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Simon Roig

Research Paper Proposal


In my research paper I will, to the best of my abilities, cover with utmost objectivity and lack of bias that
which stains human history and impedes the advancement of a peaceful and egalitarian society: State,
Economic, Biological, Cybernetic, Nuclear, Narco, and any other forms of terrorism.


My research paper will seek to answer the question, “What conditions lead to terrorism and how can it
be avoided?” I believe this is an important issue because it has manifested itself throughout history
time and time again and impacts all of our lives in more ways than one. Due to what is defined as
terrorism wars have been fought, lives and health have been lost, and social progress obstructed.

Proposed Research

The research I will conduct for this paper will include the most significant instances of terrorism
throughout the globe, their causes and effects, and the solution or stance that we can take in reaction.

Qualifications and Experience

While I have no first-hand experience in the field, I have been born and raised in a country that has a
history of a military dictatorship that targeted and killed members of the opposition in the numbers
ranging from 13,000-30,000. I also observed the collapse and bankruptcy of the nation due to corrupt
politics in 2001. My interest in the subject is also a qualification for further research.


For my research paper I will be using a variety of topics but the majority of my information will come
from the internet given that its reach is vast and readily available to the public. The sources will be listed
on my paper.

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