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Castleton Village Hall
July 20, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by Trustee
Hiser at 7:01 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call:

Olivia Karis-Nix President, excused

Doreen Truesdell - Vice President
Janet Hiser Treasurer
Nathan Hans - Trustee
Don McKnight Trustee
Ryan Mullahy Trustee
Melissa Tacke, Library Director

Adoption of Agenda: Trustee Hiser made a motion to adopt the proposed

agenda. It was seconded by Trustee Mullahy. None opposed. All in favor. Approved
Public Comment: None
Presidents Report: None.
Secretarys Report: None. The June Meeting Minutes will be approved at the next
board meeting.
Directors Report: Director Tacke presented the Directors Report. Summer
reading has attracted nearly double the signups from last year, and registration
continues throughout the summer. She met with the Town of Schodack to request a
$2,000 increase in funding. We are waiting to hear back on the Town Boards
Friends Report:


Committee Reports:
Administrative/Policy Committee: None.
Finance Committee: Trustee Hiser provided copies of the monthly Check
Detail, Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual, Reconciliation
Detail statements for June 2015. Trustee Hiser made a motion that the Check Detail
report for June 2015 be approved.
It was seconded by Trustee Mullahy. None
opposed. All in favor. Approved 5-0.
Operations/Capital Projects: Vice President Truesdell said Richard Crist, a
county employee has submitted a formal request for an Ipad.

Policy Committee:
The policy committee reports no progress on the
Personnel Policy. No discussion was had on the TABLED discussion concerning
vacation time.
Old Business:
Board Continuity Plan: Trustee Hans reports the Village Board has approved
the continuity plan. Amended terms are in effect.
Personnel Policy See Policy Committee above.
Periodic Audits Director Tacke had a discussion with William C. Adams about
doing an full audit. Mr. Adams does not perform audits, however he can be more
prescriptive in his reviews. He has done that in the past for us, but our practices are
much better now.
Director Tacke did ask around to get a cost of a full audit, the lowest quote so far is
in the $7,500 to $8,500 range. Trustee Hans will reach out to Tim Burke at Upper
Hudson to see if he can recommend a firm.
Library word-of-mouth marketing:
This month is the Story Hour program.
Linda Guthridge, a former teacher, reads to children 0-6 on Thursdays at 10:30
during the summer. This is a great time as Maple Hill Preschool gets out at 10:15.
Once school resumes story hour will move back to 11:30.
New Business:
Updating Librarys Signature Card With our new system of managing
payroll, the time between invoicing and needing to provide a check to the village is
very tight. Because checks require two signatures, finding two trustees in a timely
fashion has become difficult. Trustee Hiser propsed that we increase the number of
signatories on our account to 4. This will require that Director Tacke arrange for new
signature cards with Citizen's Bank and that she update our fianncial policies to
reflect this change. She moved that Trustee Hans be added as the fourth in addition
to President Karis-Nix, Vice President Truesdell, and herself. Seconded by Vice
President Truesdell. Approved 5-0.
2016 budget planning Director Tacke presented a working copy of the 2016
budget. She questioned if it needs to be approved if the Town of Schodack approves
our $2,000 increase. Trustee Hiser indicated that we submit a tentative budget to
the town with the understanding that it may change once it is finalized.
Funding Committee Trustee Hans indicated a desire to establish a funding
committee as a result of last meetings discussion regarding the increase request to
the Town of Schodack. It was proposed that funding be a topic for the Finance
Committee and that the Finance Committee be reactivated for this purpose. Trustee
Hans and Vice President Truesdell volunteered to be on the committee, and

according to the bylaws, the Treasurer Hiser would also serve as a member.
President Karis-Nix will need to officially approve the committee members at
Septembers meeting. Finance Committee will tentatively meet before the regular
Trustee McKnight - Trustee Mullahy made a motion to acknowledge that this
meeting marks the conclusion of Trustee McKnights term as a Trustee of the
Castleton Public Library and to recognize the many years of selfless service and
dedication Trustee McKnight has provided to the Library and its mission, and the
positive impact such service has had on not only the Library, but also on the
residents that it serves. Trustee McKnight opposed. Approved 4-1.
Announcements: None.
Public Comment: None.
Executive Session: None.
Adjournment: Trustee Hiser made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was
seconded by Trustee Mullahy. None opposed. All in favor. Approved 5-0. The
meeting was adjourned at 8:00p.m.

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