Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Paper

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Seat No. _ GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ALBA SEMESTER — III + EXAMINATION — WINTER 2012 Subject code: 2830203 Date: 26-12-2012 Subject Name: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management (SAPM) ime; 10:30 pm — 01:30 pm Total Marks: 70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Bigures to the right indicate full marks. O.1 Gf Consider a portiolio that olfers an ‘expected rate of retum of 12% and §.D. of 18%. T-bill offers 7%, When we specify utility by = E(r}- 0.00586", what wh jg the utility fimetion for T-bills and the risky portfolio? What is the #5 Eigrum lovel of risk avension (A) in order for which the risky partiobo is still profereed to T-bills? ©) Consider the following information for taree mutual Funds, 1. M, and Nand the make é ~— Tie Fan) Sra devi = jae ot Is 20 few S 2 a x N e 18 5 VP Martinis Ss “The mean sisk-fice rate was 8 percent. Calculate the Treynor measure, Sharpe measut, Jensen sneastre for the these mutual funds and the market sndex @2 (a) How cconomi analysis does helps in Investment Decision? (B) “Diversification reduces nsk” Do you ares? Why? OR (Discs the major pos of continuation and several patens With reference “To technical analysis: 3 (a) The cach flow data of Ankit Lad. forthe your ended March 31, 2012 ar st follows Cash payments of dividends: 35006; Purchase of Land: G08: Cash payments for interest: 10000, Cash payment for salarics 45008; Sale of Piipment: 38000, Retirement of common stock; 2500), Purchase of qvipment: 30800, Cash pasments to suppliers 85000, Cass collections from cusemers: 250000, Cash athe begining ofthe year 50000 Sea ceded 1 prepare a satzmeat of cach flows showing met OE Jean Penne 2 Sxh)9. GOOL*A * O18 > O05 —- G@aoSHA *O O|2 -B-oooSLA > G0F + O-08 SD @ioeelc2 az &A < oro 5 [Bom a\en Pe < Bye cig TNS lame Ley 1 eve ef ows Svesion is Zook eit < 7 é 0) Show Tegner | Tensen Hee) ee Cee © Paxv el Late ee. Dress 5 eel (ah flom fore Ppectg Atos (1 pry oF saenees La sovr) pent To Svrrcrtes (BSR) thor? Fee GL Lee FADO ay lal. 2a | 190, 0% Ta hm be peaks foto ls) Purerase of 2are (1 408) sate °F sevigmerf 32000 PeecHrAse of FaorPment ie ove) [33 =A UOT blow fon feasmas, hubs (0) por of Divipmy Pp Pree DF ym Ttes7y fEenkimtn? of Ss es oy EE Ue loam ee oe Foresight Leaming Pvt, Lid. 304 Mauryansh Hlanza, Nr. Parekh’s Hospital, Shyamal Cross Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 38005. G23@S or EUr) = G24 Sou aS H%j)2 4 .6-4%9 Ok A dk + ONG a a Jese-va A) wert a Ge-19-9) Ros + CINTA) 203 =} 287 o:s (1) Eo, 32 244. Cees f “aes 0 Eg) = 35+. Sq: \s-/- AGwemig) = SHO Cia, = 12s 18 ROG = Veet 3/2 > Ont Gge Os Ei) Seog Gy = Waklyg) = O-SK 2H 4 OEM VS = a&4.s f. 4 0G Gq” + 2er,c0g Gv CAB) Coe © ck f SOK IZ + of KR 1g? 4 2KO SRO x \Z9-¢ Se > Vek Sp = 3-42 + ———ss— Kos esight se 6-4() ahs OF son 2 Re P= o0.8 ge GS Do = 4. ee ab flam Bb) 2 a+ 09 (is-~ = [pe BD. - AoCrtas= 4 (9.09% tos g = oe fos Pe = Los e-3 Pe eos gt @-4 Cb) (4 J sou fre = tee “ 63,013 )e C08) — a eee Lewd = 6 Te (4) Dunenen Bo gee opr (elo te Pe phaty Devefie? () Nell cdeeebs = city) jo? (a) Aro pow - [eee ¥ Amy O.01b6& Js © 1é6Fy Mauryansh Elanz Shyamal Cross Road, Satellite, aie ee | foresight school Vege hoe See 2 aS “13 b-=f= Gy Ce) sk Ta 8 ts | ™ 42 23 } 2 v6 | Gvexa)< Ca-se) C14-2.8) = 1 G2. SRS ee ey z He Sages): Stade) i, > Ges. Oa = Ci2- 82) Coq -e2) a C& se. 2 eat ke 5 es Og tee - hep “say a =e ol, ce Bie. \ fiz S355 _ 2.48 65a ° ~ Foresight Leaning Pvt. Led. 304 Mauryansh Elanza, Nr. Parekh’s Hospital, Shyamal Cross Road, Satellite, Ahmedabad 380051

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