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Afghanistan War

By: Nicole, Emily and Collin

Progression of Different Governments/Rulers

1979- Soviet Army invades sets up communist government. Babrak Karmal installed as ruler.
1989- Soviet Troops finally withdraw. Afghanistan remained under PDPA (a communist party) for three more
1992- Collapse of the Soviet Union. The mujahedin won Afghanistan and converted it back into a Islamic State.
1996- Taliban (Pashtun supremacists) takes control of Kabul
2001- United States invades Afghanistan and overthrows Taliban
2004- Hamid Karzai is elected
2014- Ashraf Ghani is sworn as president
Collapse of the Soviet Union. The
mujahedin won back Afghanistan and
converted it back into a Islamic State.

Babrak Karmal

PDPA (symbol)


United States invades

Afghanistan and
overthrows Taliban


Hamid Karzai

Ashraf Ghani

Leaders Post-1978
Noor Mohammad Taraki
Hafizulla Amin
Babrak Karmal
Najibulla Ahmadzai
Sibghatulla Mojadeddi 1992
Burhanddi Rabbani 1992-1995
Mulla Mohammad Omar 1995-2001
Hamid Karzai 2001-2014

How they ruled

Each leader ruled differently depending on their party. Afghanistan has different
beliefs and multiple political systems which is why they fight a majority of battles
amongst themselves. For example if a leader is apart of the Democratic Republic of
Afghanistan you might see a more democratic lead and more freedom. This state of
Afghanistan rose after the coup in 1978. In 1992 they also created an Islamic State of
Afghanistan, Leaders during 1992-2001 can be expected to lead with more of a
religious leadership and less freedom. So many parties and changes (including
renaming the country) exist so it is hard to pinpoint exact leadership actions and
where the country is heading.

How the ruled

Noor Mohammad Taraki - one of the founding members of The Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA)
Hafizulla Amin - 2nd president during communist period of Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
Babrak Karmal - one of the founding members of PDPA, when PDPA split into two branches he became leader of the Parcham branch
Najibulla Ahmadzai- 4th president during communist period of Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
Sibghatulla Mojadeddi- Pashtun spiritual leader of Naqshbandi Sufi order. Creates National Liberation Front of Afghanistan and starts his
resistance fight against Soviet Army without assistance from the nation and builds up a large following because of the Sufi order that he
belongs to
Burhanddi Rabbani- Selected by a 15 member council as head of Jamiat-i-Islami of Afghanistan
Mulla Mohammad Omar - mission was to create a muslim state that would practice strict interpretation on Quran. Wanted to restore peace
and hand the power to politicians and experienced leaders
Hamid Karzai - Leader of interim government, comes from dominant Pashtun branch. Briefly supported Taliban before becoming suspicious
of them. Soon started campaign against Taliban after they killed his father. Supported by many

Countries-(Afghanistan) Approval
Approval for the leaders depended on where the population's political standpoint lies.
As with any country it all depends on the people. For afghanistan it mostly mattered
on what certain groups wanted, how religious they were, what religion, and if they are
influenced by western civilization which gives them a craving taste for some
democracy in their country.

U.S. Support and Involvement

President Bush declared and launched an attack on the axis of Evil. U.
S. military forces enter Afghanistan in late 2001, a few months after the
September 11 terrorist attacks. The US and its allies drove the Taliban
from power, and curtailed al Qaedas efforts to plan and execute
terrorists attacks. These gains, along with the killing of Osama bin
Laden in 2011, have come with large costs, including the death of more
than two thousand U.S. soldiers. Today the Afghanistan war is winding

Work Cited
" Afghanistan Leaders Kings Presidents." Afghanistan Leaders Kings Presidents. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
"The Kite Runner The History of Afghanistan during the Time of The Kite Runner." The Kite Runner The History of Afghanistan during the
Time of The Kite Runner. Grade Saver, n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
"Afghanistan Profile - Timeline - BBC News." BBC News. BBC, 30 Sept. 2015. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.

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