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Summative Assessment Task (Assessment of Learning)

Eco School Design Challenge!

Situation: Pan American School has opened a new campus due to a lack of indoor and outdoor space at our current
site. Architects were hired to create and propose plans for what the new school buildings would look like on a
new campus; however, Pan American needs your help to design the outdoor space of the school.
Role: You are landscape architects who have been hired by the school to design an ecologically diverse and
sustainable outdoor campus area that integrates nature with learning and play. You will work in teams of 3 or 4.
Goal: Your goal is to design an ecosystem to fill the outdoor space at our new school site, including both living and
nonliving components. Your job is to choose five plant species and five animal species that could survive in our
local biomes, and who depend on each other and similar non-living factors for survival.
Audience: Your clients are our parents, students, and staff of the Pan American School. You will present your
project to our class.
Product: Describe your dream ecosystem for our school site in its full glory. You final project must include the
( ) 5 plant species and 5 animal species that could survive in our Porto Alegre biome with a detailed explanation
as to why each was chosen (10 total).
*Each species selected should have everything it needs to survive in your ecosystem.
( ) Abiotic factors that are both functional for an outdoor school campus and are helpful or important to the
biotic factors chosen.
( ) A food web illustrating all interdependent relationships within the ecosystem. Your food web should contain
only the species you have decided should be a part of your ecosystem.
( ) 2 examples of human actions that would have a beneficial effect on the organisms in the ecosystem and an
explanation of them.
( ) 2 examples of human actions that would have a harmful effect on the organisms in the ecosystem and an
explanation of them.
How do I display my work?
1. Complete the Google Doc template.
2. Choose a way to display your project visually: 3D model, Minecraft, poster, Google Sketch-Up
3. Prepare a presentation that is engaging to the audience and has all the necessary information. Follow good
presentation guidelines (no blocks of text on Power Point, for example).

TIP: Porto Alegre has 2 different types of biomes: Atlantic Rainforest (Mata Atlntica) and Lowlands (Pampa). Your
plants and animals must be able to survive in both of these biomes.

Eco School Design Rubric

-Works effectively
in groups
-Uses time
effectively and
-Shows respect and
tolerance for

ideas effectively in
understanding &
application of
what has been





Group delegated tasks and

shared responsibility effectively
all the time.

Group delegated tasks

and shared responsibility
effectively most of the

Group delegated tasks

and shared
responsibility effectively
some of the time.

Group was not

effective at delegating
tasks and sharing

Google Doc contains:

Google Doc contains:

Google Doc contains:

Google Doc contains:

5 plant species and 5 animal

species that could survive in
our Porto Alegre biome with a
detailed explanation as to why
each was chosen.

The 5 plant and 5 animal

species selected are
mostly native to area.
Explanation included
some detail.

Some of the 5 plant

and 5 animal species
selected are native to
area. Explanation is

Few of the 5 plant and

5 animal species
selected are native to
area. Little to no
explanation provided.

Non-living items are included

that are functional for an
outdoor school campus.

Non-living items are

included and are
generally functional for
an outdoor school

Non-living items are

included and are
generally functional
for an outdoor school

Non-living items
included are not
functional for an
outdoor school

Food web illustrates

most interdependent
relationships within the

Food web illustrates

some interdependent
relationships within the

Food web illustrates

few interdependent
relationships within
the ecosystem.

2 examples of human
actions that would have a
beneficial effect on the
organisms in the
ecosystem were clearly
identified and explained
with some detail.

2 examples of human
actions that would have
a beneficial effect on
the organisms in the
ecosystem were clearly
identified. Explanation
is brief.

2 examples of human
actions that would have a
harmful effect on the
organisms in the
ecosystem were clearly
identified and explained
with some detail.
Most information was
logically sequenced;
audience was able to
follow along with ease
most of the time.

1-2 examples of
human activity that
would have a beneficial
or harmful effect on
the organisms in the
ecosystem were
identified. Little to no
explanation provided.

2 examples of human
actions that would have
a harmful effect on the
organisms in the
ecosystem were clearly
identified. Explanation
is brief.
Some information is
logically sequenced.
Occasional items of
information seem out of

Student used a clear voice with

good volume and maintained
eye-contact and did not read the

Students voice was clear

but spoke quietly and/or
used incorrect pacing.
There was some eye

Student incorrectly
pronounced terms.
Presentation was not
loud enough or pacing
was off.

Student was exceptionally

creative and original in design
and presentation of visual aids.

Student showed creativity

and originality in most
components of the visual

Student showed some

creativity and originality
in design and
presentation of visuals.

Food web illustrates all

interdependent relationships
within the ecosystem.
2 examples of human actions
that would have a beneficial
effect on the organisms in the
ecosystem were clearly
identified and explained.
2 examples of human actions
that would have a harmful
effect on the organisms in the
ecosystem were clearly
identified and explained.

-Speaks confidently
and expresses
ideas clearly

-Speaks confidently
and expresses
ideas clearly

Visual Aids
-Puts effort into
presenting work

Information was presented in a

clear and logical way, which
the audience could easily

Audience had difficulty

understanding the
presentation because
there was no clear
sequence of
Student mumbled,
pronounced terms,
was too quiet or just
read the presentation.
Student showed little
creativity and
originality in design
and presentation of

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