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Unit B: Colonization

Essential Understandings:
Different nations tried to create and rule permanent settlements (colonies) in North and
South America in the 1500 and 1600s. Specifically, we will compare and contrast how
the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch went about colonization.
Colonies make money for their home countries, and give them power on the European
stage. European politics is driven by the events in the New World.
Colonists are loyal to their home country and are influenced by their culture. However,
they do develop differences from home as they adapt to the needs of Americas.
Native Americans, despite some positive interactions, are often either driven from their
homelands or forced to change their lifestyle.
African captives are brought to the Americas to resolve a labor shortage; American
slavery is born.

Big Idea Questions

Is there a good way to colonize another land? Is there a worst?
Can we judge someone from the past for things we disapprove of today, if those actions
were acceptable at the time?
What are the most important factors to help a colony be successful? What factors hurt its
chances for success?

Content Questions
What is a religious freedom colony? A government colony? A private company colony?
What are the main similarities and differences between New France, New Spain, New
Netherlands, Jamestown, and Plymouth?
Why did the colony of Jamestown fail in the beginning? What factors made Jamestown
eventually succeed?
What religious groups came to the English colonies seeking freedom?
What was the Mayflower Compact and what does it have to do with self-government?
How Plymouth Colony start and how did it change over time?
What is the Terrible Transformation? Why did slavery develop in the English colonies?

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