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Common Peroneal

Tibial Nerve
NERVE Sciatic Nerve (Medial Popliteal
(Lateral Popliteal
ROOT Ventral divisions of Dorsal division of L4, 5,
L4, 5, S1, 2, 3
VALUE L4, 5, S1, 2, 3 S1, 2
Larger part of 2 Smaller part of 2
terminal branches terminal branches
of sciatic nerve At lower ⅓ of the
ORIGIN Inside the pelvis At the junction of back of thigh
upper ⅔ & lower ⅓
of the back of the
Leaves the pelvis Enters popliteal Enters popliteal fossa
through greater fossa at its upper at its upper angle
sciatic foramen below angle & leaves at its Passes along medial
piriformis lower angle border of biceps
Descend in gluteal Ends at lower femoris to leave the
region under cover of border of popliteus fossa at its lateral
gluteus maximus muscle – enters the angle
Lies on: back of the leg – Passes around neck
o back of ischium become posterior of fibula deep to
separated by nerve tibial nerve peroneus longus
to quadratus At first, it lateral to
femoris popliteal vessel
o tendon of obturator Then crosses
internus + 2 gemilli superficially to
muscle become medial to
o quadratus femoris vessels
which separate
from hip joint
At the back of the
thigh, the nerve
passes undercover of
the long head of
biceps femoris
Lies on the posterior
aspect of adductor
At upper angle of Lower border of Lateral side of neck of
popliteal fossa popliteus muscle fibula by dividing into:
By dividing into tibial By becoming deep peroneal
TERMINATION & common peroneal posterior tibial (anterior tibial) nerve
nerve nerve superficial peroneal
Articular branches → Cutaneous branch Cutaneous branches
hip joint Sural nerve Sural communicating
Muscular branches Muscular branches Lateral cutaneous
o Tibial part Double nerves to nerve of calf
 ischial head of gastrocnemius
adductor magnus Nerve to plantaris Articular branches
 semitendinosus Nerve to superficial Superior lateral
 semimembranosus surface of soleus genicular nerve
BRANCHES  long head of biceps Nerve to popliteus Inferior lateral
o Common peroneal genicular nerve
part Genicular (articular Recurrent genicular
 short head of branch) nerve
biceps Superior and
inferior medial Terminal branches (see
Terminal branches genicular nerves termination)
o Tibial nerve Middle genicular
o Common peroneal nerve
Causes: Sites & causes: wounds Sites & causes:
Post dislocation of in the popliteal fossa Wounds in the
hip joint popliteal fossa
Wrong intramuscular Effect: Fracture of the neck
inject Paralysis to muscle of fibula
Penetrating wounds of back of the leg & Tight plaster cast
sole of foot Severe adductor
Effect: Loss of sensation at trauma to the leg
Paralysis of the back of the leg
hamstring muscles, & sole of the foot Effect:
ischial part of Paralysis of the
adductor magnus & Deformity: (Talipus muscles of the
all muscles of leg & Calceneovalgus) anterior
foot (flail foot) Dorsiflexion compartment of the
Complete sensory Eversion leg (extensors)
loss below knee Clawing of toes Paralysis of the
except area along muscles of the
medial malleolus & lateral compartment
med side of foot of the leg (evertors)
which is supplied by Loss of sensation
saphenous nerve from anterolateral
aspect of the leg to
Deformity: foot drop the dorsum of the
due to effect of gravity foot (except the
medial and lateral

Deformity: (Talipus
Foot drop (paralysis
of extensors of foot)
Inversion (paralysis
evertors of the foot)
Deep Peroneal Nerve Superficial Peroneal Nerve
(Anterior Tibial Nerve) (Musculocutaneous Nerve)
As one of 2 terminal branches of As one of 2 terminal branches of
common peroneal nerve common peroneal nerve
At the lateral acpext of the neck At the lateral side of the neck of
of fibula deep to peroneus longus fibula
Pierces anterior intermuscular Descends in substance peroneus
septum to enter anterior longus
compartment of leg Then passes to reach peroneus
Descend downward in front of brevis
ankle joint midway between 2 Pierces deep fascia at distal ⅓ of
malleoli leg
Dorsum of foot by dividing into Dividing into lateral & medial
lateral & medial branches branches
Muscular branches Muscular branches
Tibialis anterior Peroneus longus
Extensor hallucis longus Peroneus brevis
Extensor digitorum longus
Peroneus tertius Cutaneous branches from main
Extensor digitorum brevis trunk
Skin of lower ⅔ of the anterolateral
Cutaneous branches by medial aspect of the leg
terminal nerve
Cleft between 1st & 2nd toes Cutaneous branches from medial &
lateral terminal branches
BRANCHES Dorsum of foot & toes except:
Articular branch from main trunk
Ankle joint Lateral border (sural nerve)
Medial border (saphenous nerve)
Articular branches from terminal Cleft between 1st & 2nd toes
branches (anterior tibial nerve)
Tarsal joint
Tarsometatarsal joint Cutaneous branches from medial
Terminal branches Medial side of bog toe
Lateral terminal branch Adjacent sides of 2nd & 3rd toes
Medial terminal branch
NERVE Posterior Tibial Nerve Medial Plantar Nerve Lateral Plantar Nerve
Ventral divisions of
L4, 5, S1, 2, 3
Lower border of Deep to flexor Deep to flexor
popliteus retinaculum retinaculum
ORIGIN As continuation of As the larger of 2 As the smaller of 2
tibial nerve terminal branches of terminal branches of
posterior tibial nerve posterior tibial nerve
Descend deep to Runs forward in the Pass forward &
soleus muscle sole of the foot laterally on the
between tibia & lateral to medial medial side of lateral
fibula plantar artery plantar artery
Passes in the between abductor between 1st & 2nd
posterior hallucis & flexor layers of sole
compartment of the digitorum brevis Till it reaches base of
leg between muscles 5th metatarsal bone
COURSE superficial & deep
& muscles of calf
RELATION Passes deep to flexor
retinaculum, behind
& below medial
malleolus between
flexor digitorum
longus & flexor
hallucis longus to end
as medial & lateral
plantar nerves
Ends deep to the
flexor retinaculum
behind medial
By dividing into
lateral plantar nerve
& medial plantar
Muscular branches Muscular branches Muscular branches
Flexor digitorum Abductor hallucis from main trunk
longus Flexor hallucis brevis Flexor digitorum
Flexor hallucis longus Flexor digitorum accessories
Tibialis posterior brevis Abductor digiti
Deep surface of 1st lumbrical muscle minimi
Cutaneous branches Muscular branches
Cuteneous branch Skin of medial ⅔ of from terminal
Medial calcanean sole branches
nerve Digital branches to Adductor hallucis
skin of plantar Flexor digiti minimi
Articular branch surface of medial 3 brevis
Ankle joint ½ toes Lateral 3 lumbrical
Terminal branches 7 interossei muscles
Medial plantar nerve Articular branches
Lateral plantar nerve Intertarsal joint Cutaneous branches
tarsometatarsal joint Lateral ⅓ of sole
Lateral 1 ½ of toes

Articular branches
Intertarsal joint
Tarsometatarsal joint

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