Consulta I Ching YiJing Oracle of The Sun Si Me Va A Salir Dar Clases en El Otro Gimnasio

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I Ching, Yijing or Zhou Yi by LiSe

Yi Jing, Oracle of the Sun

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Por favor, voy a poder continuar dando las clases de reiki

en el otro gimnasio con gente suficiente'

Primary hexagram: 21
Sh K, Biting through
Gua Poem:
Biting through, expansion. Harvest: benefit of lawsuit.
The great image says: Thunder and lightning: Biting through.
The ancient kings made the penalties clear to enforce the law.


Sh K: the ideogram and the story. (../hexstories/21.html) What does it mean for
your question?
6 at 3: Biting cured meat, encountering poison. Small distress
(../origins/goodbad.htm#LINdistress). Without fault
When emotions get trapped, one has to make them free again. It always hurts
oneself, someone else. But one has to do it, one's first duty is always to live. Arrange
your life such, that you can always give your emotions the freedom they need. Not by
giving them no home, but by giving them a movable home. Life will be richer for
yourself and for those around you.
(Changes to hex.30) (../hex/hex_30.html)
6 at 2: Biting skin, extinguishing the nose. Without fault
Some things don't need scrutiny. Indulge yourself in them, enjoy and move on. Or
maybe they teach you a little lesson. Avoiding everything will stop both learning and
fun. Small godsends or mistakes teach you how to deal with bigger ones. But: be very
careful with every idea you share with others. They might resent, even if or especially
when you're totally right.
(Changes to hex.38) (../hex/hex_38.html)
More about the lines and their characters (../hexlines/lines21.html)

Relating hexagram: 14
D Yu, great assets
Gua Poem:
Great assets. Eminent expansion
The great image says: Fire high in Heaven: great assets.The
noble one by terminating evil raises good,by yielding to Heaven
relaxes in fate.

D Yu: the ideogram and the story (../hexstories/14.html). What does it mean for
your question?
More about the lines and their characters (../hexlines/lines14.html)
Tumbling Coins oracle by Emanuele (mailto:Emanuele<>), updated 20150130

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since April 2000

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