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We MUST put an end to Mass

Incarceration including an end to the

Drug War
Marijuana Arrests has been surpassing violent crime arrests since the 1980s, thus
overpopulating the prison system. Wrongfully putting non-violent drug offenders in
prison for extenuous amounts of time.

In many states, posession of high amounts of Marijuana can lead to an equal or

longer prison sentence than a child sex abuse charge, causing dangerous sex
offenders to be released with the possibility to harm individuals again.

Non-violent drug charges ccount for of all the inmate population. This creates an
imbalance in the jail and prison structure subjecting non-violent criminals to be
around extremely violent criminals.

Over 1 trillion dollars in tax money in the U.S has been spent on the drug war
which includes incarceration, and military aid in preventing drug imports. This tax
money however was not focused on treating and preventing addiction. This creates
a waste of money that can be spent elsewhere to improve our American society.

What can you do

Vote for government officials that want to end the drug war, decriminalize
marijuana, and keep the violent criminals locked up in the prisons, thus lowering the
prison rate because the U.S has the highest incarceration rate in the world.

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