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Child in Case Study

Lori Hicks
ECE 1414
April 26, 2015
Professor Ofeimu

A. Child in Case Study is a student a Planet Kids Premier Academy in Clarkston, MI. Child in
Case Study is a five year old girl, her birthday is March 31, 2010. She is the youngest in her
family. She is very friendly, joyful, outgoing girl and makes friends easily. The reason I selected
Child in Case Study for my study is because she and I had an automatic connection, from the
first day I visited the classroom, she asked me to read her a book. We sat and read books the
whole time I was there that visit and during many of the other visits.
B. Child in Case Study is African American, she has dark hair, skin and eyes. She lives with her
mom and older brother, Raquan, 7 years old and visits/sees her dad regularly. Her mom has
stressed the importance of an education, and works with her regularly Child in Case Study can
recognize all letters of the alphabet and is able to write and recognize numbers 1-30.
C. Child in Case Study appears to be in good health, average weight and height for her age.
Pregnancy and birth were normal and without complications.
D. Child in Case Study has attended Planet Kids for about 3 years, she is familiar with the staff,
and has known Mrs. Jones, the lead teacher for over 2 years. The classroom Child in Case Study
is in, is a GSRP Program, the program starts at 8:30 and ends at 3:30, Monday through Thursday,
she attends the center child care program before and after school and on Fridays. There are 16
children in the classroom with a lead teacher, Mrs. Jones and assistant teacher, Ms. R. the ages of
the other children in the classroom are 4-5.

Physical Development

Child in Case Study recently turned five years old, she appears to be of average height and

Child in Case Study enjoys playing games outside, during outside time. She is able to

ride a tricycle, kick a soccer ball and climb on and hang upside down on the play structure on the
playground. She enjoys walking one foot in front of the other on the edging of the playgrounds,
and plays different games with other students, such as freeze game. (See Anecdotal note# 11)
Child in Case Study has appropriate gross motor development for her age.
Child in Case Study has developed her fine motor skills, she is able to hold a pencil and write
name, (See Picture # ), use scissors (See Picture # ) and is able manipulate small objects, such as
legos and small building blocks. Child in Case Study dominate hand is her right, when writing
on paper, she used her right hand. Playing with playdough is one way to use and help develop
fine motor skills, during worktime during one of my observation visits, Child in Case Study
played with playdough and made a variety of shapes and used cookie cutters.
Social Development
Child in Case Study is a confident girl, she is friendly with the other children in her classroom.
She is helpful with other students. Her relationship with both Mrs. Jones and Ms. R is
appropriate, she listens respectfully when they are speaking. Child in Case Study is able to show
her emotions (See Anecdotal note # ) being able to identify her emotion, being upset and able to
work through it and continue on working. Child in Case Study is also has an understanding of
other people emotions and feeling, she is able to recognize when other are upset and can guess
why and a solution how to help them. Child in Case Study displayed being able to recognize
other emotions (See Anecdotal Note # 16) while playing with Elsa and Ana , Jordan wanted to be
Elsa, Child in Case Study looked at Jordan and told her, she could be Elsa.
Cognitive Development

Child in Case Study has appropriate cognitive skills for her age. Cognitive skills are practiced
every school day, during planning, worktime and recall. Child in Case Study has many cognitive
skills, she is able to recite and recall all of the letters of the alphabet and many numbers. She is
able to make comparisons, Child in Case Study displayed this while reading the book The true
story of the three little pigs she notice the different materials each pig used to build his house.
At the end of the story, all the wolf wanted was a cup of sugar to make a cake, she laughed and
said he could have bought a cake at the store. Child in Case Study was able to understand the
situation in the story and how the wolfs side of the story was funny and could have solved the
problem of needing a cup of sugar, by buying a cake at the store. During outside time, Child in
Case Study was kicking the soccer ball with Isabella, the playground has a slight downhill slope,
Child in Case Study was on the higher ground kicking to Isabella on the lower ground. Isabella
was having a difficult time being able to kick the ball uphill to Child in Case Study. Child in
Case Study suggested to move to a flat ground and play over there. When Child in Case Study
suggested to move she used her cognitive skills, by evaluating the situation and finding a
Language Development
Child in Case Study is able to speak clearly when sharing her ideas and speaking with her peers
in the classroom as well as teachers and adults. Child in Case Study is knows the alphabet and is
able to recognize each letter, upper case and lower case, when the letters are in order and out of
order. She is enjoys being read too, she is able to guess what is coming next in the story by
looking at the pictures, and listens to the story. Child in Case Study knows to start reading a
book, you must read the cover and the author (See Anecdotal Note # 7). When she is being read
to, and doesnt know or understand she asks appropriate questions for clarification. Child in

Case Study is able to repeat and recall stories, (See Anecdotal Note # 20) while reading Inside a
House that is Haunted she was able to repeat the first part of the story and follow along while I
Approach to Learning
Child in Case Study seems to enjoy learning and asks questions for clarification or Why? to
have a better understanding.
During my visits to the classroom, planning for worktime was an important time of the day, the
child chose how they wanted to plan (See Anecdotal Note #10 ) such as act out or talk in a funny
voice, Child in Case Study mostly chose the cozy/book area or the kitchen. She really enjoys
reading/ being read to and looking at books. It appears that Child in Case Study enjoys learning
and is interested in many different topics, she enjoys reading, has
Creative Development
Child in Case Study shows so much creativity, with pretend play and in her art work. She enjoys
music and making/creating songs, (see Anecdotal note # 9) Child in Case Study displays her
creativity during worktime playing with playdough, using the cookie cutter to make shapes then
creating a story using the spider and cut out. (See Anecdotal Notes # 19) Child in Case Study is
very creative in her dramatic play, creates stories and acts the stories out, mostly during outside
time. (See Anecdotal Note # 5)
Conclusions and Recommendations
Child in Case Study has many strengths and shows interest in education and learning. She is
developing along with the KDIs in all of the areas; Approach to Learning; Language, Literacy

and Communication; Social and Emotional Development; Physical Development; Arts and
To further develop her Gross Motor Skills, and to challenge her skipping may be introduces and
games involving balls, such as basketball, adding a hand/eye coordination, both of these skills
will develop as she gets older.
Social and Emotional skills will develop over time, but some recommendations to help aid these
skills could be a lesson plan to recognize the different emotions and expanding on problem
solving in the classroom.

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