACEC Class AC-/ Further ground investigation will be required for the detailed geotechnical design of the proposed development, particulary in relation tothe design of piles and the proposed cut slopes, Proposed BioGas Pant at Snap Farm, Woodsend, Aldbourne ar Marlborough, Wish. 101 Gco-Servioes Limited IGGIO37DV 1.0 12 1s INTRODUCTION This report describes a preliminary geotechnical ground investigation of the site of a proposed BioGas (Anaerobic Digestion - AD) Plant at Snap Farm, Woodsend, Aldbourne, near Marlborough, Wiltshire (see Drg. No’s. JG1037/01A and JG1037/02), carried out for our Client, SAE Projects Limited, The objectives of this preliminary investigation have been to obtain initial information relating to the geotechnical aspects of the ground conditions at the site and to produce a preliminary assessment of these factors in relation to the proposed development of the site From the information provided to us by the Client, we understand that the proposed development is to comprise a BioGas (Anaerobic Digestion - AD) Plant although the final layout of the plant has yet to be confirmed. To date, we have seen two possible layouts for the proposed AD Plant: one comprising a feedstock clamp and two treatment tanks, together with associated plant and vehicle access / operating areas; and the second comprising one digester tank, a feedstock clamp and a liquid effluent storage lagoon, together with associated plant and vehicle access / operating areas. (Further details of the proposed developments are presented in Section 2.3 of this report). If the above details of the proposed development are not correct, or if the details of the proposed development are changed, then the recommendations presented within this report may require appropriate review and amendment. This report has been produced on behalf of the Client, SAE Projects Limited, and no responsibility is accepted to any third party for all or any part. This report should not be relied upon or transferred to any other parties without the express written authorisation of JGI Geo-Services Limited. If any unauthorised third party comes into possession of this report, they rely on it at their own risk and the authors owe them no duty of care or skill. Whilst this report may express an opinion on the possible configuration of strata, groundwater, ground gases or contaminants between or beyond various locations, or on the possible presence of features based on visual, verbal or published evidence, this is for guidance only, and no liability can be accepted for its accuracy. ‘The site plans enclosed in this report should not be scaled off. The intrusive investigation of the site has included the excavation of various investigatory holes (window sampler boreholes) which by their very nature result in some disturbance of the ground. Consideration should, therefore, be given to the possibility that investigatory holes from this investigation, and perhaps previous ground investigation works by others, may be encountered beneath or within influencing distance of individual foundations. JGI Geo-Services Limited cannot be held responsible for structural failures caused by the location of foundations of any form of structure within the influence of investigatory holes. Proposed BioGas Plant al Snap Fara, Woodend, Prliminary Geotechnical Ground Aldboure, ne Marlborough, Wilshire oe Investigation Report 2.0 2A 24.1 22 222 2.3.1 mt xD. SITE LOCATION AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Location & Access The proposed AD plant site comprises part of an open field located just to the east of a group of existing farm buildings at Snap Farm, Woodsend, Aldbourne, near Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 2NP. The Ordnance Survey Grid Reference for the proposed AD Plant site is SU 2177 7629 (see Drg. Nos. JG1037/01 A & JG1037/02). For the purpose of the preliminary ground investigation site works (27" February 2013), vehicular access to the field in which the AD Plant is proposed was gained via a short length of farm track, that led westward from the existing farm buildings, to a gated entrance atthe south-eastern comer ofthe field / proposed AD Plant ste Site Description & Surroundings ‘At the time of the investigation site works (27 February 2013), the proposed AD plant site comprised part of a broadly rectangular, northerly sloping field within the south eastern comer of which, two cattle feeding troughs were present. The ground around these feeders was heavily trampled and muddy with areas of standing water, but the rest of the field was generally firm under foot. Over the southem two thirds or s0 of the field, the northerly fall of slope was gentle but then steepened over the northern third of the site, The boundaries of the field comprising the site were formed by a mix of mature hedgerows and post & wire mesh fencing with a scattering of trees also present along the eastern boundary. With the exception of the existing farm buildings located just to the east, the site was surrounded by further open fields. ‘Topographically, much of the field occupies part of the north-eastern crest of a gently domed hill top plateau, the bulk of this hill top lay to the west of the site. Just to the north of the field an incised dry valley fell north-eastward away from the top of the hill and contouring on the published 1:50,000 scale Ordnance Survey map indicates ‘numerous other dry valleys around the flanks of this hill. (See Drg. No. JG1037/01A), Proposed Development From information provided by the Client, we understand that the proposed development comprises an AD (BioGas) Plant, but that details of the plant layout are yet to be confirmed. As mentioned in Section | of this report, we understand that two possible plant layouts are currently being considered: Option 1 comprising a feedstock clamp and two treatment tanks, together with associated plant and vehicle access / operating areas; and Option 2 comprising one digester tank, a feedstock clamp and a liquid effluent storage lagoon, together with associated plant and vehicle access / operating areas. A drawing (Envitec Biogas UK, Drg. No. LI1-AFAD-008 Rev. A, dated 15/11/12) showing the Option 1 proposed layout is presented in Appendix A. This Option 1 layout, indicates the plant to be located entirely at the eastern end of the field with the long axis of the proposed layout orientated roughly North — South, Proposed BioGas Plant a Sap Farm, Woodend, Preliminary Geotechnical Ground Aldbourne, nr Mariborough, Wilshire Investigation Report (Gl Geoo-Serviees Limited GIOxTDUL 2.3.2 Unfortunately, because of the slope of the existing ground levels, there is a 6m fall over the length of the Option 1 site layout. Construction of this option would therefore require substantial cut & fill earthworks to create a terrace for the Option | plant layout. Apart from the cost of such earthworks, as discussed later in this report, the ground conditions do not favour this approach, 23.3. In order to reduce the cut & fill requirements, therefore, there is an Option 2 layout (see ‘Appendix A), which has a footprint of some 200m x 60m (excluding bunding), and is, orientated with its long axis orientated roughly East - West across the gently sloping southem part of the field. With Option 2, the digester tank is shown located at the eastern end, with the feedstock clamp to the west and the lagoon at the western end of the proposed layout with a slight cut into the existing ground slope on the southern side and sereen bunding along much of the northern side of this layout. Proposed BioGas Plant at Snap Farm, Woodsend, Preliminary Geotechnical Ground Aldbourne, ne Mariborough, Wisi. 3s Investigation Report Goo-Serviees Limited IGuiG1o37DV1 3.0 32 32.1 3.22 323 DESK STUDY Introduction ‘A full desk study was not required by the Client as part of this preliminary investigation. However, if the proposed development proceeds, we would advise that a full geotechnical & geo-environmental desk study is undertaken as part of the further investigation of the site. Geology, Hydrogeology, Hydrology & Geomorphology ‘The published geological map of the area (Sheet 266, Marlborough., scale 1:50,000, dated 1974) indicates the natural strata underlying the site comprises. superficial deposits of Clay-with-flints overlying bedrock comprising the Upper Chalk of the Cretaceous period. In the dry valley, just to the north of the site, no superficial deposits are indicated suggesting that they have been removed as the valley has formed over time. Whilst not indicated on the geological map, deposits of Made Ground may also be present, associated with the development of the existing farm buildings just to the east of the site. ‘The Environment Agency classify the chalk bedrock below the site as a Major / Principal Aquifer whilst the typically much less permeable superficial Clay with flints deposits are classed as “Unproductive Strata’ From a review of the 1:50,000 scale Ordnance Survey map of the area it would appear that there are no surface water courses within 2 kilometres or so of the site. However, contouring on the current 1:50,000 scale Ordnance Survey map indicates numerous dry valleys in the area surrounding the site (see Drg. No. JG1031/01A). This would suggest that whilst the topography of the area can produce significant surface water flows, during wetter periods, thus forming the valleys, generally the combination of the permeability of the chalk strata and its capacity, as a carbonate rock, for dissolution allows surface waters to rapidly drain into the ground, Where such inflows into the ground become concentrated, this can result in the formation of ‘swallow holes’, ‘sinkholes’ and ‘dissolution pipes” into the top of the chalk, perhaps with associated dissolution cavities at depth within the chalk. According to the CIRIA Publication: C574 ‘Engineering in Chalk’, 2002, such dissolution features can commonly be found beneath or around the margins of the overlying Clay with flint deposits. Proposed BioOas Pani a Snap Farm, Woodiend, Preliminary Geotechnical Ground Aldbourne, ne Marlborough, Wilshire, Investigation Report SG.Geo-Servies Limited Jousai037 40 4 41d 42 421 422 423 424 SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION ‘Window Sampler Boreholes The preliminary investigation of the proposed AD plant site was carried out on 27 February 2013. Following discussions with the Client on site, the investigation was targeted to provide information for the proposed Option 2 AD Plant layout. ‘The preliminary investigation comprised the advancement of 5 No. window sampler boreholes, numbered WS1 — WSS inclusive, to a maximum depth of 5.45m bgl, under the full-time supervision of suitably experienced Engineering Geologist / Geotechnical Engineer from JGI Geo-Services Ltd. The approximate location of the window sampler boreholes are shown on Drg No. JG1037/02. Prior to commencement, all of the investigatory holes locations were scanned with a Cable Avoidance Tool (CAT) as a check to clear detectable unrecorded services. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT’s) were then carried out at Im vertical centres as the boreholes were advanced. On completion, the boreholes were backfilled with the borehole arisings. All of the investigatory holes were logged in general accordance with BS 5930: ‘Code of Practice for Site Investigations’, 1999+A2:2010, with the chalk strata encountered at depth also logged in accordance with the guidelines presented in the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) Publication: C574 “Engineering in Chalk’, 2002. The logs of all the investigatory holes are presented in Appendix B of this report. Laboratory Testing & Analyses Representative disturbed samples were taken from all the strata encountered in the ‘window sampler boreholes, with selected samples subsequently submitted to the UKAS and / or MCERTS accredited laboratories of Terra Tek Limited and Envirolab Limited for geotechnical testing and chemical analyses, respectively. Representative samples of the natural strata were submitted for geotechnical testing in accordance with: BS 1377: Methods of Test of Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes: 1990: The testing carried out on these samples comprised: 2 No. Plasticity Index and moisture content determinations and 1 No Particle Size Distribution determination. 2.No. samples (both natural strata) were analysed for pH and water soluble sulphates in accordance with the Building Research Establishment (BRE), Special Digest 1, 2005, to determine the potential aggressiveness of the ground to buried concrete. No screening analyses for any potential contamination at the site was carried out as part of this preliminary investigation. Details and results of the geotechnical laboratory testing and the chemical analyses are presented in Appendix C of this report. Proposed BioGas Pant a Sap Fars, Woodsen Preliniaary Geotechnical Ground Aldbourne, ar Marlborough, Wiltshire -S- Investigation Report, (Gi Goo-Services Limited IGWIG1037/0 11 5.0 SA 5.11 S12 FINDINGS OF THE INVESTIGATION Ground Conditions Encountered Generally, the ground conditions encountered at the site were consistent with those anticipated from the published geological information and from consideration of the current usage of the site, with topsoil overlying a variable thickness of Clay with flints overlying the Upper Chalk. Before describing the nature of the chalk encountered below the site, however, it is considered appropriate to provide some background on the properties of chalk and to briefly explain the classification system now used to describe chalk, as presented in the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) Publication: C574 “Engineering in Chalk’, 2002. For this the reader is referred to Appendix D of this report. Across the site, the topsoil (and mulch around the cattle feeding troughs in the south- eastem part of the field) varied in thickness from 0.1m to 0.35m and was typically clayey with a variable gravel content. Below the topsoil, the Clay with flints deposits ranged in undrained shear strength from firm to very stiff, but were typically firm ~ stiff & stiff, and varied in thickness from as little as 1.2m to 4.7m, extending down to depths ranging from 1.45m / 1.6m bgl in WS3 to 5.05m bgl in WSS. SPT ‘N’ Values in the Clay with flints deposits ranged from 7 — 22 but were typically around 15 (see Drg. No. JG1037/03). The flints within these deposits ranged from gravel to cobble size and were predominantly angular. In window sampler borehole WS3, the contact between the base of the Clay with flints deposits and the underlying chalk was found to be steeply inclined. This, together with the apparent significant variation in the thickness of the Clay with flints deposits, suggests that the contact between the Clay with flints and the underlying chalk is irregular and, it is considered that, this may, at least in part, be due to the presence of some dissolution features in the underlying chalk strata, Strata of the Upper Chalk was encountered in all of the window sampler boreholes and extended down beyond the base of all the boreholes at depths ranging from 5.18m bgl to 5.45m bgl. Predominantly, the chalk strata encountered in the window sampler boreholes was structureless and comprised slightly gravelly — gravelly Silt (Grade Dm) which varied in strength from very soft to stiff, but was typically very soft to soft. Locally, as in window sampler borehole WS2 at 2.9m — 3.0m bgl structureless chalk gravel (Grade Dc) was encountered. Within the structureless chalk, the chalk clasts (ie. the chalk gravel) was low, occasionally low — medium, density, and generally was readily crushed under light finger pressure. Occasional flints ranging from gravel to cobble size were encountered within the structureless chalk. SPT ‘N’ Values within the structureless chalk ranged from 1 to >S0 (ie. refusal) but the higher values are believed to be a reflection of the occasional flint content rather than an indication of the improving competence of the chalk strata within the depths penetrated by the window sampler boreholes. Due to the predominantly low, occasionally low ~ medium, density of the chalk clasts within the structureless chalk, it is considered likely that this chalk will be sensitive to dynamic remoulding / ‘puttying’. Proposed BioGas Pant e Snap Farm, Woodend, liminary Geolshnical Ground Aldbourne nr Marlborough, Wilshire -6- Investigation Repost, JG Geo-Services Limited LGuGuoxMD UL 51.6 [No groundwater was observed in any of the window sampler boreholes during the short time they remained open, prior to backfilling. However, the typically very soft - soft consistency of the Grade Dm chalk suggests that this material has a relatively high moisture content. 5.2 Laboratory Testing & Analyses Results 5.2.1 The results of the plasticity index and moisture content determination, carried out on the two samples of the Clay with flints are tabulated below: Sample Details saa | SSE [aim | ES | Haale WSIGTIS—17Ombgl | Clay wath Aims | 4am | 50% | aI x WSt @0.45—0-80mbel [Clay with fins | 40% | 89% | 31%. 3 5.2.2 The results of the particle size distribution analyses on the sample of structureless chalk from WS @ 3.45 ~ 3.95m bgl yielded 25.2% gravel, 29.6% sand and 45.2% fines (ie. particles <63ym), confirming the Grade Dm classification of this material Unfortunately, no chalk clasts were recovered from the structureless chalk penetrated by the window sampler boreholes that were large enough for the Saturation Moisture Content and Intact Dry Density of the chalk to be determined. 5.2.3 The pH of the two samples Clay with flints analysed was found to range from 7.7 to 8.0, whilst the water soluble Sulphate concentrations in both of these samples were found to be <0.01g/l as SOs, roposed BioGas Pant at Snap Farm, Woodsend, Prliminary Geotechnical Ground [Aldbourr, ne Mariborough, Wilshire Iavestzation Report, SGI Geo-Serviees Limited IGG IO37/D 1. 6.0 PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT Pending confirmation of the proposed AD plant layouts and construction levels, the following preliminary geotechnical assessment is presented for guidance only. Further comprehensive ground investigation will be required for detailed geotechnical design of the proposed development, particularly in relation to the design of cut slopes and piled foundations. 6.1 Preliminary Assessment — Option 1 Proposed AD Plant Layout 6.1.1 As noted in Section 2.3 of this report, the Option 1 layout, indicates the plant to be located entirely at the easter end of the field with the long axis of the proposed layout orientated roughly North — South and that because of the slope of the existing ground levels, there is a 6m fall over the length of the Option 1 site layout. Construction of this, ‘option would therefore require substantial cut & fill earthworks to create a terrace for the Option 1 plant layout. We understand from our Client that it was envisaged that this terrace would be created by a cut of up to 4m depth at the southern end of the proposed layout and fill of up to 2m at the northem end of the proposed layout, with a resultant terrace level at around 251m AOD. From the findings of the window sampler boreholes WS! & WS2, the cut, up to 4m deep, would remove all of the Clay with flints beneath the southern part of this proposed plant layout which would then create the terrace level in this area within the typically very soft — soft chalk silt (Grade Dm) material. This Grade Dm material is unsuitable as a founding stratum for shallow spread foundations and it would be very difficult to operate construction plant on the chalk silt at this level in order to construct piled foundations into more suitable founding strata, presumably present at depth below the site. Furthermore, having much of the site at the level of the Grade Dm chalk would put construction operations at significant risk from adverse weather. Overall, therefore, on geotechnical grounds we would advise against this proposed Option IAD Plant layout. 6.2 Preliminary Assessment ~ Option 2 Proposed AD Plant Layout 6.2.1 From the provided layout drawing for this option (see Appendix A), to match the lowest existing ground level on the down-slope / northem side of this proposed Plant layout, the terrace cut level for this option would be at around 252.8m AOD. On the southern side of the proposed layout, this would result in a cut depth of as little as some 1.7m, although the cut depth would increase gradually, westward, as the existing ground level rises. Patently, therefore, there is less excavation with this Option 2 Plant layout, compared to Option 1. Furthermore, with the possible exception of the area around window sampler borehole WS4, the other window sampler boreholes suggest that this 252.8m AOD terrace level would be cut predominantly within the Clay with flints deposits with much less of the grade Dm chalk exposed at the terrace level. 6.2.2. Whilst the ground conditions at the above envisaged Option 2 terrace level, will generally be better than at the Option I terrace level, there will generally only be a limited thickness of Clay with flints remaining below the terrace level, and the immediately underlying Grade Dm chalk is considered unsuitable as a foundation Proposed BioGas Pant at Snap Fann, Woodsend, Preliminary Geotechnical Ground Aldbourne, ne Merborough, Wilshire Tavestgation Report, JG 6.23 63 63.1 64 641 642 643 Services Limited IGuiGio37D UE bearing stratum. In consequence of this, given the size and nature of the structures proposed, we would envisage that for the most part piled foundations will be required for the proposed structures indicated on the Option 2 layout. With regards to the cut slope on the south side of the proposed Option 2 layout, as noted above, it is envisaged that generally this will be cut within the Clay with flints deposits. Given the envisaged limited height of this cut slope, based on the limited amount of ground investigation and laboratory testing undertaken to date, we would advise that, provisionally, a cut slope batter of Iv: 3h should be assumed for cut slope heights not exceeding 3.0m on the southern side of this layout. Proposed Access Road & Vehicle Operation Areas - Design CBR Values From the preliminary investigation findings it is envisaged that a proposed access road to the Option 2 AD Plant site and any vehicle operation areas within that layout will be founded on predominantly Clay with flints, and possibly, locally, some grade Dm structureless chalk. For these strata we would advise that equilibrium CBR values of 2% and 1%, respectively should be utilised for design Conerete Design We have considered the sites geology and the ground conditions in accordance with the guidelines contained in Part C of BRE Special Digest 1: Concrete in aggressive ground (2005), and on this basis have categorized the site as a ‘greenfield’ site. The results of the sulphate analyses from the site fall within Design Sulphate (DS) Class DS-1. The groundwater conditions at the site, at least so far as the Clay with flints deposits are concerned, should be considered likely to be mobile (potentially), and on this basis and from consideration of the pH conditions at the site, the site has been assigned an ACEC (Aggressive Chemical Environment for Concrete) Class AC-1. The specific conerete mixes (The Design Chemical Class) to be used on site for all the ‘in the ground” and ‘on the ground’ permanent applications should be determined, mindful of the ACEC Class, by the site specific concrete requirements, in terms of the required durability and structural performance. These are assessed in terms of the Intended Working Life and any need for Additional Protective Measures (APM), as detailed in Part D, with further guidance in Parts E and F, of the BRE Special Digest |, 2005. Proposed BioGas Pant Shp Farm, Woodend, rclninary Geotechnical Ground Aldbourne nr Marlborough, Wiltshire Investigation Report, GL Geo-Services Limited 1G)9G1037/D1/1 7.0 FURTHER WORKS 7.1 If proposals to develop an AD Plant at Snap Farm proceed, we would advise that a full geotechnical & geo-environmental desk study of the site should be carried out together with further, comprehensive, ground investigation works. Based on an assumption that it would be the proposed Option 2 AD Plant layout that would be the plant layout taken forward, we would advise that the scope of the further investigation works should include: © Further window sampler boreholes to provide more information in the apparent variation in the thickness of the Clay with flints deposits / depth to the top of the chalk, beneath the site. * At least 3 deep boreholes to investigate the chalk strata at depth below the site and to provide information to inform the detailed design of foundations below the site. ‘* Laboratory Testing and Analyses of recovered samples. We trust the above report is suitable for your present requirements. Should you have any comments or queries, wish. to discuss any of the above matters, or require any further assistance, however, please do not hesitate to contact us. For & on behalf of JGI Geo-Services Ltd Dew Chee = Ian G. Johnson BSc (Hon’s) MSc MCSM MIAEG C.Geol FGS Director Proposed BioGas Plant st Snap Farm, Woodend, Preliminary Geotechnical Ground Aldbourne, nr Marlborough, Wiltshire. -10- Investigation Report JO Geo-Services Limited IGUGLOs7IDA DRAWINGS Proposed BioGas Plant at Snap Farm, Woodend, Preliminary Geotonical Ground Aldboure, ne Marlborough, Wiltshire Investigation Report z<}-+— SPT'N' Value vs Depth Plot - Clay with flints ‘N Value 0 ‘0 20 20 “0 0 000 —— 2 : 004 —— Sew 200 on 3 owsi F sis E300 —| Jaws i se ws4 . = WSS 400 | — _ * 500 600 |______ 4 avs Previn Fic. Plo of SPN Values vs Depth for . the Clay with flints $G103703 SG arRE NTS Fast Sea Sp Far, Woodend, —Piaws eso — RO Aldbourne, near Mariborough, | yay Wilshire ia a a SAE Projects Limited asn013 ‘SPT 'N' Value vs Depth Plot - Chalk “NT Value ° 10 20 20 40 50 0.00 4 ar a 1.00 | 2.00 } . s eWsi| a lw wsz E300 — WS3) S = WS4 8 x mee WSS, 4.00 xo “ . 5.00 + x x ma 6.9 | — [Dawing Drawing No: fri: Plot of SPT 'N' Values vs Depth for | ‘cae se103706 SalewAENTS [Poe Ste at Snap Farm, Woodvend, [Dawn [ohecka: Aldbourne, near Marlborough, |g) Wiltshire fever pac [oe SAE Projects Limited anos IGI Goo-Serviees Limited IGMIGIO37/D VL APPENDICES Proposed BioGas Pant al Sap Farm, Woodseed, Preliminary Geotechnical Ground Aldbourne, nr Marlborough, Wilshire. Investigation Report GL. Geo-Services Limited IGMIGIORD VA Appendix A Proposed Development Layouts (Option 1: Proposed Roughly North-South Orientated Plant Layout; Option 2: Proposed Roughly East-West Orientated Plant Layout) Froposed BioGas Pant at Shap Farm, Woodend, Preliminary Geotechnical Ground Aldbourne nt Marlborough, Wisi Investigation Report, JG Geo-Services Limited 1GIG1037/D U1 Appendix B Logs of the Investigatory Holes Proposed BioOas Pant a Snap Farm, Woodend, Preliminary Gooteshoical Growad Aldboure, ne Mariborough, Wilshie Investigation Report CLIENT: SAE Projects Limited Window Sampler-wg Hole Number! St PROJECT No: JG1037 (Startdate | 27/0 SITE: Snap Farm, Woodsend, peaidend | zou Wiltshire, SN8 2NP Final depth 518m Pose Toft | Samples & Testing | pus TET BREE 2 pens inne | | , BREE & | 1st oso | oss B otitis (6/100 c veo | 1907 bate * on | 4 fosybibe, 5 | 30 - fs sas |a9s a | | jaeaeess, “| 400 sf aa | 407 Level (80) 2.00) 400 1.18) SB General remarks 1. No groundwater was observe. 2. Borehole backfilled with arsings on completion. paula eave o ln cher chal (Cay with fist) ‘Sil oraage brown CLAY with oscasional Black speskling and oveasiona fing corse angular gravel of tint and ‘ceasional int enbbles. (Clay with fins), | _--eyond.2-8m bel. the Clay became fem with inclusions of ery Sof putty chal, ‘pastures Chalk composed of ery soho ean Twit white diacolomed orange brow, slighty rvely SIL’ Grove was fw density, fine = course, Sngular. (Chalk, Grae Dm) ‘Situctureless Chalk composed of variably very sol = few tovsftwhite & greyish white, gravelly SILT. Gravel ‘as low density, angular Occasional angular lint | (Chalk rede Bs iwewtigation Equipment Competitor C130 wacked mini-rig. ‘Logging Engineer gy ‘T=Plastic Tub: 3= Glass Jar B = Bulk disturbed sample V~ Glass Vial S /S(C) = SPT / SPT with Cone aT | Sample Key Checked | Approved 131 fo Wows 1606 Mz Asoc | : SAE Projects Limited Hote Na Sampler Wws2 | PROJECT No: JG1037 Suan date | 27007013 SITE: Snap Farm, Woodsend, fod peau Wiltshire, SN8 2NP Final depth | $45 _m Page Toft ‘Samples & Testing | Depts ype | | Depth | Level ‘rata Descriptions From | To) | & (eben) T (0.25) ons Een ad Ser CLAY with oseasional much fine = coarse, | 79 (Clay wit i. L Aint gravel concentrated in bands between 0.25m -0.4m iiglendo'?m “095m bel sedate | 1m s 00 fotata Me | ye Sage Bo AY Ww TT | Bn gael anf cla co (2g wn | aa | | ya toasea 0 2 | 230 - — a — Sasa Gale amos apa orange own & ite, becom ‘ealovred orange . Sane becom one, dacoburcd orange com: pevely (0.60) SILT’ Gravel was tow: medium density fine = come, Subsounded. (Chalk, Grade Dm) 290 | 300 |r b-} 290 Bo rhibrtve 4 | 300 Sy ao Ean TE ooo ae peels SICE Goel war deny avangular fine (Chak, Oredé De). beyond 5 3m bg), became low density chalk [Investigation Equipment Competitor General remarks 1. No groundwater was observed. 2° Borehole backed with ris 130 tracked ming Logging Engineer gy Sample Key” “T= Plage Tub = Glas ar lk disturbed sample Vo Chass Viet 8 /S(C)=SPT/SPT with Cone TEES | Aoproves ENT: i imit Window Sampler Wc3 CLIENT: SAE Projects Limited Hole Number! Ws3 PROJECT No: JG1037 Sant date | 27han013 SITE: Snap Farm, Woodsend, See ae Wiltshire, SN8 2NP fi sa5_m Depth Level Strata Descriptions 025 ‘ark brown clayey Topsoil with oceabional angular Mint o2s evel ‘Stiff orange brown, speckled Back, CLAY with oreasona “some fine - couae angular int gravel and occasion 7 Tint eobbles. (Clay wih Mi) 139) = beyond 1.1m bel, becoming frm = tim | ..0t 1.45 - 6m bl, steeply inlined contact between the ‘Structures Chalk composed of vey sof soft creamy | white, discoloured pale orange brown, stihl gravelly ~ iravely SILT. Gravel was low medium density fine ~ | | Soarse anguas: Occasional angular lint (Chalk, Grade (7.00) | Dem. oo | bascetibe Gay wih int andthe undeiyng Grae Dis . Stracaslen CHALK composed of vary softs cea ot | white discoloured orange Brown, gravelly SILT Gravel Ieaadg * | 200 Js Lo) con Mes ows mel sem, subanguar ubomdod tructidess Chalk composed of variably sof fan 2x0 | 24s | | teany wie dcooured onnge town evel SILT | Save wae tow ensty:Ossaionl angular i. (Chalk, ‘a0 Stade faa | 2 7 | 300 Js Ee} | | |. tpeyond 3.8m bal. hecame very gravelly, “00 becca aa | geet, Sal plc sage on, Shi So ofan ec sr Can, | Satay Ws x a Tavestigation Equipment ‘Competitor C130 tracked minis. General remarks 1. No proundwater was observe. 2, Rorehole tackified with srisings on completion. Logging Engineer yy ‘Sample Key T= Plastic Tub : I= Glass Jar B= Bulk disturbed sample ‘V= Glass Vial $ /S(C)~ SPT/SPT with Cone neste | BET | Arroved CLIENT: $ jects Limi ‘Window Sampler SAE Projects Limited Reet in PROJECT No: — JG1037 ea |Enddate | 27/02/2013 SITE: Snap Farm, Woodsend, Wiltshire, SN8 2NP inal depth | S48_m Samples & Testing | Strata Depths type | | Depth | Level Strata Descriptions fron | re] | Dak ow ey Spey Toa wih ocala —] | | Silorange Drown CLAY wih occasional back weekng ca om le fo] | Beane term cry ee tr | itn {Say oath ns. | | oso) Mint gravel soncenttated tn bands st 0.25m bgl & 0.85 | | L | bet fede 2| 100 s iottte 2 Ea] 110 ‘Wary al orange brown CLAY wih oszaronal back i ‘Speckle, occasion“ some ine couse angular fine | | | {Eravel and occasional lint cobbles. (Clay with fins) [see |r a fddde §/2) | | =} 22s Stress Call composed afven soN becoming wir ‘eam white, discoloured pale orange brown, slightly | ravely becoming vel) SILT wih occasional | on Seg | | fines course subvngula 0 subrounded, Occasional | {angular fin gravel. Chall, Grade Da ggae | 300 s 300 L pio recbes | I Truce Chik compat of vey oR aR aay {ts dscopured pate aang brown ighy gravel | SILT Gravel was tw der ne ediom: Ocestnal | Sngular fn. (Call Grace Bi | agaes 3] 400 s aon | | beyond 4.8m bg, Site became frm and gravely, ae daag i) 500 io 8B Sincuesies Chak composat ot ven sa fian amy cous | inte slightly gravel gravelly SILT. Gravel vas low Xena in medium, sebangolar fo subvounded. | Se] sas ae Ge Bas Tnvestigation Equipment General remarks | Competitor C130 tracked misiig 1. No groundwater was observed. 2 Borehole backiiod with wisings on completion, Logging Engineer gy Plastic Tub :J = Glass Jar Bulk disturbed sample V= Glass Vial S /S(C)* SPT / SPT with Cone SampleKey 7 B eke Approve rected | Spsey | APeoved ‘0 for Windows () 1905 MZ As SPOON CLIENT: SAE Projects Limited Window Sampler ; J 3 iar PROJECT No: JGL037 {Start date | 27272013 SITE: Snap Farm, Woodsend, [enue | voces Wiltshire, SN8 2NP Final depth | 545m [Page tof I 194! Samples & Testing | Strata Fe BEE 2 epns _|iype | & | Denn | Levet| Samth Deaerigsions 3 8882 ElFrom | te] Bcc) 7 ee g T Bask brownish grey clayey Toy 3s | Ginger oo CHOY Tor | 03s | ‘Stiff orange brown CLAY with occasional ne coarse | Fo) Le he | angular gravel of flint (Clay with ints). | ahs fe add 15) 100 | =| otros) \§ } | S| a6 fakes 200 . | | — + | ayntacmte torent | | = | es] | | | { tag iam] |s | 300 ‘Sif orange Brown CLAY with occasional fine coarse | angular gravel of Min. (Clay wih ns). ‘beyond 3.85 bl, clay became brown & greenish acy with 406 ic pecking SUT dark frownith grey, Besaming fm orange Brown CLAY with angular fit gravel: (Cay with fis) 222 10) 400 reless Chalk composed of variably sof frm range brown & creamy white slightly gravelly SIL Gravel was low density, fine = medium. (Chalk, Grade Dr) Investigation Equipment General remarks Competitor C130 racked mini | No groundwater was observed. 2 Borehole backfiled with arisings on completion. Logging Engineer gy ‘Sample Key T= Plastic Tub : = Glass Jar B = Bulk disturbed sample lass Vial 8 /S(C)= SPT / SPT with Cone T checked | gas | Approved ‘10 for Windows (6) 1998 MZ SGI Geo-Services Limited IGuGios7DIh Appendix C Laboratory Testing & Analyses Results ‘roponod BiaGas Pant at Snap Farm, Woodend, Peliinary Geotesinial Ground Aldbourne nr Marlborough, Wilshire. Investigation Report TERRA TEK (20) (MNIBUININ STE VESTN LanoRATORYSERVCES «1 TAS JGI Geo-Services Limited Page 1 of First Floor, Oak House A Ransom Wood Business Park, Southwell Road Mansfeld Nottinghamshire For the attention of lan Johnson Ropes 817209 weneno O41 LABORATORY TEST REPORT Project Name ‘SNAP FARM Project Number 817200 Date samples rocoived ‘osgar2013 Your Ref Date written Instructions received ‘soar2013 Purchase Order i037 Date testing commenced 0312013 Please find enclosed the reaults as summarised below Figures | Tost 's0 17025 Table | Quantiy Description Aecredtes 1 = | Cootechnical Test Summary see table 2003 2 | Liquid & Plastic Limits Yos 4 1 Parice Size Distribution Yes Remarks Tesued by) JARemnode Date ofiesue 1670072078 Tay to ayrnbols used in Wis repon| rere Sarotres Sees Jowesen «no aorres Oreo A Reyes abr Mange .S Langan (Sener Cres. $A Reyne (Quy Marage) ‘Unless we are noted to the contrary, samples willbe disposed aftr a period of one month rom tis date ‘The resuls reported relate fo samples received inthe iaoratory only. ‘Al recults contain ints roport aro provicional unless signed by an approved signatory “This report should not be reproduced except in Tl without bie Welter approval of the laboratory Under mukisit accreditation the testing contained in this report may have been performed at another Terra Tek laboratory ‘The enclosed reals remain te property of Terra Tek Limited and we reserve the right to withdraw ‘our report we have not received cleared funds in acoordarice with our standard terms and conditions Only those results indicated in thie report are UKAS accredited and any opinions or Interprotations expressed are outside the scope of UKAS accreditation. oadback on the this report may be lel via our wabeila ww teat co Moor Lane, Wien Bingham, 86 7H Tel +44 (0}12" 544 4856 Fane +48 (0)121 350 2690, beminghan@terstek.coue wera torratek Head Ofee 62 Rochtooch Read, Ale, MLB SEG TET ROS Toa ee | so bomb Ay SLS31 TWOINHD31039 4O ANVWWNS poroxddy | sou soar aS TT NST STP vos eri eos SS SENS EGRET BA OG UE con ng a0 98 BHI Poe IO) _ SON | a | 51800 0 auy 5 one, an |e | 2] w | oo | | wenemaicounavoonng |e! 9 ever | zm | se fn asd enuymsendyeno enn leone | sscove | ism eat ea /w/On | wy | wibN % ~ | % | % mag zo glElelale ga\ti el olelile ae Elf E/E vondosog we | ow 70H samo |egoop g/e/fle)e e822 2 Ele oyaueg 6uno0u5u3 LON edues| watea | Koma ze) @)¢ g1e| &/e]2/2]¢ “| <8 i a 1 can onary Sy meas pomun se qs-09 ot 1210 pyetscnmnarancns manna raya ans os MEL Wada GBOZLLA on veav09| Tab Projet No B17209: 180372018 12.6508 Moor Lane, Witon, Bimingham, B8 7H ‘12 - Gacecrical Tew Suman - 8172088 Version 073-29022019 se convent Ne. 817208 ee ste SNAP FARM | MERRA TEK teeny [Gent 161 eo Soren Utes Serpent oo enciner SercieTyoe 8 Non Engineering Descrition: Brown CLAY with some fint gravel Graves fine to coarse, Preparation ‘Sample washed and ai tied “4 E T 6 } € E ————— 3 2} —___| zg {——_} —___} 2 x Be ® os ‘Moisture Content (%) 20 - cy ci] oH ro {ee | 4 3 60 2 50 - gw T # 20 Bn Cee 5 “alae aly le ° wil win | wv | we © 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 90 100 110 120 190 Liquid Limit (%) Results As Received Moisture Content :(881377:Pat 2ause 31980) 44 % 7 Percentage retained on 425um sieve 44% 3 Liguig Limit 93 % es Pua Lit ae g2 Plasticity Index 52 gS aa Equivalent moisture content of material passing 425um sieve B% Ps Liquiity Index on Sf 83 Samu ] cease | Liquid Limit (Four Point Cone Penetrometer Method) #3 sssoved | Plastic Limit, Plasticity Index & Liquidity Index Ti Figure2 ii BS 1377 Pat 2 Clause 4.9: 1000 Ik 28 aa 8S 1377-Part2:Clause 5:1990 soa to 8 5 E é : a 5 8 inghar, 86 7H Lab Project No 817208 1109/2013 1320.8 Im SL AESTAROURION RE TERRA TEK Jie SNAP rani [Contract No. B17209 [oven vGI Geo Servos Lea leraneer Hoe ws [samcie Ret lberthim) —0.48-0.80 Jsarmcie Tine Penetration of cone (mm) Non Engineering Description Preparation 14 ‘Sample as recelved Brown CLAY with some gravel. Gravel is fine to medium, 16 18 | 20 + 22 24 26 Prastiity Index eo 82) 84 8G BH Moisture Content (%) Tu ci oF Vv oe] * f I Coe Ceo i oly | ode 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Liquid Limit (%) Resuks ‘As Rocoived Moisture Content : (a8 1377:Pan 2.uee 3500) 40% Percentage retained on 425pm sieve 11% Liquid Limit 90 % Plastic Limit 31% Pasty Index 59 Equivalent moisture content of material passing 4254m sieve 45 % Liauity Index 024 cups | Smsieas ] Liquid Limit (Four Point Cone Penetrometer Method) : sevoed | Plastic Limit, Plasticity Index & Liquidity Index Ti Figures swat BS 1377:Part2:Clause 5:1900 sea tot [contacto B17209 ie SNAP FARM TERRA TEK Jive st lean snetoronovese | |Sampie Ret [cient GI GeoServices Lites earn anes Engineer lSampie Type 8 : Paice Sue Panne Non Engiveering Descrpbon g 5 te50mm ia White CHALK pieces wth much uty cha 7 90,0 mm 100 7 750mm 100 5 630mm 100 2 500mm 100 ‘Sample Proportions -% 8 375mm 100 & 7am 2 Cobbs 00 8 200mm ra Gravel 252 . 440mm 88 ‘Sand 206 10.0 mm 35, sita ci 6.30 mm 83 m2 5.00 mm a 3.35 mm 8 200mm 5 Parlcie Diameter - ma 418mm n £600 um 65 on “ 425 um 62 0 038 300 um 59 10 212 um 55 Unvormty Gootilont Na 450 um 53 63 um 45 Notes Gay] Fee Necun | Coarse [Fino [eam | Coarse | Fre | wean] Coane ] ca, sit Sand Gravel 400 ® qL w |_| LUTTE TTT - Ul #7 | | | ATAU Tl LT ‘ | | | / | 2 i | | | | bg | 1 l! 3 Lt | [| | g| & x | Mt g | I | | gS} x —|-} 4 af 2| il a | AH |_| ie lil LU | ee 0.002 0008 onz as? 2 6 2% 60200 Es Particle Size -mm ag g8 5 2) ogra | ecteae 2% ‘Approved PARTICLE SIZE DISTRIBUTION Figure 4 Ze BS1377 Part 2 190 Clause 3.2 - Wet Sieving £3 soy sreatof4 . * envirolab Units 7 8 B Sandpits Business Park Mottram Read, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 3AR FINAL ANALYTICAL TEST REPORT Envirolab Job Number: Issue Number: Clie! Project Manager: Project Nam Project Ret: Order No: Date Samples Received: Date Instructions Received: Date Analysis Completed: Prepared by: Melanie Marshall Laboratory Coordinator ‘Notes Sol anata ‘Ness are rponed as dy weigh 40°C), died wo CERT. Forearpen mul compound raves, custy cot agus ot ay al win ona ‘hese suaon. Ions are ie ol hey ae assole wih such que Sowa Tu ‘van sample reper s appended ara wi Inca saps ost Mave boon fund tobe Jevseng Ay 13/01002 1 Date: 12 March, 2013 JGI Geo-Services Limited First Floor, Oak House A, Ransom Wood Business Park, Southwell Road Mansfield NG21 OHJ Mr | Johnson Snap Farm JGI037 NA 01/03/13 01/03/13 11/03/13 Approved by: Carolyn Field Client Service Manager arom tb samp pire ana an repo rau carectd to 4 sha orushad prot oan, yi patormes on he aed samp paved onthe dred and cashes sepa or sargies win ati Case? andthe supreades ay “A beet, Superrpt"M ngeaies ar wo hav tra or rpoting in repute atlected may nate an fourieecora othe soncenaton at etre of amping Prosomiart ha Googe SAND, Sampies wih Max Goce 7 ta Secanaa’y Mata Codes” A scoot ISineatee neteion samp or nays. NDP cates No Dteinaion Poseale. NAD indeatas No Asbetae Delecos.S ex quay ol he sree at hee anata. Actes 80 17025, halen ete Gpinane an nerprotatonesepesred susca th scope ofa sore Pease conta! ve f you nea ay Tuber oman, (OAM 3 CLAY, 4 = LOAWSAND,§ = SANDICLAY, 6 ~ CLAYILOAM, 7 = OTHER ily 9 SANOLOAWCLAY man re rat covred by ou MCERTS creation ane ses, 8 corane coscion nb, = conans velo hyosarbans, O = corEar lasses E contains Envirlab Job Number: 13/01002 Client Project Name: Snap Farm Client Project Ref: JGI0s7 enviro lab ae ‘Soran [oe nt are No | ert ani ver [ee pot tovep os | est toBoKom oe | pias suns Tre |W . z ml Te one | : |Sample Matrix Code A Z 3 mpl Mati: ade By ala per [| ™ bopawomreranx™ | sear | on * Page 2 0f2 b10 | Bed (LSLLNAAI SNOLLVIASG ON LEOIDL 70N Wafotg 5H uuey deus 9aford. (wee) €10Z/€0/10 *Paate20y aE, HO IZON ‘PIogsuey, ZOOIO/EL ON efor Hed sseuIsng sydpueS ge7 SUN qejo.laua yodey sejdweg Buyjeiaag qejouaug IauGroxmD I Appendix D Chalk Properties and a Summary of the Engineering Classification of Chalk (Based on the CIRIA Publication: C574 ‘Engineering in Chalk’, 2002) ‘Proposed BinGas Pant at Shap Farm, Woodsend, Preliminary Geotecaical Ground Aldbourne, nr Marlborough, Wiltshire, Tavestigation Report WD Chalk Properties ‘As an Engineering material, chalk has special characteristics. It is an ultra-fine-grained limestone composed of very pure, low magnesian (calcium] carbonate, retaining high porosity and high moisture content. Its dual porosity, comprising both fine pores in the rock material and larger pores along fractures, affects its engineering behaviour in different ways. More than 50 million years of uplift, erosion, climatic and tectonic change have etched a special character ‘on the on the rock mass. Humans have exploited flint and chalk leaving many famous — and probably many unknown ~ archaeological features, such as underground mines. Furthermore, the engineering geology of chalk also has to consider the suite of rocks and soils that are [stratigraphically] beneath...” and ‘above the chalk], and those that infill chalk valleys. All of these [factors] may influence slope stability, dissolution, depth of weathering and rock mass character.’ Summary of the Engineering Classification of Chalk In its un-weathered state, away from faults, chalk may typically comprise massive largely un- fractured rock, possibly of variable density, and containing beds or scattered flints and marl horizons. However, weathering processes, both physical and chemical, degrade the chalk, ultimately leading to its complete removal. Along the way, as weathering progresses, the chalk. becomes more fractured, with widening fracture apertures, more porous, perhaps lower density, etc. and in the latter stages of weathering the original structure of the rock mass is lost and the chalk becomes an un-structured mélange of highly weathered chalk fragments. Whilst in many rock types weathering only occurs on surfaces or faces exposed to the elements, because of the high porosity and mineralogy of chalk, weathering associated with dissolution of the chalk mass, by water combined with carbon dioxide (to form carbonic acid), perhaps allied with other geological processes, can occur or may have occurred at various levels throughout the chalk rock mass. Dissolution of the chalk can lead to the formation of cavities of various forms, both small and large, within the chalk mass. In addition to natural cavities, there is also a potential for man made cavities within the chalk associates with pre-historic and historic flint mines, chalk pits & chalk wells. Ultimately such cavities, both natural or man made, may collapse, or become filled with washed in sediments, chalk rubble, or re-deposited chalk from solution, In the scheme of classifying chalk presented in CIRIA C574, the grading scheme ranges from Grade A (relatively unweathered chalk rock) to Grade D (structureless soil), with subdivision 1 - 5, for Grades A to C, based on typical discontinuity spacing with the rock mass and subdivisions m and ¢ for Grade D based on the grading of the soil, as tabulated below: ‘Table 1 ~ Classification of Chalk by Discontinuity Aperture Grade A Discontinuities Closed Grade B Typical Discontinuity Aperture < 3mm Grade C Typical Discontinuity Aperture > 3mm Grade D Structureless or remoulded mélange. Proposed BioGas Plat a Snap Farm, Woodend, Preliminary Gootbnical Ground Aldbourne, ne Marlborough, Wish Investigation Report Iauiai0; ‘Table 2 ~ Subdivisions of Grades A to C (Structured) Chalk by Discontinuity Spacing Suftix ‘Typical Discontinuity Spacing > 600mm 200 - 600mm 60 - 200mm 20 — 60mm 20mm, ‘Table 3 - Subdivisions of Grade D (Structureless) Chalk by Engineering Behaviour Suffix Engineering Dominant Behaviour Element m — finesoil matrix © coarsesoil clasts Application to ‘Typical’ Ground Investig: ‘Comminuted Coarser ‘Chalk Matrix Fragments approx >35% approx <65% approx <35% approx >65% ‘As may be deduced fiom the above, to fully utilise the above classification system for Grades A to C requires close inspection of an extensive exposure of a largely undisturbed section of the chalk rock (perhaps in a quamy or cliff face). Where such a large exposure of an undisturbed section is not available, which is generally the case in typical ground investigations, then application of the above classification system, particularly in relation to the higher grades (A & B), becomes very difficult, as it is almost impossible in the course of such investigations to determine the in-situ discontinuity apertures with any great certainty. For larger, more sensitive developments, examination of the chalk in-situ can be attempted by use of down borehole CCTV surveys, but such techniques are often beyond the scope of “typical” ground investigations. Proposed BioGas Pant a Snap Farm, Woodend, Adboutre, a Maslborough, Wiltshire, Preliminary Geotchnical Ground Investigation Report

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