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Dear India Today, please give Seemi Pasha a promotion

Posted on by Chaiwallah
We have known for a while that under the secular governance of Akhilesh Yadav, the state of Uttar
Pradesh is collapsing. With law and order at a standstill, this is what is happening:
An incident that took place less than 25 km from the city has shocked Talheta village near the border
of Meerut and Ghaziabad districts. Unknown youths dug out the body of a woman from her grave late
on Friday night and allegedly raped the corpse. The woman had been buried two days before the
incident took place.
And here is the reaction of Seemi Pasha, who is an Associate Editor at India Today:

THIS is the level of poisonous bias in our TV studios today. Do I even have to ask what a local incident
in secular Uttar Pradesh has to do with Modi?
Dear India Today, please give this Mameluk a promotion. She deserves to be more than just an
Associate Editor. She should be your Chief Editor and Chief anchor for all your primetime. I want her
venom to spread on the airwaves more, not less.
Because I sense that the spiral of Modi derangement syndrome is approaching an end. Liberals are
beginning to snap. From staying diplomatically silent on murder of Hindus, liberals like Rajdeep are
now publicly coming out and saying clearly why they are ignoring Hindu deaths. I want Seemi Pasha to
be on air, constantly. I want her on the airwaves 24 x 7 attacking the Prime Minister venomously for
things that have absolutely nothing to do with him. Let the public see the venom that she is producing.

For too long, liberals have been smartly highlighting motormouths from the Hindu right wing, while
keeping their own intolerance under wraps, couched in diplomatic language. Modi is causing these
haters to snap. Let Seemi Pasha vomit her hatred clearly and let the public see
By the way, less than 2 months after Modi was elected, this article was published:
It seems acche din are yet to come for the residents of Varanasi, the constituency of PM Narendra
Modi, as stray dogs and monkeys bite over 400 people every day in the holy temple town
Yes, it started with blaming Modi for dog bites in Uttar Pradesh the spiral of Modi derangement
syndrome has to end somewhere. That moment may be

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