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First lady announces U.S.

pledge to
aid Pakistani girls' education
By Associated Press, adapted by Newsela staff on 10.27.15
Word Count 495

U.S. rst lady Michelle Obama (right) stands with Maryam Nawaz Sharif, daughter of Pakistani Prime
Minister Nawaz Sharif, as she speaks during an event in the Blue Room of the White House in Washington,
D.C., on Oct. 22, 2015. Obama announced a U.S. pledge of $70 million to support girls' education in
Pakistan. Photo: AP Photo/Susan Walsh

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. rst lady Michelle Obama promised that the United
States will help send 200,000 Pakistani girls to school.
Obama made her announcement at the White House on Thursday. She
welcomed her guests by saying the Muslim greeting "asalaam alaikum." It
means "peace be with you" in Arabic.
She said the U.S. will give $70 million for educating girls in Pakistan, a country
next to India. The money will help build more than a dozen schools and repair
hundreds more. It will also give girls job training and money to go to college.
The hope is that someday they will become the next generation of doctors,
teachers and businesswomen.

First Lady Believes In Education For All Girls

"These girls are all of our girls," Obama said. She said she feels very strongly
about education for girls. "I cannot look into the eyes of young women and not
see myself and not see my own daughters, and not want the best for them."
Kalsoom Nawaz Sharif, the wife of the Pakistani prime minister, was at the
announcement. Her husband leads the government of Pakistan. Their daughter,
Maryam Nawaz Sharif, was there too. She praised the rst lady's effort to
educate girls around the world.
Maryam Nawaz Sharif said Obama has inspired millions of girls. Her daughters,
Malia and Sasha, "could not have a better role model," she said.

Pakistan To Double Education Spending

At one point, Sharif joined hands with Obama. "We shall not rest until every girl
is learning and in school. We shall not rest until every mother is condent that
her daughter will have a better life than what she had," Sharif said.
Pakistan's government has promised to spend twice as much on education. It
will send more girls to school and hire more female teachers.
The rst lady is leading a program called Let Girls Learn. It will help more than
62 million teenage girls worldwide enroll and stay in school.
Obama said other countries have promised more than $800 million for the
program. The promises include $350 million from Japan and $200 million from
South Korea. Another $200 million will come from a partnership with the United

Educating Girls Is Good For Everyone

Susan Markham is with the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID). It is a part of the U.S. government that helps poor people around the
world. USAID is in charge of Let Girls Learn. Markham said girls are less likely to
go to elementary school than boys. They are also more likely to face problems
getting and nishing an education. She said educating girls helps everyone.
Markham said a good education changes their entire future. It also helps their
families, their communities and their country.
President Barack Obama and the rst lady began Let Girls Learn this year. They
have asked world leaders to help. Since March, the rst lady has traveled to
Japan, Cambodia and the United Kingdom to tell people about the program.


Based on information in the section "Pakistan To Double Education Spending,"

which of the following statements is TRUE?

Many people do not support the program to help education.


Some other countries are also helping send girls to school in



Only the United States is helping send girls to school in Pakistan.


Pakistan asked the United States for help because they needed
more money for education.

Which paragraph in the section "First Lady Believes In Education For All Girls"
explains that the leader of Pakistan supports the new program?

Read the sentence from the section "First Lady Believes In Education For All Girls."

She praised the rst lady's effort to educate girls around the
Which of the following words BEST replaces "praised" in the sentence without
changing the meaning of the sentence?









Read the sentence from the section "Pakistan To Double Education Spending."

It will help more than 62 million teenage girls worldwide enroll

and stay in school.
What is the most likely meaning of the word "enroll" as used in the sentence?








Answer Key

Based on information in the section "Pakistan To Double Education Spending,"

which of the following statements is TRUE?

Many people do not support the program to help education.


Some other countries are also helping send girls to school in



Only the United States is helping send girls to school in Pakistan.


Pakistan asked the United States for help because they needed
more money for education.

Which paragraph in the section "First Lady Believes In Education For All Girls"
explains that the leader of Pakistan supports the new program?
Paragraph 4:
Kalsoom Nawaz Sharif, the wife of the Pakistani prime minister, was at
the announcement. Her husband leads the government of Pakistan.
Their daughter, Maryam Nawaz Sharif, was there too. She praised the
first lady's effort to educate girls around the world.

Read the sentence from the section "First Lady Believes In Education For All Girls."

She praised the rst lady's effort to educate girls around the
Which of the following words BEST replaces "praised" in the sentence without
changing the meaning of the sentence?








Read the sentence from the section "Pakistan To Double Education Spending."

It will help more than 62 million teenage girls worldwide enroll

and stay in school.
What is the most likely meaning of the word "enroll" as used in the sentence?








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