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Jack the Beanstalk- E.

Once upon a vine, there lived a poor boy and his mother. The crops at the farm they lived on
were slowly dying and they had barely enough money to feed themselves. One day, the boys
mother sent the young lad to town to trade their final harvest for some money. On the way to
town, the young lad met a mysterious man who offered the boy three brown beans that would
produce a strong crop in exchange for his harvest.
When the boy returned home, he showed his mother the beans he traded the harvest for. His
mother scolded him and threw the beans into the dry garden. That night, a terrible storm hit
the farm and provided the soil with plenty of water. By morning the beans had grown into a
tall, strong beanstalk that reached the sky. Upon waking, the boy and his mother were amazed
to see such a plant grow this high on their farm. The boy was curious to see just how high this
beanstalk was and began climbing.
After hours of climbing the boy finally reached the top and found a face amongst an
abundance of beans. The beanstalks eyes opened, startling the young boy so much that he
nearly fell off the beanstalk. Im sorry my young master! I did not mean to startle you so.
The beanstalk said.
You can talk? The boy inquired.
Yes, I am a magical beanstalk cultivated by a powerful wizard.
So beanstalk,
Please master, call me Jack.
Okay Jack, I am but a poor farming boy, and my mother will surely beat me again for not
bringing her the money we need to grow crops and feed ourselves.
Do not worry master, I have an abundance of beans that you may pick from me. They are
juicy, crispy and will surely fetch you a good price in town. I just have one request my
Really? And what is your request Jack?
All I ask is that the day that I grow a golden bean, please do not pick this bean.
A golden bean?! But that will make us rich!
It may, but it will mean my death. Please master, I will grow you millions of healthy beans,
but I beg you do not pick this one golden bean. Can you promise me this?
I promise, Jack. I will not pick the golden bean. He said sincerely.
After a few years of successful bean crops, the young boy and his mother had enough money
to feed themselves and started up a field of corn again. One day when harvesting beans from
Jack, the young lad saw something sparkling. He walked over to the glinting light and found
that it was a golden bean. Forgetting his promise he made to Jack years ago, and realising that
he would be rich enough to afford some cattle, the young lad picked the golden bean. The
moment he did so, Jack gave a sharp scream and began to wither. The young boy picked up
as many beans as his basket could carry, including the golden bean and hurried down Jack as
fast as his legs could take him. Whats all the commotion? The boys mother asked,
emerging from the house.
The beanstalk, its falling! The boy cried. Soon after the boy was on flat ground, Jack came
crashing down in a tangled heap. The boy approached Jacks face.
Jack! Jack, whats wrong?
Youyou promised
Promised what Jack?
that youd never pick the golden bean

It was then that the boy remembered he had made this promised to Jack, and understood what
he had done.
A few weeks past and the young boy and his mother were down to the last harvest of Jacks
beans. Son, do you still have that golden bean you picked from Jack?
Yes I do mother.
Plant it son, we may be able to re-grow Jack.
The young boy put the seeds of the golden bean in the soil and watered them well.
Expecting a beanstalk that reached the heavens, upon waking the next morning, all that the
boy found was a small seedling. Well at least it grows. The boy thought.
He kept looking after that young seedling and after a few months the plant grew beans.
Mother! We finally have some beans!
Pick one, see how it tastes. The boy picked one and ate it. It was not juicy like Jacks. It
was not crispy like Jacks. It was bitter and awful. This beanstalk continued to grow and
sprout bitter tasting beans for many years, as a result of Jacks broken promise, and the boys
greed for wealth.

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