Team Handball Lesson

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High School Physical Education Lesson Plans

Unit of Instruction: Team Handball

Grade: Middle/ High School

Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of
motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles,
strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
Standard 3 - The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to
achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social
behavior that respects self and others.
Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for
health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction.
Standard 1 - Demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to
perform a variety of physical activities.
Standard 2 - Demonstrate understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies,
and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 5- Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others
in physical activity settings.
Standard 6- Value physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression,
and/or social interaction.


A physically educated person who participants in health-enhancing physical activity:

Demonstrates competence in selected motor skills
Assesses, achieves, and maintains physical fitness
Applies cognitive concepts in making wise lifestyle choices
Exhibits appropriate personal/social character traits while participating in physical activity
Movement: Running, Jumping, Pivoting, Dribbling, Ball Control, Hand Eye Coordination
Knowledge: Basic Rules of Play
%20Handball-Basic%20Rules.pdf (Handout can be given to students)
Activity: Introduction to Team Handball
Behavior: Positive Attitude, Sportsmanship


Video Player
Team Handball Handouts

Based on class size teams

should have at least 5-7 players
per team

Bounce Passing (2 min)

Soft Practice Soccer Ball for

each pair of students

For the bounce pass students

will pair up with one other
student and stand 5-10ft apart
and bounce the ball back and
forth to work on ball control and

Throw Passing (Baseball style) (2


Soft Practice Soccer Ball for

each pair of students

Throw pass: Students will stay

with same partner and toss the
ball back and forth for ball

Over hand pass (2 min)

Soft Practice Soccer Ball for

each pair of students

Students will remain with

partners and practice throwing
the ball to their partner over
their head with two hands and
with one hand over each

Introduction to team handball and
rules (5 min)(Open with YouTube
video: Best of Team Handball
v=uQe5Ix1nGIM(Video 3:36 min))
Jog around gym (45 sec)
High Knees (15 sec)
Butt Kicks (15 sec)
Karaoke (15 sec)
Total Time: 10 min 6 sec

shoulder to practice ball control

and passing
Indian Run Relay Race (3 min)

Three Soft Practice Soccer Balls Class divides into three even
groups who are lined up in
straight lines. The head person
in each line starts with the ball
and as a line the team moves
forward around the gym
(jogging) and passing the ball
over their heads, once the ball
reaches the back of the line, the
end person sprints with the ball
to the front of the line and
repeats the drill until the original
starting person is at the
beginning of the line again.
Once this has happened the
whole team sits down, as they
are the winners of the relay.

Introduction to court set up (2 min)

Two Soccer Practice Goals 2m

high 3m wide (Max)
6m goal area line around goal
Court that is no more than 147
by 75 ft. (Indoor or Outdoor)
Center line is set up at half court
Penalty mark is 3m up from goal
line and 3m wide

Students should be standing

and catching their breath after
relay. Students should be
listening intently as court
dimensions and rules are

Divide into Teams (2 min)

One Ball
Jerseys (Differentiate teams)

Begin Play with 2-4 teams

depending on class size

Play (10 min)

Total Time: 23 min

Teams play for 2 min 30 sec

intervals for 10 min

Static Stretching Shoulder Stretch (15 sec)
Triceps Stretch (15 sec)
Middle hamstring (15 sec)
L/R hamstring (15 sec)
Butterfly (15 sec)

Explain Day Two Activities

Team Handball targets speed,
agility, and strategy

Back Stretch (15 sec)

Calf Wall Stretch (15 sec)
Recap (15 sec)
Total Time: 2 min
Total Class Time: 35 min 6 sec
*Times based on 45 min class periods with 5 minutes before and after play allowing students
time to change in and out of gym clothes.

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