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Castleton Village Hall
April 20, 2015 at 7:00p.m.
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by Trustee
Hiser at 7:05p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call:

Olivia Karis-Nix President, excused

Doreen Truesdell - Vice President
Janet Hiser Treasurer
Margie Harris - Secretary
Nathan Hans - Trustee
Don McKnight Trustee, excused
Ryan Mullahy Trustee
Melissa Tacke, Library Director

Adoption of Agenda: Trustee Hans made a motion to adopt the proposed agenda.
It was seconded by Trustee Hiser. None opposed. All in favor. Approved 5-0.
Public Comment: Mayor Keegan spoke about the relationship the Library has with
the Village. Human resources issues are the main concern of the Village. The
Village will give a list of items to the Library Board of Trustees that they would like
the Library Board to share with the Village so a mutual agreement can be reached.
Examples on the list would include: Work Place Violence training, checking
references, the ability of the Village to implement the Librarys policies pertaining to
their computer system requirements. Trustee Mullahy reiterated that this was a
cooperative process and the outcome would be beneficial to all. Tim Burke, Director
of UHLS, stressed the importance of having a good working relationship and a clear
understanding of the policies. The ultimate goal would be a document/memo
outlining the relationship between the Village and the Library on these issues; the
new payroll agreement would be included as an addendum to this document.
Presidents Report: None.
Secretarys Report: The proposed minutes from the March 16, 2015 meeting
were reviewed. No changes were made. Trustee Hans made a motion that the
March 16, 2015 minutes be approved. It was seconded by Trustee Truesdell. None
opposed. All in favor. Approved 5-0.
Directors Report: Melissa presented the Directors Report. The report included
attendance to past programs and a social media spotlight-Facebook.
impressions, total reach, total people talking about this and total engaged users
have all increased dramatically compared to last year. Melissa will be reaching out
to Castle Hill and promoting library services and programs to the residents.

Mellissa has made the arrangements for the Open House to showcase the newly
renovated library on April 25th. The Open House will begin at 11:30 with ribbon and
cake cutting at noon.
Upcoming new programs include the Book Worm Club at Riverside Center,
Preserving Family Photographs and Documents, Computer Help 1-on-1 and an
American Girl Tea Party.
The library went live with Sierra on Tuesday, March 31 st without any problems.
Patrons seem to like the new system.
Advertisements for a part-time Youth Librarian went out with a deadline of April
22nd. Melissa had contacted Civil Service and since there are less than 3 interested
candidates on the list, she can hire off the list.
Friends Report:
Barb Kelp reported that more than 100 children attended the
Spring Fling Candy & Egg Hunt at the Castleton Fire House on March 29 th. Because
of the overwhelming response, next year the Friends plan to move the location to
the Schodack Island State Park. They will also be hosting Cinco de Mayo festivities
for adults at Scarnatos Restaurant beginning at 5:00. The Friends are looking for
bakers and lining up musicians for music in the Town Park this summer. They have
been providing refreshments for Open Mike night and will be providing money for
the upcoming Summer Reading program. Melissa will see if arrangements can be
made with the Village for the Friends to store some equipment they use at their
outdoor programs in the Village Hall. The Friends are making plans to be at the
State Park on July 4th and the Fall Festival.
Committee Reports:
Administrative/Policy Committee: None.
Finance Committee: Trustee Hiser provided copies of the monthly Check
Detail, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual, Reconciliation
Detail statements and the Detail of Disbursements for March 2015. Trustee Hans
made a motion that the Check Detail and the Detail of Disbursements reports for
March 2015 be approved. It was seconded by Trustee Truesdell. None opposed. All
in favor. Approved 5-0. Trustee Hiser went over the Reconciliation of the Budget as
compared to last year. Right now there are about 6 months of funds in reserve. The
Board will take a closer look at what would be the optimal amount to have in
reserve in case funding didnt come through and tackle expanding the Finance
Committee membership.
Operations/Capital Projects: Trustee Truesdell reported that the book drop
has arrived and the renovation is complete. The library is waiting to hear from
Rawdon, the Systems Administrator at UHLS, with suggestions to solve the server
problems and also a plan to get the server off the table where the public computers
are located. He has been involved with the Sierra move and hopes to have free
time soon. Trustee Truesdell brought up the need for a computer for the Director on
the 2nd desk and that it would be nice to have two I-Pads. The Board will look into
some community sponsorship to fund these items.

Policy Committee: Trustee Hans presented the revised Personnel Policy for
review and a full discussion is planned for the next Board Meeting. Trustee Mullahy
offered to make himself available to the staff to answer their questions once it is
Old Business: None.
New Business: Melissa and Tim explained the library word-of-mouth marketing
initiative. Other library boards have found it very productive for each member to
commit to telling 3 people in the community about what is going on at their library.
At the end of the meeting they choose an upcoming event or two from the
Directors Report to promote. The Board chose the Open House for this month.
Trustee Hans suggested the Board members alternate with Melissa in attending the
Village Board meetings on the 2 nd Monday of each month. Melissa agreed to bring
a schedule to the next meeting so that trustees can sign up.
Announcements: None.
Public Comment: The Board thanked Tim Burke for attending the meeting and for
his comments and suggestions.
Executive Session:
Adjournment: Trustee Hans made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was
seconded by Trustee Truesdell. None opposed. All in favor. Approved 5-0. The
meeting was adjourned at 8:09p.m.

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