May 18 2015

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Castleton Village Hall
May 18, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by Trustee
Karis-Nix at 6:59 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call:

Olivia Karis-Nix President

Doreen Truesdell - Vice President
Janet Hiser Treasurer, excused
Margie Harris - Secretary
Nathan Hans - Trustee
Don McKnight Trustee, excused
Ryan Mullahy Trustee, excused
Melissa Tacke, Library Director

Adoption of Agenda: Trustee Truesdell made a motion to adopt the proposed

agenda. It was seconded by Trustee Hans. None opposed. All in favor. Approved
Public Comment: Barb Kelp attended the new library program Bring Your Own
Book Club and thought it was a lot of fun and encouraged the library to keep it
Presidents Report: This is the last month Trustee Harris will be attending
meetings. She announced that she will be moving out of the area. Trustee
McKnight will be leaving in June when his term is up. More trustees are needed and
Trustee Karis-Nix encouraged everyone to spread the word.
Secretarys Report: The proposed minutes for the April 20, 2015 meeting were
reviewed. No changes were made. Trustee Hans made a motion that the April 20,
2015 minutes be approved. It was seconded by Trustee Truesdell. None opposed.
All in favor. Approved 4-0.
Directors Report: Melissa presented the Directors Report. Statistical reports on
the new Sierra computer system are different from the previous one which made
them difficult to compare. Mia Orobona has been hired as a part-time Librarian I for
Youth Services. She began May 13, 2015. The library will be short staffed for a few
weeks. Andrea will be out on medical leave the next 3 weeks. Albert will be on
vacation and Pam will be leaving June 3, 2015. Pam is leaving to take a position
with the New York State Tax & Finance Department. Mia has set up children
programs for June. They are listed on the website. Maple Hill Middle School
Storytellers will perform at the library on Tuesday, May 26, at 6:30 p.m. As a follow

up from last month, Melissa stated she would like to attend all the Village Board of
Trustee meetings. She passed around a sign-up sheet for those trustees who would
like to attend with her. Melissa and Trustee Hans will be attending the UHLS Annual
dinner on June 10.
Friends Report:
Barb Kelp reported that the Friends have scheduled 10 to 12
bake sales. They will host a bake sale and sell cotton candy on the 4 th of July for the
1st day of camping at the Schodack Island State Park. The library board offered a
ticket to the UHLS Annual Dinner to the Friends.
Committee Reports:
Administrative/Policy Committee: None.
Finance Committee: Trustee Hiser had provided copies of the monthly Check
Detail, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual, Reconciliation
Detail statements and the Detail of Disbursements for April 2015. Trustee Karis-Nix
made a motion that the Check Detail report for April 2015 be approved. It was
seconded by Trustee Hans. None opposed. All in favor. Approved 4-0. Trustee
Karis-Nix made a motion that the Detail of Disbursements report for April 2015 be
It was seconded by Trustee Hans. None opposed. All in favor.
Approved 4-0.
Operations/Capital Projects: None
Policy Committee: Melissa has comments and suggestions that she would
like considered before there is a vote on the policy. She will submit them to the
committee for review.
Old Business:
Library word-of-mouth marketing: This month is the Bring Your Own Book
Club program. Their next meeting is Monday, June 1 at 6:30 p.m.
Library Board Terms: Trustee Hans reported that he will draft amendments to
the library by-laws to change terms from 7 to 3 years and for them to run from
January to December. He will present them at the meeting next month. After the
by-laws and term changes are reviewed, he will present the term changes to the
Village Board for their approval. The by-law changes will need to be formally
approved by the library board.
New Business: None.
Announcements: None.
Public Comment: None.
Executive Session: None.

Adjournment: Trustee Karis-Nix made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was

seconded by Trustee Truesdell. None opposed. All in favor. Approved 4-0. The
meeting was adjourned at 7:39p.m.

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