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Castleton Village Hall
September 21, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance: The meeting was called to order by President
Karis-Nix at 7:06 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Roll Call:

Olivia Karis-Nix President

Doreen Truesdell - Vice President
Janet Hiser Treasurer
Nathan Hans - Trustee
Ryan Mullahy Trustee, excused
Melissa Tacke, Library Director

Adoption of Agenda: Trustee Nathan Hans made a motion to adopt the proposed
agenda. It was seconded by Trustee Hiser. None opposed. All in favor. Approved
Public Comment: None
Presidents Report: None.
Secretarys Report: The minutes from the July 20, 2015 meeting and June 16,
2015 were reviewed. President Karis-Nix made a motion that the January 2015
minutes be approved. It was seconded by Trustee Hiser. None opposed. All in
favor. Approved 4-0.
Directors Report: Director Tacke presented the Directors Report. See Attached.
Treasurers Report: Trustee Hiser provided copies of the monthly Check Detail,
Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual, Reconciliation Detail
statements for July and August 2015. Trustee Hiser wanted to highlight that
programming will be over budget for this year, the extra we have left from the
renovation will help cover that. Trustee Hiser made a motion that the Check Detail
report for June 2015 be approved, It was seconded by Vice Presdent Truesdell.
None opposed. All in favor. Approved 4-0.
Friends Report:
Friends President Barb Kelp reported a slower summer than
usual. They are trying to recruit new members. The book sale went very well. They
would like to thank Councilmen Kenney for his help. They are planning their next
event, the Halloween Parade which will be held on 10/31. After that, the Barnes and
Noble fundraiser will be held November 21
Committee Reports:

Administrative Committee: None. This committee is dormant for the time

Finance Committee: Trustee Hans reported the finance committee met prior
to tonights meeting. Trustee Hans, Trustee Hiser and Vice Presdent Truesdell are
members of the committee. The committee has established 3 goals for the coming
1. Trustee Hiser and Trustee Hans will work with Director Tacke on the Budget
2. Vice President Truesdell will work with the Friends to solicit program
3. Trustee Nathan Hans will Pursue improvements to municipal funding
Operations/Capital Projects: None.
Policy Committee:
The policy committee reports no progress on the
Personnel Policy. Waiting for Trustee Mullahy and Director Tacke. No discussion was
had on the TABLED discussion concerning vacation time.
Old Business:
Personnel Policy See Policy Committee above.
Periodic Audits Director Tacke reminded the board of the decision to
complete a full audit or stick with the annual review. The board was concerned with
the high price of quotes. Director Tacke did ask around to get a cost of a full audit,
the lowest quote so far is in the $7,500 to $8,500 range. Trustee Hans will reach out
to Tim Burke at Upper Hudson to see if he can recommend a firm.
Computers Trustee Hans and Director Tacke received an estimate for
replacing the public computers. The solutions were $169 and $269 per user station.
Director Tacke said she has not had any complaints about the fan. The board
decided to leave the computers as is for the time being.
Director Tacke reported her PC is slow but workable. The board thinks it would
be a good use of extra funds from the renovation to get a good PC for Director
Tacke. Trustee Hans will explore options.
Library word-of-mouth marketing:
This month is the Halloween Costume
Swap program. People can bring in lightly used costumes and on October 3 rd can
pick a new costume.
New Business:
Monthly Expenses Director Tacke reported that we are moving more money
between accounts because we are close to full staff so the amount of expenses is
larger than previously.
6 Month Evaluation Director Tacke reminded the board of her 6 month
evaluation. President Karis-Nix will send the evaluation form to the board & will
meet with Director Tacke 1 on 1.

2016 budget planning Director Tacke presented a working copy of the 2016
budget. This topic will be sent to the Finance Committee for further discussion.
Announcements: None.
Public Comment: Village Trustee Amy Ryan reported that she will be taking over
for Trustee Jen Practico
Executive Session: None.
Adjournment: Trustee Hiser made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was
seconded by Trustee Hans. None opposed. All in favor. Approved 4-0. The meeting
was adjourned at 8:00p.m.

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